Bedrolls and Bandages

Jack looked down at Rose for a moment in disbelief, and, without saying a word, reached down and pulled the ifrit into a hug. Rose's body was toasty warm, almost feverish feeling, but the feeling wasn't unpleasant. The girl threw her arms around him and pulled him closer, pressing the side of her face against his chest. Much to Jack's surprise, the girl still felt soft in his arms, despite her muscular physique.

They stood there locked together for several long moments until Rose sighed warmly, and sniffed. She pulled back a little bit, and smiled softly, the tears in her eyes starting to dry.

"Thanks. I needed that." She said. She released him, letting her arms drift gently across his for a moment before dropping them to her side.

"I'm happy to help." Jack said, feeling his face flush. He really hoped she didn't notice him blushing.

"Man, I'm tired." She said, yawning and rubbing the last bits of moisture from her face with the back of her hand.

"I am too." Jack said. "It's been a long day."

"Where did we leave our packs again? I actually don't really remember after, well, everything." She said.

"They're stacked together behind a barrel where we made the plan against the gnolls." Jack said. "It's not terribly far... maybe a ten minute trip?"

Rose shifted her weight forward, clasping her hands together over her chest and adopting a pitiful looking expression.

"Will you please grab my pack for me? Pretty please?" She asked, cartoonishly batting her eyelashes and sticking her bottom lip out. The look would be cute on anyone, but on the otherwise less feminine of the three sisters, the effect was absolutely adorable.

Jack scratched the side of his head.

"Well, you see, that's kinda the thing... There's four packs and only one of me. I'm not strong enough to carry all four. So I either need help, leave some packs behind, or make multiple trips."

Rose just sighed playfully and hung her head.

"Fiiiiine..... I'll help." She said.

Over the next fifteen or so minutes, the two of them retrieved the four packs from their hiding spot, and returned to the bakery. Madeleine was still fast asleep, her breath coming in soft, rhythmic flows.

Jack gently set his pack next to the counter by the door, and pulled out his bedroll. He looked over at Rose, who was doing the same, and motioned to her arm.

"We need to get that patched up before you go to sleep. It could get infected if its not cleaned up." Jack said, laying the roll on the wooden floor with a soft flump a short distance from Rose's.

Rose looked down at her arm with a confused expression, which shifted to one of realization when she saw the gash.

"Oh, I had completely forgotten about that too." She said.

"Yeah, how did that happen?" Jack asked, picking up his pack and setting it beside his bedroll.

"It was that last gnoll. When my sword got stuck and I had to drop it, he caught me with his cleaver when I was pulling away." She said. She inspected the wound, pressing gently around it with her fingertip until she winced and sucked air through her teeth. "Yep, that still stings."

"Well, sit down across from me on your bedroll, and I'll take care of it for you." Jack said.

"I didn't know you were a healer." Rose said as she sat down.

"I'm not really." Jack said, shrugging. "I just read a lot about it when I was younger."

Rose shifted her position to sit cross-legged, her hands resting loosely in her lap, and her body turned slightly so the wounded arm pointed a bit more towards him.

"Alright, well, I trust you." She said.