10. Chapter 9

Omen's POV

Ps: I made a month long data log but I summarised them into this month's last week's log.

Monday- Sword fighting lessons with Francis Midford

The first lesson of the month was very impressionable.

I could hardly contain my surprise that Ciel invited his mother-in-law, Marchioness Francis Midford, to teach us sword fighting.

She was a famed swordswoman and currently still a formidable sparring partner. Despite being married, she still kept herself up to the regiment because of her well-toned body and her sharp gaze. I salute her for having such a dedication.

He entirely forgot that he had arranged an appointment with her in the morning. So when Sebastian worked him up and run him through the day's appointments, he panicked the moment he heard of her name. It wasn't until she arrived an hour earlier, did we realised why her presence warrant such a ruckus.

As it turned out, she was a person who has little tolerance for tardiness.

To start off, she sent us on gruelling warm-up exercises that could make a grown body builder wept in shame and an intense sword fighting session that would make any professionals' dazzling sword fight pale in comparison. Even if I wasn't human, I could feel my muscles turning sore under the torture to the point of feeling like a jelly. Throughout the whole session, she was extremely strict and concise about her teachings, never compromising and making short cuts for us.

Of course, I was extremely fortunate to meet Ciel's fiancée, Elizabeth Midford. Ciel was... extremely surprised to find that she knew how to wield a sword. And that's why I literally threw the girl to Ciel to have some couple time.

It was plainly obvious to bystanders why the girl didn't tell him she was a prodigy at swords yet pretended to be naive and weak to be protected.

Naturally, Francis was upset that I wasn't conscious of the code of conduct expected of a lady when she saw me doing that. Nevertheless, she knew how important this moment was for the young couple.

So as a mini revenge for what I did to her daughter, she used the excuse that she would be coaching me and have her capable prodigy daughter to coach Ciel.

Let's just say that I respected and hated her at the end of the day.

Tuesday - Magic training

This is my most favourite training because using magic was certainly a lot easier than wielding weapons. Well, in my opinion. Of course, I knew the rationale behind using ordinary weapons. There are always situations when magic would be totally useless in non-magical Worlds and against high magical resistance objects.

We had Ciel sit out and watched Sebastian, Mike and I have a mock battle. The reason why we asked him to do that was so that he could train himself to sense the fluctuation of magic in the air before we temporarily change him into a demon. He had his servants, Meyrin, Finny and Bardroy to set out a beach table and chairs with an umbrella propped opened to shade him from the blazing sun.

So for the whole duration of training, he was literally sitting down there, leisurely sipping his Earl Grey tea while observing us.

I was so jealous of Ciel that I made sure some of my attacks "accidentally" fell on him. Needless to say, he wasn't amused by my antics when he was doused with water from the remnants of my magic, "Rain delights". (An ironic magic spell that summons a small patch of grey cloud and make that cloud rain. This reduces the visibility of the opponent or simply used to prank on someone. It is INEFFECTIVE to be used for battles.)

Wednesday - Physical Training

I had physical training with Phantomhive servants; Meyrin, Finny and Bardroy. Mr Tanaka was also one of the servants but due to his old age, he was at the side, sipping tea while chuckling at our training.


He merely dropped a few tips here and there. Mostly when I was teaching the servants, he didn't really interfere much. So, I spent most part of the day brushing up and upgrading their skills.

On the surface, Meyrin was a flustered bespectacled maid who had a crush on Sebastian (it was so evident I had to hide my laughter when I saw her blushing furiously whenever she was near him). But her marksmanship really shocked me when she could nail down targets from far away.

I decided to raise her abilities by teaching her how to decrease the level of attack from people who wields magic. The lesson only includes making her identify the key points of magic spells (they are easily spotted in the air when the mages were creating them) and telling her to aim them to break the spell. I'm proud to say that she was quite a fast learner because she managed to nail down most of my attacks before I have a chance to fire.

(I'm already one of the fastest casters in the Library and to be outdone by a monstrous human is just..! I don't know whether to weep or laugh.)

Finny was a superhuman and his job was a gardener so I had to work on him to be extra careful in controlling his strength. As of now, his attempts only resulted in tattered flowers and badly trimmed trees. However, the bonus from all these were that he was able to withstand and carry the weight of heavy objects so I wasn't able to think of something to use that ability of his.

Bardroy was a Chef as well as an ex-military man. Usually... women would have flock around such men who have such aesthetics but such a man like him will greatly disappoint them.

I cannot fathom why he would think of such an idea to use a flamethrower to cook the food faster because using the oven was too slow. I was halfway through giving up on him until I decided upon a marvellous tactic to torture him to train his patience: making him cut thin strips of cucumber and carrots to make a salad. (What? It's a healthy snack.) And hence, I made a grown man cry out in frustration throughout the whole day.

Thursday - Free! day

I burst with joy when Mike couldn't think up of what to do and decided to just let everyone enjoy the day. Sebastian was slightly relieved before he smiled creepily at Ciel with a mountain-like stack of business papers in his arms. He paled immediately and groaned before heading into his room to sign the papers and check the business records.

