chapter II: Their home

Most people only become aware of their dreams when they wake up. As my aunt always used to say, I wasn't like most people or like anyone in fact.

I could always tell when I was sleeping and I could always tell when I was dreaming. Never stopped my heart from racing even though I could tell that the creatures taunting me in my sleep were just projections of my inner fears.

Maybe that's what scared me more. That my own mind –a place where I thought I could be truly me, where I thought I could be safe- would betray me like that and use my own fears against me.

Something was different this time. For the first time since I lost my family, I slept peacefully. No sweet dreams that I knew would never come true and no creatures of nightmares racing my heart. I just slept.

I had never been one to trust anyone because of what I had been taught since I learnt to speak, listen and understand. Yet, I, Prima Rosa Williams, had curled up and fell asleep in a stranger's arms, completely aware that he could have done anything to me in that vulnerable state.

Maybe he did do something to me. Maybe he did kill me. Maybe this is what heaven is. A colorless comfortable void where I'd be floating in endless sleep till the end of time. That was the only logical conclusion I could think of as to why I was sleeping so peacefully.

Wake up…

Wake up!

" Wake up!"

Was someone trying to wake me from…heaven?

"Wake up!"

At the sound of the tiny voice again I slowly pried my eyelids open.

Heaven. Not today I guess.

Blinding light from an open window made me shut my eyes right back before I slowly began opening up once again little by little till my focus was fully adjusted to the light.

"Hello." A small voice said from the other side of the bed.

I turned my whole body towards the person and my eyes came in contact with a little girl around my age. Our noses were almost colliding and the thought of inhaling the same air she exhaled made me cringe and slightly scooch away from her.

"Woah." Her bright green eyes shot up in awe. "So pretty."

I should have smiled at the compliment or given her a small friendly gesture but all I could think about at that moment was how unintentionally cruel she had been to me by waking me up from my peaceful slumber. So, instead I looked down in an effort to conceal my eyes.

"Hello. My name is Isabella. What's yours? I'm nine. How old are you? Why are your eyes-"

"Issy, stop bothering Rose." My eyes jumped to the beautiful woman who cut off Isabella as she walked in with John right behind her.

"But she won't talk." Isabella whined and rolled off the bed.

"Be nice sweetie." The woman gently scolded. "Rose can't talk."

"Can't or won't?" I felt the girl eye me suspiciously from the corner of my eye.

One look from the lady -who I had come to realize was her mother because of their uncanny resemblance- and Isabella huffed and walked past her mother and stood with her lips pouted and arms crossed between john's legs who patted her head with a small smile.

She was right about one thing; I'll give her that. I could talk but I chose not to. I had been awfully quiet since the police found me that dreadful night and people had started to believe I couldn't speak. I let it go on for too long till I was officially recorded as mute. Maybe things were better that way. Best to keep the lowest profile possible.

The blond, green-eyed lady leaned over gently with a small awkward smile.

"Hello Rose. I'm Lilian, John's wife. It's very nice to meet yo-" her voice caught in her throat as her eyes met mine for the first time.

"Oh my..." she said breathlessly.

"Beatiful." I looked away again.

I need to be more careful. I thought to myself.

She straightened herself and cleared her throat. "Sorry." She said after sensing my obvious discomfort.

"Mom, I want pretty rainbow eyes too." Isabella whined again.

"But your eyes are also very pretty." John leaned down to kiss her small head but it did nothing to make her pout disappear.

"It's not the same." She said with a small voice.

Lillian and John just chuckled at that.

"Come now Rose." Lillian extended her hand. "You need a bath and some new clothes. It's a good thing you and Issy are pretty much the same size." I looked at her hand and looked at John; the only person in the room I somewhat trusted. In return, he smiled and gave me an encouraging nod.

"The sooner we clean up; the sooner we have breakfast." Lillian said and I slowly put my hand in hers.

She went on to tell me random things as she gave me a bath. I found out that they didn't even live here and were just here on vacation.

