Training of the Caster Class

Dean took a sit down and grabbed one of the thick books that was in front of his. The first book that he got was entitled "Basic of Spirit Cultivation" then grabbed the rest of the other books "Basic Measurement of Materials" "Beginner Guide to Smelting Metals" "Beginners Guide to Fusing Materials" and last one was "Basic Divine Inscriptions".

All of the books had different thickness and different contents but all of them were all for artifact forging seems like Gilet was truly not just saying empty words when he said that he was going to hone him to become to an artificer.

The 5 books tackle the basic things that was needed components to become an artificer, Dean didn't want to argue about simple things such as this so he took the "Basic of Spirit Cultivation" book and started reading about it.

Opening the book he gave a quick glance the flame that was flickering on Gilets hands, the flame was emitting a high temperature making the library hotter than it should be so he spoke up "Master, can you take your flames out? It's not that good for the books and it's making it hard for me to concentrate." He said while wiping the sweat that started appearing on his brows.

Gilet gave him a look, smiled at him and said "Don't worry about the books my little disciple, I am spreading my qi around the library and the only things that is affected by it is you so you don't have to even think about anything being burned and focus on the book in your hands."

"Then can Master please make the heavenly also surround me? I am unable to concentrate because of the flames." He wipe the sweat that was building up on his forehead as he said this words, the temperature in the library for him was high that if there was no heavenly qi covering the books in the library they would most likely catch fire.

"Don't worry I am making it this way on purpose." The flames flickered as the air outside and inside the library begun to act as fuel for the flame "This is training Dean, just focus on the book and don't let the heat get to you, if you're able to last for 30 minutes then I will let you rest for 15 minutes so focus on that book, unless you say you can't take it anymore I will stop right away."

Seeing the smile on the face of Gilet with and with the tone of his last words Dean grinned and directed his look at the book then he said "Don't even think I don't know what you're doing Master, but I will gladly take the bait that you laid out for me." Dean started reading the book while simultaneously making his heavenly qi become a transparent sheet for him in order to make the burning sensation on his skin go down a bit.

As time went on Dean started feeling his heavenly qi was about to go out, the time it took for him to lose control of his heavenly qi was only 15 minutes since he started the book not long after he lose control of his heavenly qi the sheet he was relying to keep the heat away from his body finally broke down making him take a full brunt of the heat that was surrounding him.

"You need another 10 minutes to make it to your break Dean, just focus and try regaining your control in you qi after doing so create another sheet of qi to protect yourself." Remaining seated on his chair Gilet maintained the flame on his hands the same as it was before.

2 minutes later Dean took control of his qi and tried creating that protective sheet around, but for Dean to make it last longer was impossible for him and because of that just after another 2 minutes he once again lost his control of his qi making the heavenly qi around him crumble to nothingness.

This seen repeated itself for another 3 times before Gilet made the flame disappear from his hand and covered Dean who was sweating like crazy with his heavenly qi "Good job on lasting that long, take a 15 minutes break then go back to reading, focus on regaining your qi or else I will roast you."

The threat of Gilet was not empty words this was his thoughts, if he didn't comply with his instructions then he just might roast him alive, Dean also didn't want to make a fuss about it. Although he had a slight doubt that this will help him in becoming an artificer he still wanted to continue about it.

He saw how much enthusiasm Gilet had when he learned what his affinity was and base on his experience on dealing with hypocrites and lies from his past world he knew if someone was lying to him and Gilet was not lying to him when he said that he will make him an artificer that's what his insight says about him.

After another 15 minutes Dean didn't wait for Gilet to call out and grabbed the book he was previously reading, seeing this Gilet gave a satisfied smile and said "Dean, what page are you in now?"

"Page 14 of 365, I am still quite slow in this sorry about that."

"Don't worry, but it from what just happened I doubt that you remembered anything from that so repeat it from start until you can memorize the most important part." Gilet said as he started the flame from his left hand once again.

He wasn't saying this to make Dean have a longer time reading the book that he had, it was for the fact that he wanted for him to memorize or understand the book he was reading, being able to read is not enough he had to comprehend what it says no matter the circumstances and what he was doing right now like he said earlier was training for Dean.

A Caster in battle needs to memorize and keep the complex amount of information in their heads in order for them to command the elements around them, but some Casters fail at this when they are engage in a fight because they do not have a calm mind and heart as they are perturbed by the events happening around them.

Because of this Gilet thought of this training, he wasn't making it hard for Dean without a reason, he was trying to simulate a rather abnormal environment for him in order to create a suitable training space for him in the future.

This training may not work for most caster but it works for people that wants to become an artificer in the future, an artificer works at an environment is like in an oven being baked there slowly if they do not have the mind or the heart to keep their calm as they faced the burning sensation on their faces.

So this reading session with Dean was in a way a thing that he will face in the future if he continued to follow the path of being an artificer, this is not the only reason why he is doing this it was also to use up the heavenly qi inside Dean.

Pushing the limits of a person stimulates the potential of growth, this training will let him continuously circulate the heavenly qi inside his body resulting in helping his cultivation. He was already surprise that Dean had actually lasted for 30 minutes considering the current level of his cultivation, but when he thought of how he had the primal chaotic flame he deemed it reasonable that he might have a slight resistance to heat.

Right now he needed Dean to learn while simultaneously making his strength go forward and advance further in order for him to reach the Caster Class faster and this training was perfect. But he was not expecting what Dean would say to him…

"It was no problem Master, I already memorized the contents of what I had read so continue on with the training I am planning to reach page 50 after this one." With his enthusiasm Dean urge Gilet to start the training he had for him.


Please Read: Like I previously said the story will go forward here, no more going back and forth, so stay tuned and tell me what you think.

Oh a big thank you for the people who voted and reviewed my novel