I was contemplating whether I should refine my magic skills or have a tour around the town but decided to stay in the mansion. Mike opted to do the same and holed himself up in Ciel's library to do some "light reading". I shivered to think what hard-core non-fiction books he might be reading.

We are going to have a meeting with Sebastian tomorrow at dawn. Mike's voice reverberated in my mind.

"I wonder what it is about..." I muttered before closing the door to my room. I was holding onto a cup of water. If you are thinking that I am drinking it, you are totally wrong. I'm using it as a medium to release my mesias. I placed it on the table.

"Mirror replication: Stage 1, Mesias" My eyes flashed gold when I muttered lightly. The water in the cup rippled before the water divided into 4 parts and leaped to the ground, forming silhouettes that are around my height. Not long after, the portions of water formed 4 identical Omens, except with different hair and eye colours. They are my mesias.

"Oh brother, you're here!"

"Dearest sister, it's been too long!"

2 mesias with blonde hair and honey gold eyes, a girl and a boy embraced each other tenderly. Meet the twins whom I decided to call them Yin and Yang who wields the power of fire and water respectively.

"Please, stop doing that. I feel sick whenever both of you start it." The other mesias with green eyes and hair imitated retching noises while the last mesias, silver eyes and hair looked at the rest in amusement. They are Envilia and Shiro respectively. They each mastered the power of nature and air.

"It always feels weird looking at copies of me." I commented with a wry smile. "Especially when the twins did their act of affection. Feels like I'm professing my love to myself."

"Sister, don't listen to Omen. She doesn't understand our sibling bonds." The brother cupped his sister's ears in mocked fright. She giggled before swatting his hands away.

"Alright, you can stop playing around now." I clapped my hands to get their attention. "I only know how to activate the 1st stage of mirror replication but I feel like I'm reaching the 2nd stage soon. What's the 2nd stage about?"

"The 2nd stage is the ability to copy the appearances of other people." Shiro replied softly, her white sundress fluttering slightly in the stray breeze that went into the room. She gave a very wise and ethereal feel to the rest of the group and puts us at ease with her warm smile. "As you know this special magic has only two stages. But before you get excited, you should get to know us first before you advance. We are after all, the mesias who individually hold each of your elemental powers."

"Like creating time slots for us to come out and exercise." Piped Envilia with a very evil look.

"I don't think I can agree to that with the expression you just gave." I gave a forced smile.

"Then what can we do?" Yin asked.

"Hmm... I haven't fully explored stage 1 so I think we should just do that." I planted my butt to the ground and the rest followed.

"The 1st Stage is about me creating copies of me, right?"

"That's the lame man's explanation. If you want a more accurate one, we are derived from your innermost feelings and wishes." Yang replied while fashioning out a pair of spectacle to look more mature and convincing. Instead of looking like a professor, he looked more like a nerd.

"Also, you can still change our appearances and our fighting styles. Everything just comes from your mind." Added Envilia. "Please grant me a gothic look with some badass powers instead of this yucky seaweed appearance."

"Then this will be fun." I rubbed my hands excitedly.

Staring at Envilia, I pictured her with onyx eyes and jet black hair. Her ivy green dress was subsequently turned into a leather jacket with a white shirt and a pair of blue jeans. Just as how Envilia had said, her appearance changed in a flash. Her lips curled upwards and whistled in delight.

"Now the twins because your names doesn't fit your looks."

"What?!" They simultaneously screeched. "We look perfect. It's your naming sense that is horrendous!"

"You wound me." I faked a heart wound. "Besides, Yin and Yang are perfect for you guys so it's just your looks that just doesn't fit."

"Either that or she just doesn't like how gold both of you look like." Envilia sniggered. Twins glared at me while I raised my hands as a sign to surrender.

Yang sighed. "Alright, just don't make me look like a toad."

"And don't make me look too dull." Added the sister. Then the twins covered each other's eyes with their hands.

With a snap of my fingers, the twins' golden appearance instantly transformed into something else I can finally stomached.

"It's horrible, right?" They squeaked out while still covering each other's eyes.

"How do you know it's horrible when you didn't even take a peek?" Shiro chuckled.

"It isn't?" Yin moved her brother's hand a little and peeked open her eyes. And then her eyes widened in amazement. "Oh hey, brother... your electric blue hair is awesome. Totally fits your water powers."

"You're not too bad yourself, Yin. That strawberry blonde hair and pink eyes makes you so much cuter!" He pinched her cheeks.

"Yes, thank me for that. I have a brilliant brain for giving you guys such a cute and cool look." They gave a deadpan look while Envilia roared with laughter and Shiro giggled.

"What about Shiro?" Yin asked. Everyone stared at her while she gave a small smile.

"She's good." I replied and the rest immediately agreed, not wanting to change her deity-like looks.

There was a brief moment of silence before Yang decided to stand up and do a chicken dance. To make matters worse, Yin even stood up and started chasing her brother around like a predator playing around with its prey. Envilia joined in the fun and went rampaged around the room. It was so chaotic that all of us didn't even know what happened but... I guess it was fun and I felt a little closer to my mesias.