
The training of Dean didn't stop until noon time, he had rested for a total of 6 times and read a total 117 pages out 365. He was almost half done with the book, Gilet who was giving him this training was truly amazed when he saw this, he was shocked then delighted because the more capable Dean was the more he had the confidence for the future.

As Gilet shrouded Dean with his heavenly qi to protect him from the residual heat that remained in the library, Dean focused on recovering his heavenly qi and as he was doing this Gilet put out the flames that he was putting out and said "Dean, what page did you reach this time around?"

Dean with his heavenly qi returning in him sat straight on the chair and said "Currently I am on page 117 of 365." He lifted the book in front of him and checked if he got that right and after confirming that what he said was right he nodded his head for confirmation.

"So you're at page 117, but like I told you before you have to comprehend and understand what you are reading in order for it to be effective, with that said recite what's the content of chapter 2 page 43 to 67 and tell me what you understand about it." taking the book from Dean Gilet kept it on his hands to make sure what Dean was about to say was from his memory alone.

Clearing his throat Dean didn't hesitate and started reciting the contents of the given chapter and page "Basic of the Spirit Cultivation: chapter 2: page 43 to 67 states that the mind is something that needs to strong and with the strengthening of the mind the spirit follows.

"The spirit must be strong to create a strong artifact, cultivating the spirit is hard and arduous and would need a lot of time, if the spirit of the artificer is weak then the divine inscription will also become weak and unstable so training the spirit is important."

"Page 43 to 67 have long and words and paragraphs but comprehending those words and reciting those words only needs to be short, the shorter you comprehend them the better because that means you're able to understand it to the point of simplicity." Gilet didn't even check what was written oin the book but he already that what Dean said was correct.

"You did good kid, but don't let this get in to your head, with your speed of reading and control your heavenly qi you won't even be able reach the 7th level of Body Refinement before 6 months, in this little training of yours I already know what you're missing." Gilet stood up from the chair and went out of the library.

Dean was about to stand up and follow but his mind and body was too exhausted to even stand up, he was feeling the hunger in him and it's unbearable for him to keep it down, he needed to eat something for him to regain his strength.

Not long after Gilet went back to the library and saw Dean trying to stand up "Don't try to stand up, your mind is still tired and you have no energy in you, eat this and regain your strength." Gilet threw a fruit the shape size of an apple with a color of peach, the fruit like object smelled sweet making Dean's mouth to water.

Without hesitation he threw the fruit inside his mouth and after he did a bitter taste spread in his mouth which caught him off guard, Dean coughed and was about to spit the fruit but found a hand was covering his mouth.

"Don't, that "Bitter Peach Apple" will make your body feel full for a while, that is the only thing that I can give you for now before going back. If you spit that out I will burn you with my flames." Gilet said as he waited for Dean to swallow the fruit back in.

Swallowing the fruit Dean glared at him and shouted "What was that!? Are you trying to kill me? I was unable to breathe for a minute there what we…" his mouth was once again covered with an arm which made him unable to speak.

Gilet returned the glare that was given to him and said "Watch your tone Dean, you are my disciple so listen to me I am not doing this to make things hard for you, I need you to become stronger and I know you also want to."

Gilet took his hands off Dean's mouth and went to the chair that he was originally seating on. Dean lowered his head and said "Sorry about that… Master, I was just caught off guard." Dean realized his wrongs and apologized, Gilet was his Master and a master is someone like a parent to anyone, they hone their disciple for the future and guide them to a path for the future and Gilet said that it was for him so he didn't have anything to say about it and he was in the wrong.

"It's alright don't mention it, I am still not use to teaching someone so I also some shortcomings, but listen to me all I am doing is to make you improve faster so bear with it Dean, I don't want to keep anything from you, Dean your training is to make you an artificer in the shortest time, I know you have some questions why is that because of that I will first answer some questions that you have been wanting to asks me since this morning." Gilet crossed his arms and waited for Dean's questions.

Dean looked at Gilet and found that his intention was actually visible to him since this morning ---- was I that obvious? ---- As he looked at Gilet, he knew how sincere he was to him in wanting him to become strong, he swallowed his saliva and said "I only want to know one thing and that is what happened to the other 4 helpers why did they quit?"

Gilet was surprise to here this question but nonetheless he still answered "The other 2 didn't have any affinity to the flame elements and as for the other 2 they quit after 2 hours of training here, is that all? I told you I will answer anything you want to know."

Dean shook his head and said "Nothing at all, I have a feeling that if I ask you, you will lie and that will only make it harder for me to train under you, I am content with that. Master, I will be frank to you so you will know what my goal is, I want to get stronger faster and before 1 year pass I need to become an artificer so please help me, my goal seemed to be aligned with yours so I will trust you Master."

Feeling that his strength has somewhat returned to him Dean get off his chair and kowtowed to the ground 3 times "I meet Master, please guide and train me in the path if an artificer."

It was said that a man have gold on their knees making them unable to kneel to anyone unless it was their parents, the heaven, and the master that will guide them. Dean knew this but he had not done this because he thought that he only had to watch Gilet in order to learn how to become an artificer.

However, he now learned that Gilet was serious on nurturing him to become an artificer in the future even if Gilet had some motives that he didn't know why he was doing this Dean knew that he had his reasons, he also have them but he wasn't asked by Gilet either.

Dean felt that he was being disrespectful to Gilet if he didn't do this now, he wanted to also want to show his sincerity to his new master and this is the only way he could and to learn faster. He finally understood this point, he stood up and said to Gilet.

"I have been disrespectful since we met and even when I accepted Master as my Master I was still disrespectful to the end, but please forgive and guide me." Dean lowered his head as he asked to Gilet.

Gilet was stupefied as to what was happening but seeing that his sincerity was actually paid back this fast he felt that his plan of making Dean to become an artificer in a year was plausible "Raise you head Dean, I was already planning to guide you even without you doing that, you acknowledge me as your master and that is enough, don't make this more awkward than it already is."

Dean raise his head and said "Yes, if you say so, you said something about my problem earlier right? Let just continue our discussion from there."

Gilet gave a dry coughed and said "Right, your problem is for some reason you have no experience in handling your heavenly qi, it's like you have not use it since you were a kid your control is to roughed that even a 9 years old is better than you.

"So to fix that you need something that will make you use your heavenly qi to its fullest, I already have an idea where to send you to improve this problem even a little bit. You accepted me as your master so follow my orders alright?" Gilet gave him rather sinister manner.

Looking at Gilet, Dean felt that he actually made a mistake answering the sincerity given to him.