32. HP Chapter 4

Mike's POV

A week of teaching went by.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much of a progress from Professor Dumbledore's end about recreating the moving memory. It seemed as though something was preventing me from leaving this World as fast as I hoped to be able to. Even if he had found how to recreate it, I still won't be able to leave without finding the third Alice letter.

The unluckiest thing was that even if I knew it was in this World, the riddle had not provided me anymore clues to pinpoint its location.

As for the matter with Malfoy, he was surprisingly a boy with a lot hidden good in him. Instead of 2 parchments, he had handed in 3 fully filled parchments about Hippogriffs. I was surprised at the fact that he was trying hard to get into my good books. Either that or the Malfoys raised him well in terms of education.

Fortunately, it was also a clear indication that there are a lot of hidden good in him. Contrary to the stereotypes around Slytherins, they aren't shady or evil. It was merely because of their cunningness that raised the wariness of those around them.

Perhaps if I nudge him in the right direction, I could change his story. However, would the rules of the Guardians allow me to do so?

"Professor Evans!"

My footsteps stopped at the mention of my name and turned around. It was the golden trio again.


The trio looked at one another, trying to give silent messages to one another. I sighed and signalled to my pocket watch.

"Time is ticking. I'm sure you guys have a class to go to."

Hermione immediately took a step forward and cleared her throat.

"Professor Evans, we are just wondering if you are related to Harry's mother, Lily Evans?"

Looking between the expectant faces of the trio, I could only sigh in dismay.

"Unfortunately, I just coincidentally have the same last name as your mother. Were you expecting that we were perhaps... related?"

"That was what Harry was hoping for." Ron admitted.

Seeing my puzzled expression, Harry explained, "I was wondering if... you could sign my permission slip to go to Hogsmeade."

My eyebrows rose to my hairline.

I was not even one of his main teachers and have barely known the boy. Yet, he had asked for my signature. Unfortunately, as a teacher, I knew that my signature on his paper would not be considered because I was not his legal guardian. Mcgonagall might not even approve it.

Truth to be told, I was tempted to sign his paper because of those three pairs of puppy dog eyes that I was seeing. Nevertheless, I had to hold my ground.

"I cannot do that, Harry. You must get your guardian to sign it. I don't think Professor Mcgonagall will accept the slip even if I signed it."


Seeing my look of disapproval, Harry reluctantly relented.

"Is your guardian unwilling to sign?"

I asked while I gestured the trio to walk beside me so that we wouldn't miss much of their lesson time.

I, of course, knew what exactly had happened between him and his relatives. Since revealing what I know would raise questions, I had to play the part of a teacher who knew nothing. Harry rubbed the back of his head sheepishly while the other two gave a tight-lipped smile.

"I... Err... sort of had a row with them. So, it's a bit difficult to get them to sign."

"Care to elaborate?"

I took out a parchment from my inner shirt pocket and used my wand to write a short letter for their teacher.

"It happened during the summer holidays. My uncle's elder sister insulted my late father and I sort of..."

"You sort of used magic on her." I concluded for him when his words trailed off awkwardly. "And I reckoned that she doesn't know you are a wizard."

He nodded his head quietly.

"What happened to her?"

"She became inflated and the ministry of magic had to step in."

I sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. Hermione was observing my reactions so I had to play it off naturally. I controlled my erupting laughter and channelled it into a smile.

A kind smile with no judgments.

"I don't think it's your fault for what happened to her. You are young so you wouldn't have much control over your temper and magic. Even if it was me," I bend down and lowered my voice. Reading my body language, the trio leaned forward to listen. "I think I may end up doing the same."

I straightened up, still smiling. I was sure there was a hint of mischief in them. "But I still wouldn't recommend doing something like that again. So, you should try to control your temper should such occasion arise."

The trio looked at me with dumbfounded expressions. They surely had not expected that a teacher would reveal their thoughts on a matter like that.

"Oh Professor, this is our classroom." Hermione pointed out as they stopped by a classroom.

"Mcgonagall's class? Alright, later I will see what I can do to convince her but don't expect much since we have Black on the loose."

The trio brightened up tremendously. Ron clapped the back of Harry, no doubt happy that a teacher was willing to see whether their friend could enter Hogsmeade. Meanwhile, Hermione received the permission slip from me.

"Thank you, Professor Evans."

I nodded my head with the ghost of a smile on my face. "If you have any enquiries, feel free to find me."

Bidding them goodbye, I set my direction to Hagrid's cottage. Ever since the Hippogriff accident, Hagrid had been frightened off by what had happened with Draco as well as by the school governors that he changed the lesson plan to Flobberworms. I was planning on convincing him to also consider other magical creatures that were less threatening than Hippogriffs. If not, he would definitely stick to Flobberworms for the rest of the year.

As I rounded a corner, I heard a faint fanfare of celebration in the distance and decided to check it. When I passed through the corridor with its walls filled with moving portraits of medieval times, one of the portraits caught my eye.

It was the coronation of a Queen. Dressed in royal blue with a tinge of green, it was a young Queen with long green pigtails that reached her waist and she was thanking her subjects for their well wishes. Everyone was too caught up in their celebration to see me approaching.

The colours of the portrait were too bright and vivid unlike the well-blended, slightly duller colours belonging to those of medieval paintings.

It wasn't until the unfurling of the royal flags, did it stick me.

There was the lime green colour of the club painted on the flags staring at me.

The 3rd Alice was the newly crowned Queen.

Even her jewelled crown has the symbol of the club.

There was an exclamation of surprise when some of the guests noticed me. Even the guards, scared by my 'sudden' presence had raised their spears at me.

"Oh dear. It seems I have frightened you guys." I said quickly when the characters in the painting diverted their attention to me.

"Oh no, it's perfectly alright. Stand down."

The Queen waved her hands at her guards while smiling sweetly at me. Her voice was airy and light, similar to the way fairies would speak. Or if you had watched enough of fantasy movies, it was like how naïve, kind-hearted Princesses conversed with people. Yet, to me, her voice and facial expression seemed like a façade to me because she was unruffled by my presence unlike her courtiers. While there was a benevolent smile worn on her face, I could not read her mind.

A befitting disposition for her role. Yet, a tough opponent to crack.

"Congratulations on your coronation."

"Why, thank you. To be honest, I really didn't think I will become a Queen. After all, I'm foreign to this place."

"Is it? That's really odd. How did you come to be the Queen?"

"It's a long story. Are you a teacher of this school?"

I nodded my head in agreement to her conjecture.

"Then perhaps I can tell you on another date. It's never too late to tell my story. But now, I believe you have somewhere to be, don't you?" The Queen smiled mysteriously and winked at me.

Sensing that I had come at a bad timing, I decided to back down.

"Yes. Now if you will excuse me."

As I winked back at her and walked away, the music of the celebrations continued. It echoed throughout the corridor, inviting the figures from other paintings to come to the source.

Now, how do I get the Queen?