Set Her Free!

Allison grinned from ear to ear.

"About 11 months ago. When I abducted her, she was pregnant with her second child. So... I hide her in a safe house away from the city for ten months until she gives birth to her daughter, then just recently, I relocated her to one of my properties in the city for easy access, you can see her anytime," Allison explained.

He looked at her hard. "Where is the baby?"

"Don't worry, the baby is safe, I have someone take good care of the baby."

Mr. X, stared at the woman in the video, once upon a time he did fall in love with her from afar. She's still looking beautiful and desirable as always.

Allison studied Mr. X's face, why is it that he was not happy? As if he was not excited to see the woman...

"Are you going to see her tonight? I will have her ready herself for you tonight," she winked at him.