31. HP Chapter 3

Mike's POV

It was decided by Professor Dumbledore that I was to aid Hagrid in his Care of Magical Creatures Classes for the duration of my stay here.

So here I am.

Watching the class of students from the Slytherin and Gryffindor Houses gasped in awe as the Hippogriffs was led in front of them. The creatures stared down on them haughtily as they tugged at the thick chains that Hagrid held on and stretched their powerful wings.

Hagrid was no less overjoyed to share the joy of teaching the students with me about the "gentle creatures" as he would call them. To be honest, I could relate to him about how majestic the creatures were.

But gentle?

That was where the difference between us lay.

A bonus is that being a Guardian allowed me to easily converse with anyone regardless of the language barrier. Hence, this job was easy to me because the beasts were more susceptible to me due to this ability.

Perhaps the only type of organism that most Guardians and I could not talk to is the plants. That ability is curiously opened to those who are closer to nature like Omen because of her elemental affinity. I do believe that she once commented that it didn't feel like talking but more like feeling. Connecting with nature was rawer and more intimate than with anyone since there wasn't much of a barrier except your heart has to be open and accepting.

I knew that opening myself to others was nearly impossible.


Meeting Kagura and then Omen, it seemed like it was possible. My past memories became a shackle to me, preventing me from truly reaching out to people.


She had never once forced me to reach out. She… was always so patient. And forceful too, for she could never give up the opportunity to get me out of the Library to attend the festivals. Kagura loosened my shackles, telling me in her actions that I… I am not my past self.

While Omen…

Though our time together was miniscule compared to Kagura, she was an irreplaceable person in my life as a Guardian. Yet, I was unable to separate the girl in my memories, past Omen from the Omen now. Despite how I treated her, how much I was a jerk to her, she still stood her ground.

I only feared that once Omen realised who I once was to her... she would come to hate me. If she does by that time, I would gladly give her my life to repay the debts I owed to her.

A ruffle of wings shook me out of my thoughts when a proud Hippogriff with a beautiful coat of inky black and a white teardrop on its forehead stood in front of me. While the creatures are half horse and half bird, their gleaming coats that changed smoothly from feathers to hair was something that I could never quite get my fascination over it.

*Caldwell is speaking in his own tongue. I couldn't bold his words in here so I had to resort to other measures.

"Long time no see, Caldwell."

Unblinkingly, I gave him a bow and watched his reaction. His orange eyes gave a cursory glance over me before sinking into his own form of a bow.

Smiling to myself at his words, I came over and gave him a few strokes on his beak. In response, he blinked his eyes lazily while leaning more towards my touch.

I chuckled at the tone of annoyance in his words. I had the pleasure of getting to know Caldwell in my previous mission so he easily recognised me.

When I turned around, I was given a shock to find that the class had been silently watching me interact with Caldwell.

Hagrid gave a beaming smile.

"And that's how yer do it, just like how Professor Evans done it. Now remember, Hippogriffs are proud. Easily offended, they're. Don't insult one, 'cause that might be the last thing you do."

Then, he turned his head around to ask who wanted to give a try.

I didn't try to volunteer any of the students since I didn't know them that well, instead I was observing for potential troublemakers. Mainly Draco Malfoy. After all, this scene was when things that could go wrong, would go out of planned.

Unsurprisingly, Harry got up to volunteer as an effort to show support for Hagrid. Visibly happy from Harry's actions, Hagrid decided to pass the grey Hippogriff, Buckbeak for him to try.

"The Mad Queen adored by all is found in the story of magic. A book about the golden trio.

Worry not if you have not figured out. The answer will appear when you least expect it. And hurry… before it is too late."

A sudden revelation appeared in my thought when the riddle came to me. I realised that the golden trio in the Alice's letter could possibly mean that the 3rd letter was in this world since Harry, Hermione and Ron made up the golden trio.

What are the odds? I thought as an ominous feeling came over me.

When Harry came back after being allowed a rare ride on Buckbeak, the other students emboldened by him decided to give a try. The lesson was going quite well until it was Draco's turn. Draco Malfoy always had something against Harry Potter and whoever was connected to him. So, in this case, he decided to offend Buckbeak.

A very poor choice.

Before I knew it, I was standing in front of Draco. My right hand was gripping Ravenna's watch tightly while my back was facing the offended Hippogriff. Hagrid immediately held onto the chain of the angry Hippogriff who was straining against it to get back at the boy. The pale blond-haired boy had fallen on his back and was staring up at me in fright.

"Idiot!" I roared at him in anger. "Pay attention to Professor Hagrid instead of thinking up little schemes with your goons! Ten points from Slytherin!"

He flinched at my words.

"Professor! Your back!"

One of the students, Lavender Brown cried out in alarm as she pointed. At the mention of my injury, I felt a ferocious burning that run across my back, my right arm also had a deep gash on back of my bicep. So much that I nearly fell to my knees. The only thing that kept me up was my pride.

I refused to fall in front of a bunch of youngsters.

I wasn't sure if I was lucky or not because I didn't have to control my healing rate. This time, the restriction was a healing rate similar to that of humans. I frowned deeply when I realised that I had changed the course of the story.

Draco should have been the one who was injured, but I had taken his place.

"I'm alright, I'll just need to be patch up at Madam Pomfrey's. Hagrid, continue with your class. I will go to the infirmary with Mr Malfoy."

Hagrid nodded his head feebly. His face had gone really pale. While Buckbeak huffed angrily, one of his fierce orange eyes glaring at Draco.

"On second thoughts..."

I dragged the boy up and forced him in front of the upset Hippogriff. I nearly stumbled at the effort to move the boy.

"You should apologise to Buckbeak."

