The Battle of Darkshire Woods (part 2)

Jack didn't have long to breathe before he found himself under attack from a pair of goblins, both of whom carried spears longer than they were tall. They came at him from opposing angles, preventing him from ever being able to get them both on the same side so he could remove their numerical advantage.

Finally, one of the greenskins feinted, leading Jack to block a strike that wasn't coming. While his guard was diverted, the other goblin threw its weight behind its spear and drove it into Jack's side.

Jack growled and cursed as the blade made it a short distance through the hardened leather and bit into the soft flesh between two of his ribs.

That hurt. A lot.

Shouting a spellword, he felt his strength surge as he magically overcharged his muscles. Grabbing the spear stuck in his side, he pulled it out, and lifted it and the goblin holding it clean off the ground, before swinging the spear end-first over his head and hurling the astonished goblin several dozen feet through the air and into the back of a gnoll, knocking both to the ground, where they were quickly dispatched by nearby Green Company members.

Seeing this display of power, the other goblin froze in place, before turning to run in a panic. Snatching the goblin by one of its ears, Jack lifted the howling creature up to his eye level and glared at him. The greenskin threw down his spear and started gibbering something in its high-pitched language, before it was interrupted by Jack's fist slamming square in its face. The snotling's face caved inwards as it was knocked backwards and landed in a crumpled heap.

As Jack drew his fist back and wiped goblin blood and snot off his knuckles, he dropped the spell. He had a lot of abilities, but they all used the same pool of power, and he could already feel the toll even these few spells were taking on his body. He had to be careful, or else he could unintentionally tap himself out and collapse defenseless mid-fight. That would be a death sentence.

Remembering the wound he'd just received, he looked down and checked the spot where the spear had punctured his side. From the look of it, the blade hadn't made it far enough to do more than hit some muscle. He was even more glad for his new armor now. A spear thrust like that would have probably made it clean into his vitals if he'd been wearing just a tunic like before. He had to push the thought out of his mind. That hadn't happened, and he had more important things to pay attention to.

Glancing around, it was not really clear which side was coming out on top, but it was clear there were probably more gnolls and goblins than there were allies. He had to try and even those odds somehow, or it was quite possible everyone, including him, would be overrun. He was clearly able to fight, and had plenty of impressive magic at his disposal, but he wasn't even close to believing he could take on an entire raid by himself right now, no matter how much of an edge he may have.

As he was taking in the lay of the battlefield, he saw Rose had joined the fray, and was currently in tight melee with a gnoll dual-wielding axes. He was just about to run to her aid, when he noticed Madeleine standing just inside the entrance of the cave, clutching her dagger as her eyes darted back and forth across the field.

As Jack watched, a pair of goblins seemed to notice her, one of them pointing in her direction before the two of them hoisted blades out of their belts and ran for her.