This kid...

He watched a person that was shooting next to him and decided to copy his movements. Right pose, calming his breath and finally drawing the bow while aiming at the target.

Swish! The arrow was shot and flew into the direction of the target. All the surrounding people became quiet. The arrow missed its target but it hit one meter from the butt. It was maximum range target, and he almost hit it at his first try.

The people were terrified by him, but he was quite disappointed and shook his head. He aimed another arrow and shot another arrow. This time he hit the butt it wasn't worth any points but it was hit.

He pondered for a while and after the moment he corrected his stance and shot again. It was a bullseye!

These people around him regretted mocking him earlier. It must be beginners luck. They wanted to say this but Neo didn't give them chance he started to shot one arrow after another and all pierced the bullseye and furthermore, they pierced the previous arrow.

Some cold sweat appeared on foreheads of these people.

Neo finished shooting and put down the bow and moved to sword section. He picked one of the swords and swung it to check it's ok to use.

"Little light but it's ok."

He started swinging but it was a mess.

"Hahaha. Does anyone want to spar with me?"

This was clear provocation! This boy didn't know how to use a sword but wanted to spar with them. Few men were enraged by his words.

"Newbie come here!"

They called the newest member it was a youth with mohawk hairstyle.

"You want me to fight this kid? I know that I am not the best at fencing...but please don't mock me like this."

"Hey cock face! Come at me! Ohh maybe you are too scared to face a boy!" Neo provoked him and mohawk man was furious.

"Don't regret this. I won't hold back after your insults!" He took his sword and approached the boy.

Clang! The first attack of the cock face was successfully blocked by Neo.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Neo was only blocking and watching opponent movements.

(It's my turn now.)

He started to mimic cock face actions. Stab! Slash! CUT! Slash! Stab!

His attacks were getting faster with every attack. It was quite interesting because he was learning how to defend while he was attacking.

Swish! Cockface countered one of his attacks, and he was almost hit.

"Interesting! That's all you got? Then you are weak, let me finish this farce!" He mocked cockface and started another attack.

Stab! Block! Cut! Stab! Block! Counter! Dodge! CUT! SLASH!

Cockface couldn't keep up anymore, sword in his hands fell out. Neo pointed his sword at his throat and said.

"If it was a real battle. YOU WOULD BE DEAD!"

Cockface collapsed on the ground.

"WHAAAt? Areee YOu?"

Many people stopped their actions to watch this. There were still some people that didn't believe.

"OK, kid. Let me play with you." One of the bigger ones came and said.

"It's enough! Go back to your practice." Son of Reis said to the men.

"No. Let us spar. I always wanted beat muscle head like you!"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah." Neo didn't say many words and started another fight.


His attack was stopped, and he felt that hit the mountain. This man wasn't inexperienced like cockface. It wasn't long and the man attacked.


The attack shook entered body of Neo. It was powerful enough to smash the rocks with bare strength.

(So I cannot block his hits... Let's use movement technique.)

He started to move around muscle head.

"Kid. Do you think that you will tire me with running around like a monkey?"

Art of assassination wasn't made to make a frontal attack it was made to attack the place where the target is most vulnerable.

The man didn't wait and attacked he swung the sword with his entire power but the thing that happened in next second surprised entire hall. Neo sidestepped and appeared behind the man.

"This is the end!" Said and started walking off.

"You really ..." He didn't finish his sentence before he realized that there is a small cut on his neck.

He collapsed on his knees.

"What happened?" The most of the trainees didn't see clearly what happened. The only thing that they were sure that provoking this kid is a good way to die.

"This kid is... a monster!"

After these events, none dared to mock him and all became polite to him. It was beast in form of kid.

"Ok. Let's go back!" He called Reis's son and they left.

The eyes of Reis's son were filled with respect.

Before they reached the room of Neo, he asked.

"Can you teach me these moves?"

"No!" Neo refused without any thinking. Teaching people was too bothersome.

"I Sam son of Reis, am ready do anything to learn these techniques! Please teach me!"

Neo smirked and said.

"I will consider this but don't have high hopes!"

(His son is battle maniac hahaha. It's funny.)

He entered the room and started to meditate.

A two days later.

There was still no progress in searching for people that attacked their house.

(I need probably create new cauldrons and other things. I cannot waste more time. There are still two weeks left to my 10th birthday.)

He occasionally trained with guards at training grounds, but he couldn't do much.

(I can say that my comprehension improved by many times comparing to my previous life. Haha, maybe I should become a swordsman. Nah! I prefer treating weapons as tools but learning more techniques cannot harm me though!)

He ordered the servant to tell Reis to prepare the necessary tools and started meditating again. It would be stupid to waste time. Improving his soul will be good to concocting the medicine.


Suddenly, he was interrupted but noises. It was weird, the mansion was well protected.

Sniff! Sniff!

"Sleeping gas? Fuck!" He needed to take action immediately and stop his body from falling asleep.

He didn't wait and pierced one of his acupoints to cause pain. Pain stimulated the production of adrenaline, and he got enough time to eat something that neutralizes the gas effect. Some herbs already came to his room previous day.

"YES!" He swallowed one of the plants that were inside of the bag. It was Red Fire Grass. The effect of this plant was strong stimulation and it was enough to neutralize completely the effect of the gas.

"I need to move..." Before he finished the sentence...