Getting Up

As he was inspecting himself, Jack heard a pair of familiar voices approaching from outside the room. Looking down, he realized he was still stark naked outside of the bandages that still covered his side and arms. Thinking quickly, he pulled the furs back up enough that they at least covered him from the waist down as Rose and Abigail stepped through the fur-covered doorway to the room.

They both seemed to notice that he was awake and sitting up about the same time. Abigail, for her part, seemed absolutely baffled by the fact that he was sitting up, bright eyed and bushy tailed, smiling like an idiot. Rose, however, beamed at him, and rushed over to his side.

"You're awake!" She said, pulling the desk chair over so it was facing him. "I was so worried!"

"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated." Jack said, smirking.

Rose looked at him strangely, not understanding the reference, when Abigail stepped in.

"I'm also surprised to see you feeling so well. You should still be laid out flat with as bad as your wounds are." She said, her brows tightly furrowed as she inspected him.

"I don't really have the ability to explain in detail, but let's just say I happen to have the ability to heal incredibly quickly." Jack said, shifting his position slightly. Reaching to his side, he pulled the bandages wrapping his ribs free, and motioned towards the spot where the spear wound had been only the night before. "See?"

Abigail's eyes widened, and she leaned down, staring at the thin raised scar that sat where the stab wound had been located. She looked up at him, then back to it, her face becoming more and more contorted in confusion and shock.

"But I- you.... how...?" She started, but Jack put his hand up.

"I know. I want to explain, but I can't. It's honestly best if you just trust me when I say that I'm not an evil demon or undead or something." He said.

The nurse looked him over, still seeming to have a difficult time processing what was in front of her.

"And your leg...?" She started.

"It's the same as the rest." Jack said. As if to emphasize his point, he moved his leg underneath the furs, bending and lifting it to demonstrate its mobility. As he did so, he had to catch himself from accidentally lifting them far enough away from him that he'd end up flashing the two of them. He knew Abigail wouldn't notice or care, but Rose would either be shocked or embarassed, and neither one of them was something he wanted. At least, not unless they were alone, and... but never mind that.

Abigail looked from Jack to Rose, looking for some sort of explanation, or barring that, any kind of information that would give her something to cling onto. Rose just looked at her and shrugged.

"Jack's a pretty powerful sorcerer. It's just part of his abilities. Nothing to be worried about." She said.

The girl didn't seem to be fully sure of what to think of that explanation, but the slight relaxation on her face indicated that she was at least willing to try and accept that as the answer. She set about trying to treat him, but, seeing there was no treatment to be done, she got up, and without saying much else, shuffled out of the room.

Rose and Jack followed her out with their eyes. As soon as her footsteps receded out of earshot, Rose turned back to him, her eyes wide.

"How the FUCK are you already better?!"