
Caroline had little sleep, staring at the timer on her cell phone. She had been doing a lot of thinking the whole night. She was feeling anxious about bringing with her the infant. The baby requires milk, diaper, baby foods, and 24/7 care, and how can she find work if no one will take care of baby James? She needs a job to earn a living to sustain her and the infant's daily needs.

The more she thinks about it the more her situation was getting problematic.

While if she goes away on her own without bringing the baby with her she will have 6 months advance salary as per John's promised. She can start fresh all over again.

Even if she goes back to Cavite City and bring the baby with her, her cousin Grace and her mother would still insist to return the baby to his father. Going back to the province and raising a baby there alone was even more difficult.

Worst, her brother-in-law will have her thrown to jail for child kidnapping.