Chapter 1

The continent of Exceed is a mix of fantastical creatures and mythical beings. Here, there were many different types of creatures and humans each with their own characteristics. The kingdom of Arna is a human kingdom situated at the far left side of the continent. This is a relatively safe area with the only danger coming from the nearby Forest of dragons. This forest named after dragons were thought to be the home of dragons, some say that the dragons are still roaming the forest, hidden and out of sight. It was in this forest on a bright morning that a loud cry rang out, scaring all the birds.


"I'm starving damn it!!!!"

In the depths of the forest, a young girl dressed in a school uniform was sprawled out on the ground. She was looking at the sky not caring about the situation around her and where she was. The only thought on her mind was...

"That cloud looks like onigiri...I really want to eat it wuuu"

This young girl that looked about fifteen years old had long white hair and blood red eyes. A strange looking beauty even in the modern world she came from. People who saw her would say she would've been the epitome of beauty...if not for her severe addiction to food...

The girl finally sat up straight after drooling for at least half an hour and looked around.


"Where am I"

Question marks appeared on top of her head as she looked around. She seemed to be in an open space of grass surrounded by trees. There were strange plants everywhere as well some of which she'd never seen before. Clearly, she'd been transported somewhere unfamiliar but all this girl could think of right now was of only one thing.

"Right, time to get some food."

As she sat up her eyes flashed and she looked to the right. There was a rustling from the plants showing that there was something there. A four-legged animal walked out. It was in the shape of a wolf but it had large fangs and its fur was black with white streaks running through it. People familiar with the forest would be able to tell that this was a lightning wolf. A ferocious beast that ejected lighting from its fur. The most fearsome part of this beast, however, was its speed. The lightning wolf could flash forward before ordinary warriors could react and their sharp fangs would tear into their necks.

This beast had clearly sniffed out the young girl and was eyeing her dangerously. The surprising thing was, the girl was staring at the wolf and...drooling...

"Hoho this beast looks good, looks like it's going to be a barbeque for tonight!"

The wolf as if it could understand the thoughts of the young girl growled and lowered its hind legs. People familiar with the beast would know it was getting ready for the flash like pounce that made it feared. In a split second, a loud boom sounded out as a black coloured projectile streaked through the air towards the young girl.

But the girl didn't even move as if unafraid of being instantly killed. A normal person would perhaps wet their pants in this situation but the young girl simply smiled and said, "Mischevious."



The wolf let out a cry as it slammed into something hard. There seemed to be an invisible wall in the air that it ran into. The girl smiled and waved her hands. Immediately the wolf stopped moving as if wrapped by invisible chains.

In fact, it wasn't the fault of the wolf for thinking this was just a normal girl. Most people would think it was a normal girl as well. Who would know that this was actually a girl that was known in her previous world as a demon incarnate...

In fact, the reason why she wasn't fussed when she woke up in this strange forest was that she knew what had happened. Before in her previous world, the girl was a disaster for humanity simply because she was someone that should not have existed. Even though there were many other paranormal things in the previous world such as ghosts and gods, they were all self-balanced and regulated internally by the Universe's laws with the gods helping to keep order.

This girl, however, was an anomaly, an anomaly because she was outside of the boundary for these laws. She was totally unrestricted by them and could defy any that she wanted to. The gods could do nothing as well since she existed on a different plane and because her powers made them fearful.

So the gods made a deal with her. She would be sent to another universe that was more suited to handle her abnormality. You would think that the girl would have put up a strong resistance to being kicked out of her original world but in fact, her only question was.

"Do they have delicious food there?"


And so the girl agreed to be transported purely because of food...

The power she was using to block the wolf before and bind it was telekinesis. A psychic ability she innately had and which was enhanced through experimentation. The young girl was known as a demon in her previous world because of powers like this which caused humans to fear her. In her previous world, she could do anything she wanted purely on the basis of her power and that power was brought over when she got transported as well.

"Hmm, it seems easier to use here, is this what that old man meant by saying the laws would offer fewer restrictions in this universe?"

"Achoo!" The old man in her mouth who was actually the king of gods sneezed. Rubbing his nose his mouth was curved upwards as he remembered that he had sent that bugged person somewhere else.

"Haa it's good that it's not my problem anymore AHAHAHA"

The young girl's eyes flashed as if she understood something. Since this world was one where powers almost like her own could be seen it made sense that the universal laws here were more relaxed than the previous world where supernatural events and beings were kept at the minimum.

"That's also good, first of all though, have to eat"

As the girl licked her lips and looked over at the shivering bound lightning wolf. It involuntarily whimpered, "Awooo..."

She was about to flip her hand and kill the wolf but then she thought of something.

"Hmm now that I think about it, I don't know much about this current world, that damn old man didn't tell me anything either other than saying it's more suited for me and it has delicious food..."

Looking back at the wolf she smiled.

"Looks like I still have a use for you after all little doggy."

The lightning wolf that was mistaken for a doggy, "..."