Getting the game(remade 1st chapter)

Year 2125,the world has entered a new age of tecnology.People can now do whatever they want as long as they don t get chaught or they have the necessary funds to afford it.In order to get the necessary funding to do this however u have to work hard.

Since machines replaced most of the common workers and security has access to ultimate weapons,only some managed to live confortably as spies.

Hugo was one of these people,proof that the old ways are stil not dead and that true skill can beat weapons and genetic engineering.The mission this time seemed rather easy:get inside,steal the documents and the details about the new game of Gcorp,and get out with everything else could help the creation of a similar project.Game companies sure are scary these days.

Entering the building was rather easy.All hugo had to do was pose as a guard.Once inside he found a group of players who should have been going trough tests to get early access to the game waiting in the atrium.''just the right opportunity.''This people were young,with an age between 15 to 20.They weren t a lot,but since they were close to the entrance it would be easy to disguise and then get access to the game with them as cover.

He waited for one of them to get far from the group near the entrance of the toilet.In 10 minutes a tall guy ,20 years old probably,after quarreling with one of his friends separated from the group and went inside the toilet.Not wanting this chance to slip by hugo followed after him in a few seconds.The guy was washing his face that was red like a pepper while angrily saying:''I ll show u who i am,you bastard dared to say i am not compatible,mph i,Micael,have blue blood in my veins while u are just mud!''

He then went to dry himself,little did he expect that Hugo was just under the sink waiting for this chance.Hugo grabbed his arms and heavily pulled them towards him,making the guy smash his face on the sink and faint.

After Hugo restrained the guy to a toiled he started planning his disguise.The guy mentioned a blood test,so he took some of his blood as precaution.After that,be his face,height,dress or way of speaking,Hugo managed to resemble him in all aspects,and was ready to get access to the game.

These people were waiting here for some time and were very bored,probably they teased themselves just to pass the time.When the disguised Hugo was back from the toilet a red haired fatty squinted his eyes and after calling to his friends came near him:'' look who s back,you trash probably would not even get access to the test.Why don t u just go away and maybe we will give u some candies''

Hugo didn t answer to the provocation and went and sit on a chair in the atrium.The fatty and his friends were laughing to something he said behind his back,but didn t come close to him.Probably bored from Hugo's response to theyr provocation.

While Hugo sat there he started to analyze these people.They came from various social classes and it could be said they were all average.While he was watching them one of these people catched his attention.

A girl he was watching returned his gaze,she was pretty,but not much.She had long legs,but didn t look that tall.She was dressed with a pair of jeans and a top,her jaket didn t look that expensive neither.Brown hair and some frekles on her face completed this average girl.Her eyes however were so smart that it seemed she analyzed everything she saw.

Just when theyr eyes met,Hugo felt danger.the relaxed gaze of the girl turned to a questioning one almost instantly.Witout waiting even a second she moved in his direction and sat near him.''Was i already discovered?How is thispossible?.''

The girl didn t have the time to talk to him however,since a manager finally showed.This woman was a true beauty.With everithing in its right place,a black dress and black heels made her seductive and many guys looked at her with desire.''Hello everybody!i am miss Sinalta and i ll guide you in the preparatory test for the access to the game :hidden dungeon.Since we are still testing the game we will require suitable subjects for our tests and u were selectet for your DNA.Please follow me to the laboratory where we will check your compatibility.''

Testing people DNA before the use of a game interface was something common these days.Since differently from the ones already in the market,most games were dangerous before release.Some of them could make people go stupid or fry theyre brain inside the headset if they weren t correctly calibrated.

Miss Sinalta guided this group trough a corridor,the occasional lights where enough only to avoid going into a wall.After walking for 5 minutes,they stopped at a green armored door.Miss Sinalta proceeded to open the door with a magnetic key and the group could see what was inside.Medbots where all across the room.This particular type of bot was fairly common,there was one of this in every house,car,even some modern backpaks had this installed.It was used to heal minor injuries and perform health checks.Miss Hinalta informed the laboratory personnel about theyre duty and all of them got to work.Guiding each of the tested group to one postation.Hugo could still feel the girl's gaze on him,though in the end she had to stop to get to her postation.

When the assistant came to him he gestured to follow to his seat.The medbot activated at the same time he sat and tarted to check his condition:theet,skin,eyes...when it came to blood however,just as the bot was inserting the needele in his arm he took out Micael blood sample and preessed it against the needle.The bot sucked the blood in the sack and then satisfied went standby to analyze the samples.

In a couple of seconds these people would get the test results and then choose who could get early access to the game.Infact paper started to come out of the medbots and the assistants rushed to collect the data.After some time the assistants started to send people away from the rooom,until there were only 9 people in the room exept them and miss Sinalta.The fatty and the girl passed the test too,however fatty's friends where gone.

Miss sinalta startd talking:''Congratulations,you are now a member of our company,u ll receive a copy of the game trough implantation straight away and then u ll be able to play it at home comfortably.''

The chairs they sat on suddenly blocked them in place with steel ties,the medbot near them activated again and the needle pierced trough theyre skin instantly,injecting the game chip directly ino theyre body.After all this miss Sinalta spoke again:''this is just a countermeasure against u divulging secret content,by all means we of Gcorp mean no harm.It is time i explain u what Hidden Dungeon truly is:this is a game developed with the intent of aiding human evolution.The government sponsored this project and u will get funding from the goverment.The game objective is to let you activate your dormant abilities and guide humanity in the new era.You are not alone,other countryies are using this method too,so you will need to ally with each other in the game to surpass the others.The chip we implanted on you will grant you access to the game and it will avoid you from spreading information about the game outside by killing u with lethal venom in the case you tried to.By all means we mean no harm to you guys and as i said u will be paid for your service.Please understand the country's future is in your hands.You are dismissed now,you will stay in this facility for the next days and will play the game here.Have fun.''

Miss Sinalta dismissed everybody with a laugh and walked away,the laboratory assistants guided them to another room where they had to change theyre clothes into white uniforms.Then they had to go in another room,here there were beds for the nine of them.With a little table for each one of them near theyre bed.Once she had set up her bed,the girl who had kept watching Hugo before got up and came near him.''Hello,i m Annerose,who are you?''Annerose just stood in front of him while talking in order to block the camera.This girls wasn t simple at all!''Hi,my name is Micael.''just as he answered she managed to put him in a corner:''I know Micael,and he wouldn t be able to keep his calm in this situation.You can act scared all you want,but u can t fool me.So,who are you?''understanding he was discovered Hugo coulnd t do anything but try to calm the girl and make a deal with her in order to keep her silent:''I am a spy hired from a rival of Gcorp to get a copy of the game.Never did i expect all of this would happen,you aren t screaming and you didn t call the guards,but instead came to me having dicsovered i wasn t Micael.So,what do you want?''