The Decision and Future Ahead.

After few days Neo decided to search for an exit. Most of his injuries were healed already.

(I need to move from here. I cannot survive on water and roots.)

He started moving in direction of darkness. The boy was touching the ground before him and moving forward. He could touch something like a snake but it couldn't be helped because he was too weak, and he didn't have anything to help himself. After half hour of crawling, he felt the slight fresh air movement.

(There must be some kind of opening nearby.)

After examining the surroundings, he saw that there is a small hole in the wall a few meters away.

He was grateful being malnourished and small for his age because he could squeeze through and leave this freaking cave.

(Finally, I found the exit. I absolutely have no idea where I am now. OK, I need to examine my surroundings.)

There were many bushes nearby and many trees but there were no signs of bigger animals in the area.

(I need a stabilizer for my leg. Stick will do the job.)

He picked some branches and vines. It was more than enough to stabilize his leg.

(Finally, I can move on 2 limbs again. If we count walking stick it is 3 but it's still better than crawling.)

He saw some berries nearby, he recalled that it's safe from his memories.

(All I need now is nutrients and rest. I cannot come back to the city in this state. If I had some needles I could fix my body faster but I need to handle this like this.)

(If I start eating now I will need to widen an entrance a little. It's still a good shelter. This forest has some wild beasts that I would rather not meet in the current state.)

Time passed after 2 weeks he could remove stabilizer and thanks to meditation he started to develop spiritual sense. He absorbed most of his memories. His knowledge was vast like the ocean but what's almost funny that he couldn't use most of these things. Eastern medicine techniques that he obtained in his previous life were related to acupuncture and spiritual sense. Minimum requirement was to have a spiritual sense embryo. Neo started to meditate in Buddhist technique that he bought from one of Buddhist temples. Temple was really in a terrible state, so he used donations to "persuade" monks to let him take a look on their mantra. One look was more than enough. This mantra was better than technique from medicine manual, so he decided to not waste time and use the best techniques from his experience.

(I need some time to create spiritual sense embryo.)

A month passed from the time that he left the city. He was dead for people in the city. His spiritual embryo was finally completed.

(I entered the road of soul's cultivation. It's a good feeling. It's time to examine my body by checking the pulse.)

He checked his pulse and discovered something that made him frown.

(This body is a mess. I am not sure how this is even possible that I am even alive.)

For a normal person, it would be a death sentence. Multiple internal injuries and some organs failures but with help of right medicine and acupuncture. It's possible to repair every damage and disabilities in this body.

(OK. I must change my plans now. How to reach the city faster? The embarking martial road must be postponed too. What a drag...)

(I need to find the way back. Time to take the risk and go back to place where I was chased by that wolf beast. From there I should be able to find the way back.)

[It's possible to analyze memories to create route back to the city.]

(Hmm. So this AI isn't so useless as I thought. Do it!)

(Analyzing... Creating a route to the city. The host should go 20 min in east-north then...)

Sometime later, Neo reached outskirts of the forest.

(Luck or AI good guidance but I didn't encounter beast during the trip back.)

If someone saw him now. He would think that he is a zombie. He was dirty and his clothes were tattered.

(OK. I can see the city from here. I have no time, let's hurry.)

Neo finally reached the city gate. Gatekeeper saw him and almost fainted because he thought that boy is already dead. The first thought that boy is a ghost that came to haunt him for letting him die in the forest.

"WWWWHO Are you and what's your purpose here?" He was trembling when was shouting to Neo.

"It's a month and you already forget the boy that you let sent to his death by a group of local scum?"

Boy's voice was childish but for the gatekeeper, it was a voice from depths of hell.

(What a pussy... I wonder what would happen if he saw the beast that chased me in the forest...OK enough of this farce...)

"Lucky for you I survived. So let me in. I am hungry and tired."

Gatekeeper felt relieved. It's not a ghost. It's an only human kid.

"You are a lucky one to survive in that damned place. Take these coins and buy something to eat." He threw him a few coins. It wasn't much but Neo could buy some black bread for it.

A few moments later...

The boy was sitting under a tree and chewing black bread that he got from one of the stall owners. He wanted to buy it, but he received it for free. People didn't want his misfortune to fall on them so the best option was for them was making him go away.

(So I am in the city. Time to make some plans. My previous life taught me one thing that I cannot do anything alone. I need other people. Let it be friends or subordinates. Another thing is money and base. I cannot perform anything in the middle of the streets, or they will catch me or try to kill me.)

After a moment of thinking, he realized the difficulty of his problem.

(I need start from some kind of temporary shelter. If I meet these retards again, it would be annoying. Let's think...)

He was pondering about this issue when he saw an old man walking on the street. You could smell the fragrance of many herbs from him.

(I found the target. He is like me from the past. Completely absorbed by his thoughts. I think taking something from him is like child-play. How to catch his attention?)