
After finishing up a lunch of pastries and bread from the bakery, as well as some dried meat and cheese they'd brought with them from Simon's house, the three of them shouldered their packs and continued on. After consulting the map and surveying the surroundings, Rose suggested that now would be the right time for them to leave the road and head out northeast towards the mountain her and Jack had determined was probably where Ellie was.

They left the small copse of trees, and rather than heading due north along the well-beaten path, crossed over into the fallow field across the way, and continued on. They walked for the majority of the rest of the day, until the sun began to set and transform the mostly cloudless sky into a pastel rainbow of yellows, oranges, pinks, reds, and purples.

Since they were surrounded by rolling fields in all directions, and a complete lack of other features, there wasn't much in the way of shelter for the three of them to take cover under, so when they finally made camp, they simply found a flat, dry spot on top of a low hill, and rolled their bedrolls out onto the tall grass, pressing it flat beneath them.

As the sun set into night, the temperature around them dropped significantly, though thanks to his recent perk, Jack wasn't bothered in the slightest by it. Neither were the girls, from the looks of things. For comfort's sake, and promise of hot food for a change, Jack suggested starting a fire, but Rose shot the idea down. With them exposed like they were, a fire would reveal their position for miles around, and possibly attract attention from places they didn't want it.

Jack, for his part, felt stupid he hadn't thought of that, and agreed, deciding to placate himself with using a bit of his magic to heat up a sweetroll from his pack.

As night settled in, and the last vestiges of sunlight disappeared below the horizon, the dark night sky exploded into a sea of stars. It was more clear than Jack had ever dreamed it possible a night sky could be, all the more so because there was no moon in the sky.

As the three of them lay there on their bedrolls gazing up at the sky, Rose pointed out different constellations in the sky to him and Madeleine, and told him a little bit of the history behind each one.

"Over there is Secundus, the Dragonslayer. You can tell because of the 5 stars in a straight line close together that make his sword. And over there is Myrmidan, the Seven-Headed Dragon that Secondus defeated." Rose said, pointing to a forked constellation that culminated in a cluster of seven very bright yellow stars.

"What about that bright blue star over there? Is there something special about that?" Jack said, pointing to it.

"That's Eleanor's Eye. It always marks east, so you know where the sun will be coming from." Rose said.

"Eleanor's Eye? Like our Eleanor?" Jack asked.

"Dad named her after the star because of her color. That and because she 'always leads the way to sunshine'. Or, at least that's his excuse." Rose explained.

"So why is the star called Eleanor's Eye?" Jack asked.

"Eleanor Armysen was a great human archmage who mapped the sky a long time ago. She's the one who named most of the shapes in it. Stories about her talk of her beautiful blue eyes, and after her death, someone named the star in her honor. After that, everyone just called it Eleanor's Eye in her honor."