New Problem!

They came back to the house and it was completely devastated. All the scrolls, cauldron, remaining doses of medicine. All of it was taken by someone.

(Fuck. Someone is messing with me... Good that I told Aron to destroy Meditation technique manual after he learns it. They took all the cauldrons fuck! I cannot concoct without them.)

"This place isn't safe to stay. Let's go to Reis!"

They checked surroundings and didn't see anyone.

(It wasn't a coincidence that we were robbed. Someone at Reis's side betrayed! Are we going straight into lion's den then?)

It was planned but by whom. If the culprit was a man from John's memories, it will be a serious problem. It didn't matter because it was no use of running away now.

After some time, they reached the destination. The servants welcomed them and lead them into the villa. Reis was in the middle of a meeting. He and 2 other men were sitting and talking about business.

When Reis saw the Neo and Aron. He politely said to these people that he needs to take care of something. These men were surprised, but they didn't want to offend him, so they left.

"What brings you here?"

Neo knew that Reis couldn't betray but his people were different. Any of them could be the culprit.

"Someone destroyed the house, we were staying in. Do you know anything about it?"

"Destroyed you house, impossible! I ordered some of my people watch over it. You know I couldn't let my gold laying goose face any problems!" He became angry and started shouting and calling his servants. He ordered to call the guards responsible for watching over the house.

(He ordered someone to spy on us. It's an actually bad and good thing. Let it be. I am weak and I cannot protect myself.)

Neo was disappointed not only in Reis attitude but in the skill of his servants too.

An hour later one of the servants came and said.

"I couldn't find them! They are traitors or they are already dead."

The most problematic situation occurred.

"I propose you to stay here until the situation is resolved and culprits found. What do you think?"

"We have no choice then. Thank you for your hospitality!" Neo wasn't happy about this situation but actually, this house was the safest place to stay now.

He discussed the problem and explained the necessary items that are needed to be bought to continue concocting.

(Let's calm down and meditate. I still didn't stabilize my soul after events in the mansion.)

He sat down in the arranged room and started meditating.

(I hope it's not that man. I am not ready to face him yet.)

The meditating wasn't easy because he felt disturbed. Neo couldn't postpone it because it would leave his soul unstable and it could affect his mind.

Knock. Knock.

A few hours later he woke up from meditation by knocking of Reis's servant.

"I should tell them to not disturb me!" He was annoyed, but he couldn't do much about it.

He opened the door and servant bowed and came in.

"Master sent you an invitation to the dining hall."

(What a drag...)

He was interrupted so there was no point in meditating anymore.

"Lead the way!" He ordered the servant.

They entered the dining hall. There was a long table that could hold 50 people. It was useless now because there were 3 seats taken. Only people here were Reis, his son, and Aron. Neo joined them sat next to Aron.

"Did you discover anything new?"

Neo got straight to the point. He could meditate but it was the only thing that he could do here. Practicing assassination techniques? It's rather not the good thing to show people. Rest of his interests were taken by bandits.

"No. It's weird but there is no trace of them at all. They disappeared and none heard or seen them."

He was disappointed but these people were like ghosts.

"Do you have training courtyard here? I am bored and I could straighten my bones."

The son of Reis reacted and said.

"I will lead you. The most of our guards are trained there. We don't show it to anyone, but we can do an exception for you."

" What are we waiting for?" Neo was quite interested in training grounds. He could at least kill the time there.

They left the dining hall and went into the basement. It was quite big and there were and there were guards training there in separate sections. Shooting range, training dummies and many more.

Neo felt a nostalgic because he was training in a similar place when he was a child in a previous life. It was more advanced and bigger but the concept and atmosphere were similar.

The moment they entered the grounds many people shot despising gaze at Neo. He forgot about a basic thing, he was the small boy that looked like a typical pretty boy. It was like an insult to real men like these guards when Neo came in and trained with them.

(I see these people despise me. Words have no meaning here let's show them who is a real man with actions.)

He turned in the direction of Reis's son and said.

"Give me some training robes. I want to stretch my body a little." The man thought that Neo would leave after seeing all the people but it didn't happen. He ordered one of his servants to bring training robes with the size of a child. A few minutes later, he brought robes close enough in size that Neo could wear them.

He changed his clothes and walked in the training grounds again.

(Haha. All of you will regret. Let's start with archery. I didn't practice it in my past life but with my current site. It would be interesting.)

He entered the shooting-range section. All men around him laughed and one of them approached him and said.

"Sorry kid, it isn't the place for flower boys like you. We don't have toys for you to play. Leave before you hurt yourself!"

They ridiculed him and thought that with the body of his. He wouldn't even able to lift a short bow.

Neo didn't care about them and approached the table with bows and picked a short bow. He lifted it and felt like it's too light for him.

(Hmm. I am stronger than I thought.)

He tried bow after bow and stopped with the longbow. It wasn't heavy, but he couldn't find any heavier bow and his body size would make it impossible to use bigger bow anyway. They were surprised that he could actually lift the longbow but the most interesting part was going to happen in few next seconds.