The Green Company Hideout (part 2)

"Me either." Jack said, looking around the room.

Madeleine walked into the room, and dropped her pack in the middle of the floor, before unceremoniously flopping face first into the fur-covered bed.

"Well, I suppose we should make ourselves comfortable, then." Rose said, glancing over at Madeleine. She walked over and set her bag so that it rested against the side of the desk, and sat in the desk's chair.

Jack set he pack down beside Rose's, and picked up Madeleine's and set it with their two. Urien had finally allowed them to take their packs back from Farien right when they arrived at the outskirts, much to the relief of the pale and sweat-soaked young man.

Looking over at the fireplace built into the cave wall, Jack asked "Do you two want a fire? The cold doesn't bother me, but I'm happy to start one if you want one."

"Yes, please" Madeleine's muffled voice said from the fur pile. Jack looked at Rose, who nodded.

Looking around for a moment, Jack saw that there was a fire pit, but nothing immediately obvious to be used for fuel. After reflecting a moment, he began running through spellwords in his head, until he settled on one that seemed like it'd work.


With a faint flash of green, crackling energy, several rough-cut chunks of wood dropped from the air in front of his hand into the fireplace with a faint clatter. He celebrated silently to himself as the pieces fell into place. He hadn't figured out how to create living matter, or things made from living matter, so the best he could do under the circumstances was to try and bring firewood from somewhere else. He hoped Simon wouldn't miss the couple pieces he'd just "borrowed" from his wood pile outside the farmhouse.

With a small flourish of his hand and another word, the logs flared to life, crackling warmly as the fire began to creep its way along their length, immediately beginning to warm the room and casting stark shadows against the far wall and ceiling.

Jack then walked over to the bed, and flopped down on it beside Madeleine. Without thinking, he yawned heavily. The interrupted sleep was taking its toll on him, and while the hike had kept them distracted enough for him not to notice his exhaustion, now that they had stopped moving it felt like he hadn't slept in weeks.

As if on cue, Rose yawned as well, and rubbed her face with her hands.

"I hope Urien comes soon, otherwise I'm going to fall asleep in this chair." She said.

Jacked nodded, and blinked heavily, before rising back to his feet. He may be exhausted, but sitting still on a soft bed was a really bad idea if he intended to not be snoring by the time their host arrived.

["Hey kid. How you holding up?"]

The sudden speech inside his head startled him. While he hadn't realized it, he hadn't heard from Frumpkin since the last time they'd spoken in the city square several days ago. Which, now that he thought about it, was the longest the deity had ever left the inside of his head alone.

"Hey Frumpkin. I've been better, honestly." Jack thought as he walked over and squatted down in front of the fireplace.

["I can imagine. Been a tough couple days."] Frumpkin said. ["But don't worry, you're still alive, which is more than I can say for a buncha idiots who picked this place before you. Last kid I brought here decided that with his new monk powers that he was strong enough to fist-fight a dragon. Spoiler alert- he wasn't"]

Jack rubbed his hands together in front of the fire, which felt comforting after the last several days of cold and wet.

"You know, I've been wondering... Is there like some way for me to objectively see how strong I am? Like, in a game, you have levels and skill points and stuff, right? Is there anything like that that I can use to see how strong I am relative to the world? Like, what level I am?" Jack asked.

["You know kid, I honestly can't believe it took you this long to ask."] Frumpkin said, with a tone that suddenly told Jack that maybe he'd just asked for something incredibly stupid. About the time this thought entered his mind, his head exploded in a flash of white hot agony, and he lost consciousness.