The Truth Is Out!

A moment later, she exited the bathroom, fully dressed, feeling relax and rejuvenated. She grabs the remote control and hops into the bed turning on the TV.

Wtf? She was stunned, the TV was showing lewd scenes, even if she changed channels they were displaying the same thing, porn shows, couple having intimate moments together, engaging in sexual activities.

Aargh! She turns off the television. She has no time watching those kinds of shows right now, what she wanted is to come up with a good plan to escape.

She was pacing back and forth inside the room.

No weapon can be found inside, except...

What about the fork and spoon? She can use them as a weapon, right?

Crap! She was so dumb! She should have not returned the fork and spoon, she can use those utensils to defend herself during moments of danger and stab whoever enters the door.


How can she be so stupid!