9. Chapter 8

Omen's POV

Undertaker's abrupt death left a huge question mark.

Why did he choose to die? And so suddenly too.

Given that he was wanted by the Grim Reapers for tampering with human lives, Mike, who was already in the appearance of a Grim Reaper, decided to take his body back to the headquarters. He also had to provide his statement about the matter.

As Mike doesn't leave any stones untouched, he did a thorough search on Undertaker's body with the help of Dice. When the results came out, he gave me a solemn expression before he flew off with Undertaker's cadaver.

Meanwhile, he left Dice to inspect Undertaker's shop and I was made to stay and help fixed the mansion. Moreover, I also had to lend a hand at Ciel's business.

As I stepped into the business room where Ciel is frowning over a document at his desk, I picked up the fallen documents on the floor.

"It's been a month and your partner is not back?"

"Micheal did briefly mentioned that he will be back tonight." I placed the new stack of documents near the corner of his desk. "So how is the paperwork?"

"Boring... as usual." He clasped his hands in front of him before he looked up. "Care for a game of chess?"

I nodded in agreement.

He gestured his hands to a simply crafted oak coffee table. Just before we sat down on the couches, Sebastian silently wheeled a trolley into the room. He then expertly poured the tea into a cup and the smell of warm Darjeeling tea permeated the room.

"Oh!" I cried out before patting my clothes. "Before I forget, this should be returned back to you."

I took out a chain of lockets from my pant pocket. On one of the lockets, there is a date and a name engraved: 13 July 1866, Claudia P. In other words, this locket belonged to Ciel's grandmother, Claudia Phantomhive. I wasn't quite clear why Undertaker had this locket but I was very certain at his last words that he was very attached to the Phantomhive family, especially Claudia.

Ciel took it and glanced at it in his hands, appearing to be deep in thought.

"Even if you have questions, I cannot answer them." I continued. "But Undertaker… would definitely want you to safe keep his precious treasures."

He nodded slowly.

"I give my thanks to you." He looked up. "Without you and Micheal, I wouldn't have found out about all of these things. Including the fact that he was trying to revive members of my family."

I gave a shrug while moving a chess piece.

"It's bound to happen. Whatever's been written will come to play. But… now, I don't know what will happen."

I saw his interest was piqued when he leaned his body forward and narrowed his eyes at me. There was a calculative look in his eyes because of my words. I gave an action of a zip to my lips and stared right back at him determinedly.

It was a taboo to speak of a character's fate to the character.

"While I cannot give you what you want," I spoke up, my tone promising of something different. "I am very sure that you will want to hear what we are going to say to you later."

"Very well then." Ciel relented at last, turning his attention to the chess board. "Please… make a move."


"So how's the Grim Reaper's organisation?" I asked Mike mischievously as we settled into the chairs surrounding a solid round table with refreshments prepared.

He sighed tiredly as he tousled his hair.

"They have a stricter and more rigid system than the Library. It is exhausting due to the mountain of paperwork."

"For a bookworm to comment how tiring it is, then the Grim Reaper Organisation is certainly scarier than the Library."

I laughed lightly as I poured a cup of Chamomile tea for Mike. Its soothing aroma wafted around the room and the calming effect of the tea could be visibly seen when Mike relaxed his tense body.

"Micheal, you finally come back." Ciel called out as he sauntered into the room with Sebastian at his tail. "I was afraid you were tied down by those fools."

"It seems like I have made you worried, Lord Phantomhive." Mike replied smoothly as he took a sip of the tea.

"Alright! Since everyone is here, I think it is better to first talk about the current situation.

I had brought Undertaker's body back to the headquarters and made my paperwork. Although the Grim Reapers are a bit dubious about how I came about his body, I managed to get away with the excuse that he was dead by the time I came by and with a little help of this wonder bottle that persuaded them to accept my answers."

He lifted up a small bottle that contains hallucination powder that can lower the metal defences of the person we targeted.

"Omen, what about your side?"

"Everything seems to be back to normal. No signs of the Black Pearls or any minions of Dark Shadow. It seems like he withdrew his influence from this World." I said.

"The situation is under control then. Now, I'm sure everyone is wondering about the results to the key that Undertaker gave to Omen so… Dice, where does the key lead to?"

Dice appeared next to Mike with a 'pop' sound. Ciel widened his eyes in amazement but didn't comment.

"Master, Mistress," Dice greeted. "The key leads to the hidden basement of Undertaker's shop where there are evidence of production of the Black Pearls. Containers. Science experiments. However..."

"No one was there. Somehow, Dark Shadow was tipped off and withdrew the production and factory." Dice nodded in affirmation at my words. "I guess that was expected."

"So everything was cleared out?"

"No. I searched the whole shop and fortunately found these items from a hidden safe on the floor hidden by a worn out carpet which matched Undertaker's key."

A small compartment opened up in Dice's body and his mechanical arms took out the items and placed them gently on the table.

There was a cinematic record and a vial of unknown silvery substance that swirled and bubbled softly.