"Why should I..." He immediately shut up when he saw my glare.

Turning his gaze to the creature with a rebellious huff, he mumbled out an apology. Buckbeak squawked angrily and scratched the earth roughly. I lightly slapped Draco's head.

"Louder. And with more sincerity!"

I heard a torrent of curses about me from Draco's mind before he sucked in a breath and apologised properly. The creature blinked its eye before ruffling its feathers. He stopped resisting against his collar and calmed down. Scratching the ground, his deep gravelly voice resounded in my head.

The voice of Buckbeak reverberated through my mind. I sighed and took a step forward. The children gasped at my 'bold' move. I ignored their reactions. They don't know these Hippogriffs like I do. They would never hurt me unless I offend them… which is something I do a lot because of my proud nature. I wondered how I haven't got maimed by them yet but perhaps I was a special case.

"You shouldn't concern yourself with immature children. You guys are better than that."

He pointed his beak at my injuries. I gave a sliver of a smile before patting his beak.

"It's alright. Now if you will excuse me..."

I lightly grabbed the back of Draco's neck before shoving him towards the direction of the castle. The boy began to complain about the pain that I was giving him. I ignored it since he was a drama queen.

"I have a back to heal and a punishment to hand out."

That made the pale boy pale even more.

"My father... will hear about this!"

"About the fact that you got a teacher injured? I think not."

"Wait! Professor, let us help out." Hermione cried out as she stepped forward with Harry and Ron.

They must have noticed that I was having difficulty moving because the longer I stayed, the pain on my back was doubling. Staring at them with hardened eyes, I could only manage a faint nod. Trying to keep myself upright was becoming an effort.

Draco realised that I was starting to use him as a support. He adjusted to hold me with the trio to hold me steady and carry me to the infirmary.

"Hagrid, continue with the class but I think just use one or two hippogriffs."

I called out as I stumbled there.


"It's rare to see a teacher getting injured. Much less a helper teacher getting injured on his first day!" Madam Pomfrey exclaimed as she performed her spells.

"It's not really my first day, Madam Pomfrey. I did teach a few years ago, don't you remember?"

I glanced at the side to see a wary Draco having a staring match with the three friends.

"Yes. That brought a few of your student fans to tears when you had to leave." She giggled when she saw my disgusted face. "How long will you stay this time?"

"Probably one or two months."

"You should stay as a permanent teacher of Hogwarts." She suggested gently, pushing a potion towards me to drink it up.

"I can't. Teaching has never been my strong suit and... there are things that I have to do."

I downed it in one gulp while keeping a straight face but on the inside, I was grimacing from the extreme bitterness. I rather have coffee over this any other day. I felt my back and arm burned ferociously. I felt the skin behind my right bicep and back got stimulated by the potion before they forcefully grew to close up around the wound.

"If that's what you wished."

She gave a helpless smile at me before patting my back lightly. I flinched due to the tenderness of my wound. The skin has just grown back but it still felt tender to the touch. She snickered at my reaction in a good-natured way. At her smile, I couldn't afford to bring up a scowl in her direction.

"Alright, you're good to go."

I put on my bloody shirt loosely. I was picking up my coat and was ready to leave when Madam Pomfrey spoke up again.

"Oh, and where's the lady teacher that was with you?"

I froze.

I nearly cursed in my head that I forgotten about this bit. Of course, people would ask. When Guardians entered the World that they had been to, the people they interact with will naturally remember them. When Guardians left, they don't remember the interactions they have with them and go about their lives as normal.

"She left at the same time as you. Why didn't she come with you?"

I gulped. It felt like there was a sharp bone sticking painfully in my throat.

"Well, I don't know. She probably went… somewhere."

After I said my thanks, I turned my attention to Draco who was now a bit more alert and starting to find the floor interesting. I quickly moved towards to the door of the infirmary. I didn't want to stay any longer lest Madam Pomfrey asked more.

"Come on, let's go. You three too."

I savoured the quiet atmosphere on the walk back to their classes. Except for us, there was not a single student or ghost in sight. It was strangely nostalgic, reminding me of the silent days I spent within the Libr...

I shook my head.

Reminiscing those days won't bring them back. There would only be pain and regret. When we reached a fork, I bade the golden trio goodbye and gave them my thanks for helping me. Then Draco and I continued on to his dormitory. I had to distract myself from the silence.

"Did you get hurt?"

"Huh?" He glanced at me in confusion. "Um… No."

"Thank Merlins, you aren't hurt by Buckbeak. Don't underestimate these creatures. No matter how small or how bestial they are, they have their ways to get back at you if you hurt or offend them."

He looked up, confused at my sudden change in attitude. I chuckled and patted his head. Biting his lip, he spoke out.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble in class today."

I smiled at him.

"That's okay. I'm standing here, aren't I?"

We continued walking for a good amount of silence before I spoke up again. We were getting closer to his dormitory so I had to quickly say what I needed to say.

"Anyway, I hope you learn a lesson from the little stunt that you pulled."

He nodded his head stiffly.

"Now go in there and get your materials ready for the next lesson. Also, write 2 parchments of reflection of the incident just now and research on Hippogriffs. Pass it to me when you are done."

His face paled at the sudden 'punishment' that I had meted out. I almost smirked because there would be no students in the universe who would prefer an extra written homework.

"Don't even try to worm your way out of this. If you don't do a proper job, there will be more."

Draco nodded his head quickly and entered his dormitory as fast as a ferret. I chuckled for a moment before I glanced at Ravenna's watch. I had been clutching it tightly this whole time. The sides of my mouth lifted at the sign of my victory when I recalled how I saved Draco from Buckbeak's attack.

After days of fruitless tries, I managed to awaken.