The Next Morning

Within moments of Eleanor falling asleep, Jack felt a sudden wave of intense exhaustion wash over him. He felt like someone had completely drained the life out of him.

Which, of course, someone had, apparently. Now that he was out of the moment of that happening, he felt completely freaked out. Some hot demon girl had literally just sucked his blood like a vampire, and he'd not only loved every second of it, but had happily agreed to let her do it again and again if she wanted to. What on earth was wrong with him?!

The mental images of Eleanor's bare, swaying breasts and grinding hips popped into his head. Well, I mean, those, at least, made his decision a little easier to justify. But he didn't have time to reflect on the situation. He passed out from exhaustion only moments later.

The next morning, Jack awoke feeling oddly refreshed and energized. The sun was streaming through the sole window in the loft, and the room felt warm and cozy. He looked around to the other bedrolls to see they were all empty and made up. He crawled out of bed and put on his shoes, and walked out of the barn.

Outside, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, although there was a decent breeze that felt nice in contrast to the strong sunshine. Rose was hanging out various garments to dry on a clothesline strung not far from the barn, and greeted him when he walked out. She pointedly glanced at his neck for a moment, before directing her attention to his face and giving him what looked like a knowing smile.

"Sleep well?" She asked, pinning up a pale yellow sundress.

"Yeah, slept great. Thank you." He said.

"Don't mention it." She said. She motioned with her head towards the house. "There's still some breakfast left, I'm sure. Feel free to help yourself to it. And if there's none left, I'm sure Eleanor would be happy to make you more."

"Oh, alright. Cool." He said. He walked on towards the house.

"Oh, and Jack?" Rose called out after him.


"You might want to wash your neck before you go inside." She said, tapping on her throat in the same place Eleanor had bitten him the night before.

Jack's face flushed. "Uh yeah, got it." He said. He walked the hundred or so feet to the small stream next to the watermill and wet and wiped the spot on his neck until his hands kept coming back clean. He wasn't sure if he'd completely gotten all of the blood off, but it was the best he could do without a mirror.

In what he would describe as the house's front yard, Madeleine appeared to be chasing around a butterfly, which happened to be just high enough or just fast enough to keep avoiding her grasp. When Jack greeted her, she stop what she was doing, froze in place, and just stood there, looking at him. He smiled and waved, but she didn't give any reply, so he just gave up and walked in. The girl was just damn weird.

The house was even more stifling than he remembered yesterday, and he could barely keep his eyes open for more than a moment before they dried out. Simon wasn't in the house, though Eleanor was. She appeared to be scrubbing something in the wash basin on the opposite wall from the door. She turned, and when seeing him, lit up, and dropped the dish in the wash water. She ran over to him, and without a single word, made a couple gestures with her fingers, rushed over, and shoved him into the door, pressing her lips hard against his until his head began to swim.

Eleanor grinned wicked at him. "Good morning, sleepyhead! So, last night is our little secret, okay?" She said.

"Uh, yeah, whatever you say." He said, barely able to think straight.

"Good boy! Now, go have a seat at the table. I'll grab you some food." She turned and walked over to one of the shelves to the side of the wash basin and grabbed several food objects while Jack found a way to stumble himself to the table.

This was going to take a long time getting used to.