
Minerva holds the wide awake baby James in her arms and nuzzled the infant's chubby arms. "I'm going to miss baby James so much!" she played with the baby for a few minutes then exited the room to prepare baby James milk.

Minerva returns and feeds the infant with the milk, she noticed that Caroline has a gauze wrapped around her middle finger. "What happened to your finger? Did you cut yourself with the knife in the kitchen?" she asked.

Caroline inspected her middle finger. "Ah, this one? Hmm... me and brother in law had rough sex last night, he likes nibbling at my fingers and he got carried away and bitten my finger," she said grinning.

Minerva quickly made a sign of the cross, appealed by what she just heard from the younger woman. "My God! How shameless you can be, Caroline!?"

Caroline laughed so hard upon seeing the horrified expression on the nurse's face. "Lol, I'm just kidding, Minerva!" then she continues laughing.