Meeting of the Minds (part 5)

"The Iron Hounds have caused us no end of grief these past years, and now they've nearly destroyed us. I think it's time we return the favor and take the fight to them for a change." Urien said.

"Are you even able to do that?" Jack asked. "You've lost a third of your people, and another third are too wounded to fight. I mean, don't get me wrong, Urien, I'm grateful that you all want to help, but-"

Urien held up his hand, and Jack fell silent.

"Jack, are you absolutely certain you know where the Hound camp is located?" He asked.

Jack nodded. "Yes, I am."

"Then I appreciate your concern for us. I really do. But this was decided before you entered this room." Urien said. "We have been trying to locate it for years. Every scout sent out for that purpose has not come back. We are not going to miss out on the opportunity to repay some favors, even with our diminished numbers."

Jack wanted to protest, but what could he say? He couldn't point out that they'd all probably die, because they'd just point out that he'd probably end up the same. But who was he kidding? What he was planning on was functionally a suicide mission. He highly doubted that the jumps his stats had made in the last few days would be enough to overcome what could be hundreds of gnoll fighters. Yes, what he was doing was incredibly stupid, but what else could he do? He had no chance of being able to do this on his own. And like Urien just said, they weren't doing this for him. Not really. He was actually helping them out. He didn't like it, but he needed them as much as they needed him. And what brave hero has ever succeeded without help?

"Then I will be glad to have your help." Jack said. "We're gonna need all the help we can get."

Farien glanced from Jack to his brother and back.

"That's fine and great, except who's going on this suicide mission? We only have a handful of able-bodied fighters left, and I'm clearly in no place to do any fighting" He said, motioning to his arm.

"The Company can spare about a dozen, which I will be leading." Urien said. "You will remain at camp with the wounded and the rest of our fighters."

"A dozen men won't even be enough to get inside their doorstep, much less defeat them." Farien snorted.

"I will be going with them. And I've called in some favors from some of the regional guilds. While It won't be a large force, it will be a competent one." Farlo said.

"I will be going as well." Abigail chimed in.

When she said this, Urien's head jerked around to look at her. Seeing his expression, she smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"What? You seriously weren't expecting your best magic user to stay behind, were you?" She asked.

"Abbie, no-" Urien started, but Abigail shook her head.

"I'm coming, and that's final. I have as much right to kill the fleabags as you do. And besides, you're going to need my help if you encounter casters in their numbers." She said. "So shush and say thank you."

Urien gave her a look that equally read "God I love you" and "I really hate you right this second".

"Well, I guess that's settled, then." Urien said. He turned to Farlo.

"How long until the guilds arrive?" He asked.

"They should arrive before nightfall." Farlo said.

"Then we have the day to prepare. Let's hope it's enough time."