WebNovelFruit Bat61.90%

First Friend

Pine froze for a second. The huge leaf dragon beast was after them. It misty amber eyes on its prize. Them. Pine sprang away with a push of his wings in a frantic motion he pushed Buggy and Moon.

" Let's lift Buggy in the air. " He shouted as the half flew half scrambled along the forest. Moon nodded frantically, Star agreed by flapping her wings harder and grabbing Buggys shoulders. Pine Grabbed his legs and he tripped slightly then moon grabbed his arms. Pine flapped his wings as fast as he could. The others did the same. They slowly came in the air. The leaf monster dragon was four or five feet tall. Pine heard it roar as it tore past them. Missing by nearly nothing. Pine started to breathe heavily. Buggys weight was split among the three of them but they really where not that fit. The leaf beast most have heard them all. By this time all the youngsters where at least three feet in the air. Pine flew as hard as he could. He saw a branch above them by a few inches.

" The branch on the branch!" Pine yelled fear making his voice crack. The other flapped harder than before using every amount of strength they had. In a few seconds they where all on the branch. Pine pointed up they needed to be higher. They all climbed up. Now about seven feet in the air they felt somewhat safe. They could still see the misty amber eyes below them and hear the leaf monsters yells of frustration and rage. Pine looked down and shivered. He heard Buggy sob beside him. He patted his head not daring to whisper a little something to him. Star was trying very hard not to breathe heavily make her stop breathing a second then sighing for a second, then repeat. Moon was biting the branch trying not to make any noice from his breathing. Pine tried to stop his breathing, he ended up doing exactly what Star was doing. Holding his breath for a second then breathing for an even shorter second. A sudden snap of a twig above there head made them all jump and hold there breath.

" The Creep Leaf dragon will find you. But come with me and you'll be safe. " A quite voice said. With little hesitation they all scrambled up the tree. Buggy the loudest scratching the bark to shreds. The Creep Leaf dragon below bellowed out in rage and jumped on the tree. Once Pine had gotten up he saw a greenish gray dragon jumping down to attack the Creep Leaf dragon. There was a loud hissing sound and fire erupted from the greenish gray dragons mouth. Star gasped loudly as it shot past the Creep Leaf dragons face. It yelled in terror and fled back down to the ground. The greenish gray dragon came back up to them. He cleared his throat and a few ashes floated away.

" I am a Floating Ash dragon. My name is Flowdd. I am a friend and I am not a foe. " Flowdd said calmly. Moon sighed with relief but Pine could tell he was still a little hesitant. Probably because of Light Bringer and the others. Pine let his breath out and panted a little. Star spat out a few leaves and chunks of bark. Buggy laughed nervously and scratched his fluffy ears. Flowdd smiled a little.

" Why'd you save us. " Moon said a hesitant look on his face. Pine wondered the same. Star looked curious and Buggy nodded.

" Where the same. " Flowdd said with a shy smile and his ears flicked a little. Pine took the few seconds to completely look at him. He was greenish gray with smokey eyes and had good sized horns on his head. His wings flopped a little behind him. This made Pine make a little profile on him, strong, breathes fire. Big horns and strong and fast flier.

" Exactly how are we the same?" Star asked with a little snap in her voice. Flowdd looked a little hurt.

" Well... umm... We both got our home taken by the Light Winged dragons and the Water Winds. " He said shyness making it a little more of a whisper. Pine felt his eyes bulge. He had his home taken by the Light Winged dragons and the Water Winds.