Chapter 2


A loud roar rang out in the depths of the forest. A group of adventurers were fighting a beast. The beast looked like a towering pig the size of two humans with its back on fire. This was known as a Flaming boar and was a rare sight inside the forest. Flaming boars were usually hunted for their valuable hide because the flame burning on their back is not extinguished when they die. Most people would turn this hide into protective cloaks over their armour, it could also be used as the first layer of defence due to the tough skin of the boar.



A man in heavy metal armour was clashing head-on with the boar while a blonde-haired woman on top of a tree in the back provided cover fire in the form of a volley of arrows. The duo looked as if this wasn't the first time they had worked together as each of the woman's shots accurately hit the boar the moment the boar tried to charge at the man.

There was also another brown-haired young man dressed in a light blue robe standing to the side waving his hands as strange runes came out of them. Standing closeby one could hear him muttering a long chant.

"Alexis are you still taking your damn sweet time?", the man in heavy armour shouted at the light blue robed young man.

The woman on the tree got annoyed at the heavy armour man getting distracted shouting, "Rock, focus."

"Yeah yeah Mika, no need to be so serious it's just a flaming bo-"

Before he could finish speaking, the boar, perhaps enraged by the humans looking down on it roared as the flames on its back burned even brighter until even Mika on the tree could feel the heat of it.

Mika screamed, "Shit! It's gone berserk! Alexis, hurry up!"

The young man in the blue robe kept chanting as the heat caused sweat to drip down his forehead. Finally, his eyes flashed and as he drew out a runic circle in midair he shouted, "Wrath of the seven seas, Water Dragon!"

A huge column of water shot out from the rune turning into a mighty dragon charging over towards the Flaming Boar. The force of the dragon was so great that it pushed the boar towards a large number of trees and also...a young white-haired girl?!

Everyone's eyes widened as a girl and a wolf suddenly appeared out of nowhere and just so happened to be in the direction of the water dragon and flaming boar.

The young girl who had just appeared looked over and her eyes widened as well.

What the hell is this kind of luck!?

She had just tried to see if her teleporting capability was still working as it did in her previous world and who knows when this huge flaming piece of pork and some snake made of water suddenly appeared!?

Discontented, the girl raised her hand and waved. As if encountering a huge force, both the water dragon and the flaming boar were slammed to the left towards another group of trees. The force of the impact was so great that it disintegrated the entire water dragon and killed the flaming boar as well from the pure force.

The group of adventurers were stunned. They had all just been about to open their mouths to warn the young girl that suddenly appeared but before they could say anything she had not only solved the problem but also killed the flaming boar as well.

Solving the issue of the water snake and the flaming piece of pork meat, the girl finally looked over at the speechless adventurers. Then she looked over to the wolf next to her and said, "Wow little doggy not bad, you actually managed to find me some pork meat!"

The wolf that had suddenly become a doggy shivered as it remembered how this girl had considered skinning and eating him just before. It could smell out a powerful aura around here so it intended to lead the girl into a trap. Who would've thought that this damn demon king like girl would've solved that powerful beast so easily? Its body drooped lower as it resigned itself to its new life...of a food-seeking doggy...

"Hahaha good good, don't even need to cook it since it cooks itself." The girl let out a cute laugh as she thought about the dead flaming boar.

Mika had good hearing and was paying attention to this girl as her mouth twitched. Oi oi, little girl are you seriously thinking a flaming boar is a walking piece of barbequed meat...

Alexis and Rock finally got back their composure as well as they walked over to the girl. The girl seeing them walk over stared at them vigilantly and shouted, "Hey this is my dinner, you all can get your own!" As she righteously defended her dinner that had literally flown at her she was oblivious everything else.

Alexis, "..."

Rock, "..."

Standing a little away from her, Rock finally opened his mouth and said to her seriously, "Sorry for almost hitting you and thank you for helping us kill it but we need this flaming boar."

The young girl frowned as the air around her turned dangerous. Perhaps feeling the dangerous aura from the girl and also remembering how she had casually destroyed his water dragon spell before, Alexis quickly said, "Calm down, we won't take the entire boar since you killed it after all, how about this, we only need the hide of the boar and you can keep all the other parts?"

The young girl finally grinned and said, "You should've said so earlier, I don't want to eat the skin anyway, too chewy!"

Ignoring how this strange young girl seemed to only think about food, Mika who had walked over asked her, "Since that's sorted, could we know your name benefactor?"

The girl hearing her question tilted her head up and looked at the sky.

That's right since she was in a new world she would need a new identity.

From now on, she would call herself something fitting for this new beginning of hers...

"Shiro. You can all just call me that", the young girl smiled.

Her smile was extremely dazzling causing the hearts of everyone to beat faster.

"Awoo..." The little wolf by her side whimpered knowing that this demon king girl was obviously putting on airs! It was way too scared of her by now to be enchanted by her. Nope, this girl was definitely a huge piece of trouble! The little wolf endlessly regretted provoking her before as it had countless times by now.