After the Firestorm (part 5)

Jack walked up to the floating spin wheel. As soon as he came within a few steps, the wheel and everything else vanished, leaving the small black tile with the gold star floating in the air above the outstretched hand of the pedestal. He reached out and took it from the air. Upon close inspection, it was actually a small shiny envelop with a red wax seal on the flap, once again depicting a crude rendering of Frumpkin's grinning mug.

Jack had to hand it to the guy. He sure knew how to maintain consistent branding.

He slid a finger under the envelope flap and pulled. As soon as he did, the envelope exploded in a cacophony of sounds and glitter, leaving a familiar flashing marquee sign floating in the air in front of him. In giant black letters it read "Cosmetic Makeover".

Jack stared at the sign, trying to process in advance just how unpleasant Frumpkin could make the concept of a "Cosmetic Makeover", but to his surprise Frumpkin just yawned.

"Aww, you got one of the lame ones. Have fun remaking yourself. I look forward to seeing what you end up changing. In the mean time, I'm not gonna sit around for hours waiting for you to figure out what you want. Ta-ta!" He said. And as soon as he'd come, he vanished, leaving Jack alone with the floating sign and no idea of what to expect.

Before he really had to wonder, the sign faded away, and he suddenly felt his perspective pulled outside of himself, giving him a full exterior view of himself that he could mentally move and rotate so that every part of himself was visible with a single action. After he fiddled around with getting used to the weird out of body sensation seeing himself like this gave him, a vast array of control knobs, sliders, settings options, and other tools appeared in the air in front of him on a large user interface that was functionally identical to any number of character creation screens he'd seen in RPGs and MMOs over the years. It was then that he fully understood what he'd just been given.

For possibly the only time in his entire stay in this new world, he was being given the chance to remake his appearance, seemingly into whatever he wanted. As he looked through the seemingly endless amount of options available, he felt more than a little overwhelmed by the range of choices available.

Not only could he change his skin tone, eye and hair color, height, weight, and body structure but also his gender, his sex, his race, he could give himself wings, or horns, or a tail, or scaly skin. Out of morbid curiosity, he starting fiddling with each, watching his appearance get more and more bizarre with each setting tweak until he was a nine and a half foot tall purple-scaled demon woman with seven horns, thirteen eyes, and a quartet of wings patterned green leopard print. Once he was thoroughly done amusing himself with hpw ridiculous he could make himself look, he reset everything to default. He liked the idea of having wings, but the adjustment console made it abundantly clear the wings would be cosmetic only, and would not grant him the ability to fly. That kinda defeated the entire point of having wings then, didn't it? At that point, all they'd do is be giant awkward things that would get in his way all of the time.

And besides, while he didn't feel particularly attractive, he had kinda grown attached to his humanness. And maleness. And he clearly had managed to get himself a couple of very attractive women who seemed to like what he had going on, so it didn't make much sense to him to go and screw that all up for his own vanity.