Rude awakening

Jack woke up to the feeling rainfall on his face. As he opened his eyes to look up, a droplet fell in to his open eye, causing him to curse and snap his eye shut. He sat up and scrambled out of his bedroll, groping in the pre-dawn light for his boots. While it wasn't pouring, the rain was strong and steady enough that he could already feel his clothes and bedroll getting soaked. He wasn't really sure what they were going to do about the weather, considering their was no shelter anywhere close, but, hey, he probably needed a shower anyways.

As he pulled on his boots, he heard a groan and a muttered obscenity as Madeleine came to and sat up, her hair a disheveled mess.

"Great." She said, sighing and sliding out of her bedroll.

Rose, however, seemed completely unperturbed by the water falling on her face and exposed arms, and was still snoring quite peacefully as the drizzle fell around the three of them. After she had her boots on, Madeleine walked over and nudged Rose's shoulder several times until her sister snorted awake.

Rose's eyes focused into reality, and she immediately shut her eyes again and groaned. "Ugh, I wasn't expecting a storm." She said.

"Me either" Jack said, rolling up his bedroll. As he did so, he felt the water squeezing out of it like a sponge. Unless they found somewhere warm and dry to hang their rolls out for the day, next night's sleep was going to be absolutely miserable.

The three of them assembled the rest of their belongings, which thankfully did not take long. Other than their bedrolls, the only things they'd used the night before had been food and a few personal items that weren't harmed by a little wetness, like their weapons. Mercifully, their packs and bedroll bags were both made of oilcloth, so nothing else in their packs had thus far gotten wet, and their bedrolls would be shielded from soaking anything else. So that was nice, at the very least. At least they wouldn't have to eat water-logged bread for breakfast.

Packing up only took a few minutes, but by the time they were finished, the three of them were soaked completely through, and for the first time since he'd met them, Rose and Madeleine were shivering. For the third time in as many days, Jack found himself grateful that the cold didn't bother him anymore. If it did, this whole experience would be absolutely miserable. As it stood now, he just felt wet, which while it definitely wasn't the best feeling in the world was certainly a whole lot better than being wet and freezing.

Jack looked out towards the eastern horizon from the top of their hill. The sun would be up soon, from the looks of things. And he could already see the end of the cloudline far in the distance. There was a good chance they'd get lucky and the weather would break before the day really got started.

Looking to the left, Jack could just make out the distant edge of a forest in the dim morning light. That's where they needed to be before the end of the day. Then after that, they had a river to cross and some mutant dogmen to kill. No big deal. Yup. Nothing at all to worry about. Good thing he was both exhausted and soaking wet. Those gnolls were gonna need every advantage they could get when he finally got his hands on them.

Jack yawned, and rubbed his face with his hands for a moment, before he dropped his hands and turned to the other two.

"Alright, let's get moving."