Chapter 3

Somewhere deep in the forest, a fire was burning brightly in contrast with the blanket darkness. A group of people and a wolf were sitting around it. Looking closely, there was a skinned boar being roasted above the fire.

The white-haired girl, Shiro licked her lips as she looked only at the food with her stomach constantly rumbling. The speechless adventurer group just looked at this strange girl. The warm glow of the fire lit up the girl's face and made her look young and innocent. No one would think there would be so much power hidden inside her.

Mika broke the ice and curiously asked, "So Shiro what are you doing here in the forest?"

Shiro looked up at Mika and gave a light smile, "To hunt food of course!"


Mika scratched her head and continued, "Well where are you from then? We're from Yuwa city nearby."

Shiro thought for a moment. Obviously, she couldn't say she came from another world, not to mention that no one would believe her, it would also draw unnecessary attention. So she answered, "I was born in this forest."

Technically she wasn't wrong. She truly was "born" again in this forest where she had arrived in.

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard that. One had to know that this was the forest of dragons where many strange and magical beasts roam. An individual was pitifully weak compared to these strong monsters and people could only survive by banding together.

To say that a little girl could survive on her own and grow up in this forest...It was almost an absurd thought that any normal person would laugh at.

They didn't really doubt her however since she had not only shown her strength before but also because they saw the lightning wolf lying by her side meekly. To be able to tame such a ferocious beast, she was definitely quite familiar with the creatures here.

The beasts in this world were ranked from one to ten. A rank one beast was quite weak and a group of ordinary people might be able to kill it using weapons. Each subsequent ranking, however, represented a huge leap in power. A rank 8 and above beast could easily level a city with their strength. Beasts of a higher rank usually also had a certain level of intelligence. This lightning wolf Shiro had tamed was a rank three beast whereas the boar she had killed before was a rank four beast.

Rock spoke as well at this moment, "Well since grew up here it sorta makes sense why you'd be so strong."

Alexis also thought about it and added, "Yeah, Shiro could you possibly be a spirit king?"

Shiro had question marks on top of her head unconsciously asking, "What's a spirit king?"

These people were the first she had ever met and she wasn't really given any information from the king of gods when he transferred her here. She didn't even know the name of the forest she was in!

Mika had as if expected this question after knowing that Shiro grew up in the forest. Shiro likely had no idea about the outside world so she answered, "It's a tier of cultivation, I'm sure you know something about cultivating right?"

Although she knew Shiro would likely not know the names of the tiers judging by her ability before she should at least know how to cultivate?

Shiro still had questions popping up in her head but kept silent.

Mika then continued, "Outside, we divide cultivation into different tiers. There's spirit disciple, spirit warrior, spirit lord, spirit king and spirit sage. There are probably tiers beyond that however our city is quite small so we don't know any of them. Since you were able to kill that flaming boar so easily Rock just assumed you were at least a spirit king."

Easily was a bit of an understatement, Mika thought quietly to herself as she was speaking. Rank four beasts were by no means weak and that flaming boar was clearly in a berserk state making it even more powerful than usual. Yet somehow Shiro had still managed to easily kill it...

"Spirit king huh." Shiro thought to herself. The power she'd used before wasn't actually particularly strong, to her it was similar to the strength needed to swat a fly. Who would've thought that it'd actually seem that impressive!

Mika was, of course, oblivious to how smug Shiro was as she thought about her greatness and elaborated more, "I think you're probably at least a spirit king as well, by the way, all of us are spirit warriors. Alexis, over there quite special, he's a water attributed spirit warrior."

Seeing that Shiro still looked confused Mika was about to continue but Alexis interrupted, "Ignore what Mika said, I'm just an ordinary spirit warrior that happens to be able to use water-based spells."

Alexis smiled at Shiro and said, "Outside, people who can use spells of a certain element are known as attributed cultivators but I don't really see myself as that special."

Rock gave a huge laugh and patted Alexis' back almost calling him to fall to the ground. "HAHA come now Alexis no need to be so modest, although attributed cultivators aren't rare in the Arna Kingdom it's still kind of rare in our small city right!"

Alexis, angry at almost being faceplanted on the ground glared at Rock and snorted, "Hmph don't know about attributed cultivators but an oaf like you is definitely a rare sight."

Rock, oblivious to Alexis' insult looked over at Shiro then asked, "So Shiro since now we know you're at least a spirit king what do you plan on doing next?"

That's right, a spirit king was quite a powerful existence, in their small city there wasn't even a spirit lord and a spirit king was a level higher than that! If they could get her to come back with them it would be a great boost when they went hunting next time! Having a spirit king around would also mean the city itself was safer because just the aura of a spirit king could deter beasts from attacking.

Shiro yawned and then immediately responded, "Eat then sleep."




This girl was way too carefree! Rubbing her forehead Mika just simply asked her, "Well then, do you want to come back with us to the city Shiro?"

Shiro thought about it her head. Although she could see that the group of people had some ulterior motive, she wasn't too concerned about it since she could feel that they meant well and she was confident in being able to protect herself. Despite her laissez-faire attitude to most things, Shiro had managed to cultivate a very strong ability to sense danger thanks to her experience in the previous world.

So she cheerfully nodded and replied, "Sure!"