They'd be gone soon. The thought of that made me sad as I knew this comfort wouldn't last. They were just really nice people that took in a stray girl for a night.

After my bath she dressed me in a white gown with blue polka dots similar to Isabella's but hers were with red polka dots.

"I didn't expect your hair to be this soft or even tamable because of your curls". She said as she went through my red curls with a brush.

"You kinda remind of the Disney princess, Merida but your hair is soft like Ariel's." She said with a small laugh but paused when she noticed my furrowed eyebrows in the mirror. I hadn't understood the reference.

"You don't watch movies in the orphanage?" I shook my head.

"Oh." She said quietly. "Well Merida has brilliant red curls like you and she's almost as pretty but you have her beat with your 'rainbow' eyes." She said quoting Isabella from earlier and causing me to breakout in a smile for the first time that day and for the first time in a long time.

I saw her smile as well from the mirror.

I remember my aunt couldn't get enough of my hair, she liked to play with it a lot. The memory made me sad and my smile unconsciously dropped.

Lillian noticed this and stopped her brushing motion for a bit before continuing again. "Did you remember someone?" she asked gently. I simply nodded and thankfully, she left it at that.

"There! All dressed up and ready for breakfast." She said while beaming at me through the mirror. Knowing I couldn't verbally thank the sweet lady, I turned around and wrapped my arms around her waist. As expected, she reacted the same way her husband did the last night; froze at first then slowly hugged me back.

"God! You are so cute." She said with glee and we slowly let go of each other.

"Come on. Let's go get you some pancakes with loads of syrup."

My eyes beam at that. Pancakes had always been a luxury at the orphanage. She smiled at me and gently tugged my hand leading me downstairs.

The house was huge and beautiful. I couldn't help but look around as we walked down the hall. The walls were clad with pictures and portraits of John, Lillian and Isabella as well as some other people, most likely more distant family memebers. Aside from the pictures, there wasn't much to see in the hall but the living room downstairs was a sight to behold. A gigantic beautiful chandelier at the center of the ceiling, pearly marble walls and a whole aquarium built into the floor beneath our feet. I couldn't even tell if the fish were real or not. It was simply breathtaking. And this was their vacation home?

I could already smell pancakes the closer we neared the kitchen.

"Flip it again!" I heard Isabella's cheer and giggle right before we went through the kitchen doors.

To my shock, john was cooking. I had half expected a bunch of maids to be scurrying around the huge kitchen but here he was flipping a pancake for Isabella's amusement.

"We are here and we want food." Lilian moved me to a sit beside Isabella, then walk over to john for a kiss which caused Isabella to gag dramatically and me to look away.

Lillian and john just laughed at our reactions.

Soon fluffy chocolate chip pancakes were ready.

"How many would you like Isabella?" John asked.

"I want two with lots of chocolate syrup!"

"Your wish is my command, princess." He chuckled and served her.

"Thank you Daddy!"

"And you, rose?" he asked me next.

I sighed internally at the name. I hated everyone calling me rose instead of prime. They had just assumed that it was short for my name and I really couldn't blame them.

At the question I raised up two fingers.

"Will that be enough?"

I thought about it. This wouldn't last for much longer so I might as well enjoy it

I raised up three fingers instead and he smiled.

I want three too, I can finish three too. Isabella said competitively.

"Rose do want chocolate syrup too?" Lillian asked.

I declined. I like sweet things too but I like it in moderation, a pancake with sugar, chocolate chips and chocolate syrup will be overkill for me.

Soon everyone was served and I ate to my satisfaction while enjoying the light conversation the lovely family shared. I had the best meal since I lost my guardians.

I was drinking juice when john received a phone call.

"Yes....she's with me."

He briefly glanced over at me with a sad look.

"Yeah. We'll bring her back."

The fact he glanced at me made it obvious that he was talking about me.

Well, the pancakes were good but it's time to go now.