Hello~Old Friend!

Susan removed her old stuff from the last drawer in her spacious closets and brought them all to her bed. They were old clothes, old stuff when she was still single, and there are some old photos as well. She picked up one old photo, and the photo's color was already fading away, she stared at the photo lovingly and longingly. Then her body starts shaking and she sobbed uncontrollably in her bed.

The door to her room suddenly opens...

Mike went inside her mother's room unannounced and was shocked to see his mother crying nonstop in her bed. He went to her side hurriedly...

"Mother, what's wrong? Why are you crying so hard?" asked Mike worriedly about to pick up the old photos lying in the bed.

Susan quickly gathered her old stuff and put them all back into the drawer of her closet and wiped the tears in her eyes.

"Nothing. I'm just remembering something in my past. Anyways, why are you here?" she asked composing herself and calming her fraying nerves.