WebNovelFruit Bat95.24%

What's Next?

Moon feels sad. He is worried about Flowdd. What happens if he died. Hell they knew Riptide was dead. How could Someone survive when there face gets melted off. He didn't know. She was well alive in his nightmares. He shuttered a little. Pine had obviously had a night mare. He had woke up yelping and crying. Moon wanted to cry but he didn't feel like it. He sighed.

" What happens next... " He muttered. He had always felt like a leader and wanted to lead but now he was not sure. He wanted to be safe. Him and his friends. Maybe where they felt safe was not. With Flowdd has seemed so safe then Riptide had tried to kill them. It made him feel uneasy. He looked over at his friends and his sister comforting each other. Moon smiled at them.

" Hey, Moon. Ugh... What do you think we should do. I think we should wait a day or two here maybe. " Star said as she walked towards him. He scratched his head.

" I don't know. That sounds like trouble. I mean think of Riptide. " He said. He looked Pine with his face stained with tears. " It's also a place of bad memory's. "

" Yeah... " Star said. They all agreed on one thing without talking, this forest was full of trauma.

" We could try to find some dragons like us. " Buggy called to them. They nodded it seemed like a good idea.

" Yeah. Only. We are pretty sure, all the Fruit Bat dragons are being hunted. Also the Fuzzy Foxes. By the way I hate the Emerald Eyed dragons. Even if they where protecting you guys they didn't have to protect me. " Pine explained. They all looked disappointed. They wanted to see there own kind, but really. Pine was right. About it all. His kind there kind.

" Yeah. Your right. And say we did find refuge. Do you guys really think the Fruit Bats would let another target to the Light Winged dragons in AND a Emerald Eyed dragon. Or the Fuzzy Foxes. " Moon agrees. They all nodded. They need a full proof plan.

" So let's decide what happens if we see Riptide again. " Star says. " I mean. What if she's not dead. " They all grimaced a little.

" Okay. Alright. Maybe. Star can Instantly try to attack. " Buggy says. Moon shakes his head. They look up.

" That's putting her life on the line very time she comes around. " Moon says.

" We don't know if she's alive..." Pine says a little distantly. He was scared out of his scales of Riptide. Hell, who would not be terrified.

" Yes but if she is. Why should I attack. I know I'm the best fighter. But still... " She was saying before Buggy glared at her a little. They all stayed silent at the glare.

" No need to brag. Sorry my suggestion was bad. " Buggy said. He seemed a little defensive.

" No need to ague. " Pine started.

" Well you all think I'm just a little baby. I can fight! I can be brave! I am just like you!" Buggy yelled a little. They all stare at their feet.

" Sorry Buggy. It was bad of us to think that. I know I did. " Moon said looking at his feet. He felt Bad about it. He should not underestimate his friend. Maybe one of the only friends he'd ever have.

" Yeah. I am sorry to. " Pine and Star said at the same time.

" Okay back to business. What's next. "