time line chapter 45

It was currently raining as J and Ryan ran through the camp to get to the headquarters second floor and into the meeting room.Quickly walking in and sitting on the large table able to fit 15 to 20 people at the moment however was just the usual crew of Luther,Alex,Zack,Bob with Ryan and J making 6 all together.

"All right now that Ryan and J are here we get get down to the reason why I have asked you to be here today."-Alex

"Which is?"-Zack

"Well I feel like it should help us if we can collect a detailed or at least simple time line of what's happened these last few months.That way we may gain some information and can also use it in the future to teach those of the future and it may just bring comfort for those looking for answers"-Alex

"But its impossible to know anything different we were all mostly from the same places nearby so we won't know what happened in france or america"-Luther

"Can we not try to obtain news reports and radio reports or maybe try to find something from the old government buildings"-Ryan

"Maybe but it will take a lot of time and people"-Alex

"Well then let's just go over the basics that we know"-Luther

"Alright so let's go back 1 year ago us 3 were living in the city and where going to college when there was reports.Of a strange virus going around but no one took notice and a few weeks went by until a massive explosion in infections came out of nowhere from around 1 month after the first cases where reported."-Alex

"With a few of the worlds major city's having some of the highest numbers however the government tried to act like they were suppressing the virus but really wasn't.It was 3 months into the global infection when the chaos started with the numbers constantly tripling to the point that small goverments started collapsing and riots and anarchy started"-Alex

"Yea I remember those guys stealing TVs like there was still going to be channels on ha!"-Zack

"Yes..anyway around 4th month was the final straw when most goverments caved in from either the virus or it's own people.Many had been shocked by this thinking they would of lasted longer but many didn't realise most of the leaders and rich were already moving into the new lifestyle."-Alex

"You know it's almost like they didn't care it's crazy how they were pretty much dead silent but their bank accounts where screaming for help from the hundreds millions being taken."-Luther

"That may be the case even I have to agree the reaction given was more than odd but it also proves that those in high places knew things others didn't"-Alex


"Now then on the 6th month Most major city's had fallen and hundreds of million are dead or infected and most goverments where just shells.This was when what some in the camp called 'the silence' happened Which was when the survivors stayed inside and went out to get supplies.This time was probably getting people ready for what's to come since most still didtn have the guts or strength to make gangs or become bandits."-Alex

"Yea that was when we were in the college and Luther's house"-Zack

"Precisely at this time it was a gamble to go out since zombies roamed the streets and animals were going wild fast.The silence lasted for another 6 months in which people began learning new ways to survive and try new techniques and weapons.While others had begun building the base of there organization you could say the silence was the coming before the storm as the explosion which is the apocalypse began"-Alex

"Wow finally here only took a year"-Zack

"Yes much has happened now one year after the first cases was when the so called new era began called 'the apocalypse'.This was because the zombies had started going into hordes and some had started getting stronger.

But that wasn't all humanity finally awoke again and it wasn't as civilized as before from some aspects with bandits,cannibals and warlords spread like tumors.Most people had been forced out now a giant free for all started with many battles going on daily."-Alex

"And with those fights came many headaches"-Zack

"Yes well the first 4 months was pure chaos with gangs killing anything that moved and zombie hunting humans weaker than them.

While also having to worry about food and water and if possible shelter but then on the 5th month which was a few months ago happened."-Alex

"It was like it was yesterday"-Luther

"On the 5th month everything started mutating all of a sudden from plants to animals to even our own soldiers.Currently I dont know the cause or reason for this mutation to suddenly occur but it has some positive and negative effects.The positive is it calmed the fighting and bloodshed however it made people more isolated and dangerous when going outside by yourself."-Alex

"But sir aren't most mutations harmless or so tiny it doesn't even matter"-Ryan

"Well yes that's true some mutations just made plants synthesis better or grow faster but with the billions of plants and billions of insects and animals."-Alex

"It became a problem since suddenly plants became different colors making people unsure if they are safe or just a different colour or has mutations to make it poisonous.Or a harmless looking bird suddenly trying to rip your eyes out without you being able to see it coming."-Alex

"How haven't we encountered any of this ?"-Zack

"I dont know mega luck?"-Luther

"But yes there are also good mutations such as J'S mutatioan with those black roots or Ryan's memory but even then.I'm not sure if Ryan's is a mutation or just becoming more sentient after killing loads of zombies and eating them before he met Luther."-Alex

"Win both ways sir"-Ryan

"Let's not forget us aswell we can get mutations atleast we think we can since our soldiers can but I have a guess"-Alex

"Please due tell"-Zack

"I believe it's harder for us to get mutations or just rarer since we already have our powers so it may fight it or slow it down so it can integrate together."-Alex

"Hella yea! I wanna be made of diamonds"-Zack

"Wouldn't steel or titanium be better?"-Luther

"No diamonds are stronger and look better plus if I get into trouble I can just give them some skin diamonds easy peasy!"-Zack

"That's nasty"-Alex