chapter I: John



Who is that?


Is that my name?

"Rose?" A deep voice finally managed to snap me out of my dazed state.

I slowly raised my head to get a look at the stranger.

The second my eyes met his, he gasped and reflexively took a step back.

Look down, prime. I immediately cast my eyes down and focused on playing with my tiny fingers.

I felt the huge man shift and kneel before me so that we were almost at the same level.

"I'm sorry I startled you, Rose." he said gently and I furrowed my eyebrows at that again.


"Is that not what they call you?" At that I raised my head again. He was still startled but controlled himself better this time.

He pointed a finger at my chest. "That must be what they call you, isn't it?"

I looked down at where he pointed to see a small white card with a printed text.

My name is Prima Rosa Williams. I am mute. If found, take me back to St. Louis's Orphanage.

"Rose is short for your name, isn't it?" he asked and paused as if waiting for a reply.

He groaned under his breath as he realised something. "Oh. I'm so sorry, dear."

Right. I can't talk.

That wasn't true but I had unintentionally lead everyone to believe that.

"How could you have possibly gotten here?" he wondered out loud.


I looked around my surroundings to find out I was crouched up by the wall of a dark alleyway.

How did I get here?

It was a normal day in orphanage for me. I had been sitting on a bench for hours just watching the other kids play. As dawn broke, I was suddenly overwhelmed with an unknown sensation. I began to hear voices and one particular voice stood out.

It was deep and soothing and kept whispering my name. Unknowingly, I had stood up and began walking in the direction of the voice. It was like my body was moving on it's own accord. I couldn't resist it even as I begged myself to stop.

I hoped someone in the orphanage would stop me as I began walking outside the gate but it was like no one even saw me. As I walked past strangers on the street no one even bothered to cast their eyes down at the little girl walking around alone at night.

Finally, the voice led me to an alleyway where I was met with floating creatures in dark cloaks. A chill ran down my spine as a feeling ran through me like I had just met death itself.

I had already broken free of the spell that overtook me but even then I knew I couldn't outrun them even if I wanted to. I wanted to scream for help but my heart was caught in my scratchy throat. I hadn't talked in so long that now I couldn't and even if I could, the fear in my heart at that moment didn't let me utter a single syllable.

The creatures floated round me in circles and I slowly walked backwards until I hit a wall and slid down it. I couldn't bear to watch their ritual any longer and looked down at my hands. I faintly heard the tires of a car screeching and immediately the ominous feeling disappeared from the air like it was never there.

Next thing I knew, this stranger stood before me.

I shivered as the memory came flooding back but the man must have thought it was due to the cold because he immediately tightened the red scarf around my neck.

"You must have strayed far cos I don't think your orphanage is around here."

I didn't think so either. How far had that voice led me?

He stretch out his hand towards me. "Come on. You'll stay with my family and I tonight and I'll find the orphanage tomorrow."

I looked at his hand hesitantly and looked into his eyes again. He was a man way bigger than the average size with dark brown eyes, short black hair and a scruffy beard. Tattoos ran down his arms from his neck all the way down to the wrist of his extended arm. An overall intimidating look that would have increased my weariness if not for his soft smile and gentle voice.

"My name is John. I'm a good person, rose. I promise."

And for some reason, I believed him.


Instead of taking his hand, I gently wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face there. It took him a few moments to gather himself after that simple motion but slowly he wrapped his hands around my waist and carried me up.

"Poor thing." he muttered under his breath. "You must have been scared to death." he let one of his hands around my waist go and brushed his fingers through my thick red hair.

I really was.

Exhaustion washed over me and I fell asleep before he could even get me to his car.
