Three Months Later

John was relaxing in the lounge chair beside the pool staring at the sparkling water, he already had taken a dive earlier and he was currently resting. He is feeling a bit nervous at the same time excited that today after lunch he will visit the plastic surgeon for a checkup and evaluation of his face. It's been a long time and he was already used to the ugly scars in his face. When Dahlia died, he decided to just live with the ugly scars all his life as a sign of his guilt because he was blaming himself that he was not able to save her from the hands of the murderer. Just seeing his scars every day made him feel that he was able to share Dahlia's agony before and after she dies.

Way back he has no plan to fall in love again, that is why he doesn't seek women's company openly. Due to his scars and ugly appearance he also loses the confidence that there could be a woman out there who could fall in love with him if she will see his face.