Fleeing the Bedchamber (part 2)

After spending a moment scanning her surroundings for potential components, she settled on Jaang'faz's necklace. Summoning her Mage Hand again, she gently lifted it off the rack and brought it to herself. Once it was in her hand, she lifted it up to her eyes so she could see the various objects on the leather string. Finding what she was looking for, she gingerly untied the knots holding the necklace together and slid each bead and totem and charm off until a small piece of crystal fell into her palm. Holding onto it tightly, she swept the rest of the items off her chest and onto the bed beside her. Holding the crystal in her hands, she placed them on either side of the collar around her neck, and with a growl of devil-speak the metal of the collar shattered, freeing her neck and hands.

Once she was able to fully sit up and move her arms, she dug through the rest of the components on the necklace for a second crystal. Not finding one, she took a pair of glass beads instead. With a bit more spellwork, she was able to break the chains connecting her ankles to the bed, careful to direct the rays she projected from her finger away from her legs and feet. To being able to directly remove the chain shackles from her arms and legs was less than ideal, but ideal was less important that getting away right now.

Once she was loose, she slid off the bed and hurriedly scrambled for something to cover herself with. In a trunk at the foot of the bed, she found a large pair of breeches and several tunics, all of which were substantially too big to fit her. Thinking quickly, she slid the breeches on and cinched them as tight around her hips as she could with a length of cord she pulled from another one of the shelves. The tunic completely swallowed her, but by lacing the front as tightly as possible and tying a knot of gathered fabric in the side, she was able to make it manageable enough to move in without it completely falling off at the first step.

She couldn't know for sure if anyone had heard her breaking her chains, but if they had, she probably had only a few moments before they would arrive to investigate. She snatched a leather pouch from one of the shelves and swept everything from Jaang'faz's necklace into the pouch before tying it to the cord around her waist. She made for the door, stopping for one brief moment to grab Marg'faz's earrings from the rack she'd taken the necklace from before she stepped out of the bedchamber and into the hallway.

She didn't recognize her surroundings. The grey-brown of the stone cave walls was familiar enough, but the corridor itself was not one she could recall being in before. To her left from the bedchamber entrance the corridor ran about forty feet before turning leftwards and angling down. To the right, it ran straight for a distance before taking a sharp right turn. She paused for a moment, holding her breath and listening carefully for any sound or stirring her keen ears could detect. Sure enough, faintly in the distance to her left she could heard the sounds of yelling voice, and the clash of metal, like there was a battle going on in the distance. That was a good sign. Perhaps there was more truth to the visions she'd been fed by Rawg'faz than she'd expected. Left it was, then. For better or worse.