The people and their changes Chapter 44

As the world was continually changing with fibre users starting to create small groups or hide in the darkness scared of being seen as freaks.

However they weren't the only ones growing and changing new groups had begun to emerge with some regular people.With some creating small survival bases and others forming bands of bandits who would kill and steal from who ever they found.

Many new groups had started to form the bases of future powerhouse whether it be the good or bad and those in between.


In a dilapidated church with a large hole in its side that was formed from a car ramming into the building scattering the pews.And smashing the glass and pillars with leafs and insects now crawling in the building from its entrance.

A old man at the age of 65 was laying on the stairs near the altar at the center of the church with large slash on his stomach.His breathing was heavy and sweat poured down the side of his face as his eyes continued ot dilate and his hands layed on his wound whilst trying to stop the bleeding.

" my..arg!..please..not like this"-?

The man was currently holding a silver cross in his other hand rubbing his finger along the surface whilst looking at his wound.The man was praying to his god but secretly new there was nothing that would stop him from leaving this world.

"M..mar..Mary..ack! please stay now our much trouble.ha.ha"-?

The man started to drift whilst talking to himself hoping in some way his words would reach his wife of 45 years.He was slowly fighting the cold brace of death closing his eyes however in his fight he hadn't heard the footsteps.Of a young man in an ambulance outfit was cautiously walking towards the man until he saw his wound and quickly step towards the elderly man.

"Hello names Jake and I'm going to try and help you out"-Jake

The elderly man slowly looked towards the young man named jake who slowly came into his sight and wore and ambulance outfit.

"Dont worry sir I'm a trained professional I'm just here to help can you tell me your name"-Jake

Jake was doing this to keep the man's thoughts of the wound and to try and keep him conscious by speaking to him.

"Robert..Robert Mirkwall..can you help me?"-Robert

Jake had now gotten past Robert's colthose to the wound and slowly moved his hand towards the old man as he spoke.

"Ok now listen Robert I'm going to heal your wound but it might hurt for a couple of seconds do you think you can hold on for me"-Jake


"Just hold on Rob this will soon all just be a weird memory"-Jake

Before Robert fell unconscious he saw something unexplainable Jake's eyes was glowing a bright orange has he felt his hand touch his wound.

Later Robert woke up in a hase as he felt his wound to find and strange patch of vine like covering that had a slight glow throught it.However once he touched the patch it quickly withered away revealing smooth skin where his wound you to be.

He quickly felt the skin that was like silk and looked quite odd when compared to the rest of his wrinkled body.Once he remembered the young man he quickly looked around to only see the front doors of the church door closed and the wall.Had been covered by vines with just enough to make sure animalse or people couldn't walk in.


He slowly got up and walked towards the entrance whilst feeling stronger than he usually did feeling 40 instead of 65.

"ha.ha ha yes! I'm saved thank you! thank you!...wait who am I thanking..the lord?..I'll think about it later I've got to find Mary"-Robert

Rob quickly opened the door and ran for the first time in years towards his family who had stayed locked up in their house.Luckily they had many vegetables and fruit plants so they wouldn't need to go outside much however Rob.Had to go and get them toiletries and to try and get some candles from the church now that the lights didnt work.

As Robert left the church what he didn't realise was that had had left his cross on the church floor near the stairs.


In the middle of a small gang war between to rival bandit groups who where shooting and slashing at eachother.A woman in bright clothing with the theme of being eco friendly and save the world was sitting on a smal 4 story building watching the fight between the two groups.

"Augh..people really dont change its these animals that caused our world to be poisoned and scared luckily I've been chosen to rid the world of the filth that clings onto its skin"-?

As the fight continued and was coming to and end with only 7 men left and 10 ethier dead or heavily wounded and unconscious.The woman quickly moved her hand as the ground under the men started to twist and crack underneath them like it was alive.

Since they were to exhausted to run after the fight the could only try to limp away as the ground ripped open as large twisted vines shot out.And pierced throught the men's hearts and heads with looks of shock pain on their faces as their bodies dropped to the ground never to move again.

"Well that's all cleaned up to bad I had to wait to get the vines to reach underneath them quite time consuming"-?

Once the young woman in her mid 20s got up she quickly climbed down the building using some rope she attached to the side.Once she was down and in the alley she saw a small group of people dressed in the same wears as her with some signs in their hands.If you looked you could tell they were the people who would protest against global warming and fraking among other things.

"Great job willow you showed those bastards a lesson they deserved!"-?

"No problem its beacuse of the gift I was given by mother nature that we can survive this long and protect the world"-Willow

"Yes yes truly wise!"-?

"It's their fault for Corrupting the land!"-?

"They must be cleansed!"-?

"Well let's go back to basics guys we've got to water the trees so they can grow and bring back the animals!"-Willow

"Yeah!"- the group shouted