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Along the road.

After they all disused the issue of Riptide they choose that I'd they saw her again two would distract and the others would Throw thong at her. Basically over whelm her the best they could. Then they would flee. Mostly through the smallest cracks they could find. once they escaped they would run as far a lazy as they could. Moon knew it would be a good plan.

" So... Do you guys wanna set how long were walking for. " Moon asked as he kicked a little patch of dirt.

" Ummm... Like maybe a few more hours. We need water." Pine said with a hint of a smile in his voice. Pine seemed to take a strong blow from the stuff that had happened. But the farther try got the better he felt. At least that's what it looked like. Buggy did a little giddy skip. He seemed a little nervous. Moon felt all over guilty about leaving Flowdd. Where ever he was. He wanted Flowdd here. Why had he risked his life for them?

" Hey guys. Why do something Flowdd risked his left for us. " Moon said in a bland and faded voice. They all dropped down a little.

" Maybe he thought we had the secret weapon. " Buggy said looking forward. Star nodded.

" Yeah. But why risk me then. " Pine said. They all stopped and looked at him. He looked a little depressed after he said that.

" Because you are a good friend and you are better than any other Emerald Eye. Ever. " Star said a little bit of loving anger in her voice. Pine smiled sheepishly.

" Thanks Star. " Pine said in a quiet voice. Moon smiled.

" So is that what we think. He risked his life for the secret weapon. " Moon said. Pine shrugged. Moon nodded a little. That was what he wanted to think. He really wanted to.

But maybe he did it because he was avenging his fellows. Destroying a Water wind Dragon for justice. He shrugged it off .

" All right. So. Now that this has all happened and we are walking along the next road to who knows what..." Pine trailed off. He was under the silly goofy gazes of them. Moon nudged him with a wing.

" Let's just go. We might reach the rain forest soon. It's good for cover and stuff. " Moon said with a little laugh.

" Yeah! We'll hunt jaguars and kill monkeys for fun. We'll see what those dummy's will do about it. They'll shake in fear. They'll... " Buggy was on a rant before Star yelled. " ALL RIGHT WE GET IT!" They all laughed and mostly had a good trip.


The dragons traveled for three days before they reached the muddy outskirts of the rain forest. They had been lucky enough not to run into any huge dragon. Riptide had showed no signs of being around.