Beyond the Doorway

With a deep breath, Jack stepped into the starry doorway.

As he did so, he found the solid ground vanished beneath him, as did any sense of up or down, or any direction at all. In every direction, as far as he could see, stars and nebulae and galaxies receded into infinity. The sheer scale and beauty of it all took his breath away. Realizing he'd just lost his breath in the open void sent him into a panic, but he discovered a moment later that apparently, in this version of space, he could breath. He wasn't sure of the reason for that, but he was glad to not be suffocating uncontrollably out of nowhere.

A moment later, a doorway opened a short distance away, and Frumpkin stepped into the void. He then casually backstroked his way over to Jack, and floated a short distance away, taking in the view all around them. After a moment, he turned to Jack.

"I bet you're wondering what this place is." He said.

Jack nodded, and Frumpkin gestured out towards the sea of stars with his hand.

"This is the rest of the universe you could one day be god of, if you manage to beat my little challenge. For the moment, it's my own personal little sandbox, but I thought you might like to have some idea of what you're ultimately fighting for before we go on to what you're actually wanting to see. There are countless worlds out there, and you could see them all. You can make friends, change lives, prompt the rise of empires or the collapse of dynasties, create new life and raise it to spacefaring intelligence, then watch as it goes out and tries to conquer galaxies itself. You could promote love or tyranny or a tyranny of love, or nothing or everything all at once. And all of this in what, for you, would feel like a Tuesday. I want you to remember this, kid, in case you ever need motivation. This could all be yours." Frumpkin said, lounging back into the air and putting his hands behind his head. "Assuming, of course, you don't blow it like a chump."

"Wow..." Jack said, finding himself utterly speechless as he took in everything the old man had just said. He had always just kinda assumed that the world he would inherit would just be that- a single planet. This, however... this was more than he could have ever dreamed of. The sheer possibilities of it all... it just completely overwhelmed his ability to process.

After letting Jack take everything in for a moment, Frumpkin shifted his position, and looked him in the eye.

"Now, are you ready to see what you asked about a few minutes ago?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." Jack finally managed to get out after another long moment of gazing silently out into the endless expanse of stars. Even when he felt himself being pulled backwards through a warp hole, his eyes never left the starscape until it vanished into blackness in front of him.

The pair of the rocketed through what looked like a long, twisting, featureless grey tunnel, travelling at a breakneck speed until, with a sudden flash, they were out.

Frumpkin casually drifted out of the hole and landed lightly on his feet. Jack, however, was spat out with enough force that he tumbled a couple dozen feet head over heels across the white marble floor before winding up on his back, unable to breath and dizzily staring up at an ornately carved black and white marble ceiling perhaps two dozen feet overhead.

"You know, you really gotta work on your landing skills." Frumpkin said, floating over top of him. "It's getting embarrassing seeing you flipping ass over tea kettle every time we travel anywhere."