Let's make a deal!

(Dark circles under eyes. The smell of herbs. Appearance older than real age.)

Neo approached the man and said.

"I can solve your problem!" He said to the man.

The man stopped and turned around. A hope appeared inside of his eyes but when he saw Neo it disappeared and disappointment took its place.

"It's a new way to get money? You will get nothing beggar, get out of my sight before I call the guards." He was quite annoyed by the boy's actions.

"Sickness? Poison? New formula? Ambition? Tell me what do you desire? I will help you achieve it! You don't believe me, right? I am the beggar from the street, I won't survive more than a month due condition of my body. You don't lose anything accepting my deal and you can obtain things that you couldn't dream off."

"OHhh. That's an interesting way of boasting. See, kid problems that I have been out of your imagination."

"If it's something with your body. Just let me check your pulse and I will tell you how to deal with it."

"Check my pulse? Who do you think you are? A divine doctor from legends ?"

"Look at me what are you afraid of? I am a small kid without strength? The biggest thing you can lose is a few seconds of time."

"OK. Do it and stop wasting my time..."

Neo used his hand to check his pulse and after 5 seconds grin appeared on his face.

"Three different kinds of toxins inside of your bloodstream and parasite inside of your lungs that feeds on your life force. You wouldn't live more than a year if you don't do anything."

Man expression changed from irritation to astonishment. He visited many so-called doctors and none could tell his condition by just "checking pulse".

"Can it be cured?" He asked with eyes filled with hope.

"Yes, but not now. I need to repair my own body because this kind of treatment is too stressful for current me."

When he heard that it cannot be treated now. He lost hope again.

"Stop making such a face, old man. I can heal you but I need a month of time and after this month I will make you healthier than a horse. Do you want to make a deal ?"

"Let's do this. I hope I won't regret this." The man said and he took Neo to his house. The entire was filled with the smell of herbs and there were many scrolls with weird symbols on them.

"Welcome to my sanctum. We can talk now about our deal."

When Neo saw the man's sanctum, he felt nostalgic. It was similar to his laboratory on the island.

"OK. First I am Neo and you can consider me as "divine doctor". I have many other skills but it's not important."

"I am Aron. I am herbalist of this city. If you can heal me, I can make a deal with you. I could make deal with the devil if I could."

"OK, I need a set of needles and book with herb's names and description."

"Book? What is it?" Aron asked a question with confusion.

(What? They don't have books. That's gonna make it harder. AHH I didn't see any book until now. This world looks like something between ancient age and middle ages.)

"You don't have books... Scrolls with descriptions of herbs? Do you have these?"

"Hmm. Parchment scrolls related to herbs. I have plenty of them. Just look around and all of these are about herbs, poisons..."

(No paper is a problem... I know how to make it but I don't know blueprints for everything. I didn't wander in every possible industry.)

[I have a database with all blueprints and knowledge that can assist the host. I was designed to help my host in building a civilization in a new place. Most of the functions are locked now due lack of power and it's not possible to use them now.]

(That sucks and its good information at the same time. I had many regrets in my last life. I should live this life with no regrets hahaha. Let's start the conquest. Entire world haha. I will reshape this to my liking haha.)

[Host has big ambitions but chances of success with the current state of the host are equal 0]

(I have time. I am young, so I can build strength, power and wealth with time. I will advance the technology with time too.)

"OK. I think it's enough for now. Just get me a set of needles."

"Needles. Sewing needles are enough? I can order specially made one but it will be expensive because it will be custom-made."

"Tailor needles? Are you insane? Do you have money to order custom-made set?"

"I am not rich but it's possible."

"Then do it. Give me something to draw. I will draw the blueprint for them."

A moment later Aron brought a blank skin parchment and quill with blood in the small container.

(I am such an idiot, I cannot read and write in this language. OK, I will just draw the sketch and ask him to describe my drawing.)

He took the quill and draw the blueprint without the description and said.

"I don't know your language I will tell you and you will write it down."

The man was surprised, but he didn't waste much time and started writing down the description for of needles. It could be said but the blueprints were very detailed and there were 19 different kinds of needles on it.

"Every needle has its own purpose don't ask questions. I will show you later when I will start using them."

Aron took parchment and left.

(How do fuck I am going to read if I don't know the language...)

It was a huge problem. Plants in this world can have different names, and he needed to find out all of this information.

(Good. I need organize things that can help now. Analyze the current situation and check my knowledge about techniques from previous life AI.)

[Alchemy — Missing tools, lack of knowledge about this world]

[Western Medicine — Lack of tools]

[Accuntpture — Lack of tools, low amount of spiritual sense.]

[Science — ???]

[Chemistry — Lack of tools.]

[Martial arts — problems with the host's body]

[Soul cultivation — available]

[Evil path techniques — available]

(Not many things are available for me now. It will change after I repair my body with acupuncture. I need to use Evil techniques to hasten my plans. These techniques are not that bad as long I don't let them consume me.)

Evil techniques were very powerful, but they could take control of you and change you into a monster. Derek used Soul Devouring in his previous life. Eating someone's soul was very evil but Derek needed to make his stronger to become an alchemist, so he devoured, but he made codex and following it was important. He devoured only bad people. The technique made soul cultivation faster and allowed a user to absorb victims memories. It was a double-edged sword because consuming souls could affect your mentality and personality and feeling was strongly addicting.

(Let's make plans for the future...)