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Every Thing Is A Dragon?

Star kept close to her brother making sure she never fully left his side. She really likes how he was trying to wall straight and be a big good leader but Star could smell the bitter and strange sent of fear. She tried to smile and majorly failed.

" Why did your food have to turn up to be an Apples Day dragon." Buggy whined as he tripped over Pine and Pine helped from his tail being stepped on. Star shook her head in dismay. She really thought that maybe the world was not so bad after all. She had been wrong. The world was terrible. Crazy wars, food that turns into dragons that want you as there slaves. She didn't think it could get any worse. Moon tripped over Buggy sending a domino effect on the youngsters. Star was the only one standing.

" Alright stop tripping over each other we need to find a place to sleep." She said and realized how tired she was. She had barely gotten to sleep when the ambush had started. The. she was alone in the world except for her three friends. She sighed deeply on the inside. She loves them but damn they could be clumsy. They all got up and continued on.

A few hours had passed. Star was so tired her eye lids barley stayed open as she stumbled onward. She stepped heavily on a crunching leaf. She cringed. They all stare open eyed. It was loud enough to attract a dragon. A low hissing sound by a pile of leaves. Star realizes something right before a huge monstrous leave dragon fly's at them.

" Keep off my LEAVES!" The dragon which sounds female shouts and Misses Star by inches. Star yells in fear. All her muscles reacted at one sending her into a flying kicking run. The other followed her. The monster leaf dragon behind them followed its Misty Amber eye on what it thought to be it diner.