"This is Undertaker's record." Mike said in wonderment as he held up the object.

"Now why would he gave us his record?" Ciel frowned at it.

"Probably it links to his odd actions." I offered a suggestion. "It's quite clear none of us understand why he had to die so suddenly."

"That's true." Mike nodded in agreement. "Perhaps death was the only answer to escape something?"

Without a second to lose, He activated the cinematic record. It floated into the air, releasing the tapes for everyone to witness.

As the tapes rolled, we saw the starting of the partnership between Undertaker and Dark Shadow and the success of the development of the Black Pearls. Then the tapes rolled even faster as though it wanted to reveal the contents urgently. It shivered and coughed out parts where Undertaker found out about Dark Shadow's ideals to control the living, his fruitless attempts to break off the partnership and finally, Dark Shadow forcing him to eat a Black Pearl to monitor and control him.

"Don't worry partner, I merely feared for your safety."

Although Dark Shadow's face was concealed in darkness, we could feel his sinister tone of voice mocking at Undertaker's despair. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth in anger.

There was a sound of splintered wood before I faintly heard a mumble of apology from Mike to Ciel for the damages to the chair he was sitting on. It seemed I wasn't the only one boiling with anger. I took a deep breath and focused on the records.

The cinematic records slowed down as it began to enter a scene where Undertaker resolved to find ways to counter the effects of the Black Pearl he had taken out of him secretly. Fortunately, he succeeded as he used a vial of silvery substance that bubbled and swirled around to pour over the Black Pearl. The very same vial of substance that is now lying on the table in front of us.

As Undertaker poured over the Black Pearl, it dissolved the container and overpowered the black chaotic matter. What was left was the innocent looking silver substance that swirled around and bubbled contently.

The cinematic record ended there.

It hovered for a moment before it dropped onto the table with a lifeless 'clank!' sound.

"So this... is the solution to the Black Pearls?" Sebastian asked as he observed the vial of silvery substance on the table.

"That is the most probable answer." Mike answered. "So Undertaker died to escape Dark Shadow's influence."

He muttered softly. Except for me, the rest didn't managed to catch his words.

"This thing is more powerful than the Black Pearl. It manages to dissolve the Black Pearl. If we can find out what this is made of..."

"We can mass produced it and eradicate the Black Pearls!" I exclaimed, rising up.

Ciel coughed to bring attention to him. "Before you guys get excited, can you please elaborate what exactly is happening? Who is this Dark Shadow that you spoke of?"

Heat appeared on my cheeks, earning a snigger from Mike.

"Alright then," I coughed and cleared my throat. I sat down and composed myself. "We, the Guardians, have been around for a few centuries. As far as I know, our feud with Dark Shadow started around the moment the higher ranks took over the reins of our leader who went missing."

"And who is this Dark Shadow?" Ciel inquired again.

"Dark Shadow is a rogue Guardian who uncovered a large portion of his powers that are far stronger than any average Guardian. From past records, it is believed he became obsessed with power and went against the Library. He wants the most powerful thing in all worlds and universes which is Imagination." Mike explained.

Ciel raised one of his eyebrows sceptically.

"Think about it." It was Sebastian's turn to explain. "Without Imagination, you cannot run a business without innovative ideas to rope in consumers and raise your profits. Without Imagination, you will not be able to think of creative schemes against your foes. Without Imagination, you cannot solve the Queen's cases. There will be a halt not only to your progress but also to the growth of all the worlds and universes."

I continued after him. "But that is the crux of what Imagination can do. Imagination is behind the existence of everything you know, all the Worlds that you can think of. Imaginary or non-imaginary ones. So if Dark Shadow consumes Imagination, nothing will be left except him. And that's why we protect it."

There was a brief moment of silence before Ciel looked at the three of us in amusement. It was obvious he didn't quite buy into what we had said.

"I can swear that as the acting leader of the Library that what we had said is the absolute truth." Mike suddenly said.

I was surprised by Mike's sudden take of oath. It was also the first time he had used this title. It was true though. With all the Elders missing and the only ones active are us, he becomes something like a leader because he was older and more experienced than me. He stared deeply at the young Earl.

"We need your help."

It took a moment for Ciel to contemplate his gains and losses by joining us. "So how do I come into this?"

Mike, Sebastian and I breathed a sigh of relief. Ciel has agreed to work with us. I passed a piece of paper to him and when he skimmed across it, he smiled.

"You want me to become a demon?"

"You have powerful connections but have nothing to defend yourself against any soldiers from Dark Shadow." Mike bluntly stated. I elbowed him.

"That makes sense. Sebastian cannot always be with me. If I have to fight, I will need greater power." Ciel agreed, not minding the direct bluntness at his most obvious weakness.

"However," I interjected, my eyes sparkling. "You will need training."

"Of course." Ciel replied. He leaned forward on the table with his hands clasped in front of him. Eyeing all of us, he said, "but when do we start?"

Grinning impishly, I shared a look with Mike. Then we glanced at Ciel.
