Chapter V: Anger issues

Five years later…

Healing took some time. Okay, I'll admit it, It took much more time and effort than I had expected. I thought things would start to flow like water once my vocal chords completely opened and I was able to speak more freely but it didn't.

For one I had been mute for three years, so the difficulty that came with speaking was what to say and how to express myself. For quite some time I couldn't even ask John or Lily for the simplest things. I felt like I owed them everything and I wasn't entitled to their money.

It took some time and effort -mostly on their part- but slowly, I started to open myself little by little everyday.

I looked at them having breakfast on the other side of the dining table. Lillan was practically drenching her pancakes in chocolate syrup while John was stuffing his mouth while going through a contract for like the hundredth time.

I smiled at that. I love them so much.

"Alright. Enough daydreaming Prime, let's go". Issy said, getting up from the table.

Over the years we truly became sisters. Lillian intentionally made us take a bunch of activities together to get us to bond while also learning how to express ourselves. These activities included Ballet and Gymnastics. Issy started long before I did and probably even learned how to do a handstand before taking her first steps but like pretty much everything else, I got the hang of it pretty quickly.

"Bye Mom, Bye Dad." We said simultaneously as we grabbed our bags and jackets.

"Bye girls." They replied.

"Prime. Your glasses?" John called out without even looking up.

I reached into my bag to bring it out. "I got it-" John raised it up at me with a small smile and his eyes still focused on the contract.

I smiled at that and grabbed it from him. "Thanks Dad."

I placed the tinted glasses over my eyes which immediately darkened my surroundings and reduced the ache in my eyes while also shielding them from other people.

"Take care sweetie.��

I've been using glasses for about seven years now, you'd think I'd have stopped forgetting them by now. Initially, I found them uncomfortable even as they reduced the ache of my eyes and I avoided wearing them as much as I could.But, with time my eyes only grew more and more sensitive until even the tiniest beam was almost blinding.

The hypersensitivity didn't stop at my eyes, it also affected my hearing, smell and touch. When I was younger I could only hear conversations from a few meters away but now I could hear everything two blocks down like it was next door.

It was entertaining sometimes. I could listen to the couple next door fighting but the fun stopped when the fighting stopped and an intense erotic session started. This I had to block out with noise canceling headphones that I built up the courage to ask John for because 'I didn't want to be distracted while studying'.

My touch senses slightly differed from the rest, it felt like I could feel everything around me. I could even guess someone's precise body temperature with a simple touch yet a prick or scrape would go unnoticed by me. All in all, with every waking day and as my powers and hypersensitivity have started growing out of control, it's starting to become clearer that I shouldn't be here. As if this entire environment isn't meant for me.

I had briefly considered the idea of being an alien from another planet but come on, how likely is that?

"You know, you should consider not dressing like a hobo sometimes." Issy said the second we hopped into her white BMW.

"Not this again." I groaned causing her to chuckle. To be fair, compared to her in her bright blue chiffon shirt tucked into her black leather mini skirt, I did look kinda like a hobo in black jeans and a baggy gray hoodie which was essentially what I wore everyday. Our personalities were a perfect contrast but somehow we made it work.

"Shall we?" I nodded and she started the car.

"I mean I get the whole shades thing is 'cos you don't want people to see your unbelievably pretty eyes." she rolled her eyes. I was about to correct her but she put her hand up to shush me.

"But, I mean you could at least dress better, maybe let your hair down once in a while."

"That sounds extremely inconvenient." I said at the thought of my wild curly red hair just moving around freely.

"Okay, keep your pony tail but I'm taking you shopping this weekend. My favourite sister can't continue looking like this."

I laughed at that. "I'm your only sister."

"Uh… which is why you're my favourite, duh."

I smiled at that. It's good to see things are still normal with us because recently I've been sensing some tension on her part.

The rest of the short drive was mostly quiet with me focusing on Issy's driving. For someone who's a quick study like I am, it's quite shocking that I've never managed to pass my driver's test so I tend to watch people while driving to learn more. John even got me a black Porsche on my 'birthday' thinking I'd actually pass the test.

My 'birthday' was actually the day I was adopted because I had no idea what day it actually was. I didn't mind not knowing but John and Lillian did. Those two would take any chance they got to spoil us and they had the money to do it.

"See you in ballet?" I asked Issy as she drove into the school parking lot.

"Nah, I'm skipping. Heading to the Gym to practice routine for Friday." I nodded in understanding. Friday was the Annual Inter-school Gymnastics semi-finals and Issy has been stressing about it for weeks.

"I'll pick you up at the studio." she parked the car.

"No, I'll just join you at the gymnasium when I'm done."

"Okay then." we got out of the car and went out separate way. She joined her friend group who were loitering at the parking lot while I headed straight for my locker.

School was easy for me. Always has been. What was difficult was the crowd and the noise. I could hear every single conversation and interaction all at once. From the bully beating up a kid to the couple going at it in the janitors closet. The minute I get on school grounds, everything just comes flooding at me and I can't block it out no matter how hard I try.

I was trying to unlock my locker when someone started walking towards me.


That had to be a mistake. I was looking down but I could sense someone walking in my direction. The closer the person got the more confused I was. I took in a deep breath to take in the person's scent.

New. And male.

Probably a new kid coming to ask for directions.I concluded.

"Hi. I'm new here and I was wondering if you'd like kindly show me around." a voice from behind me said.

I had half-expected it but I was still a little surprised. Of all the people bustling around the huge hallway, this guy managed to pick least lively person to show him around.

My back was still faced to him. I should just ignore him. There's still a chance he's probably not even talking to me anyway and if he was he'll take the hint and move on to someone else.

"My name is Ken by the way." he said and I almost snort at the name. Like Barbie's boyfriend?

"Would you mind turning around?" Okay, maybe he is talking to me.

"You are being kind of rude by not responding."


I was about to just grab my book and turn around to tell him off when an annoying screechy voice made me rethink my move.

"Don't waste your time on her. Apparently she's dumb and now deaf too."

Rachael Parker. Bullies were completely beneath me and trust me, I had quite a few. I couldn't even grant them my hatred. I had real enemies out there and no time or strength to be worrying about this lot of infants.

I grabbed what I needed and headed straight for class without glancing at either of them.

Although I tend to ignore them, I get my own share of payback once in a while.

Like now.

She was coming inside the classroom and was distracted so I used my telekinesis to slam the door in her face. Not hard enough to injure her but hard enough to cause a little embarrassment.

It was hilarious. I had to turn my face towards the window and cover up my smile with my fist.

A little immature? Maybe but she had it coming.

"Oh my gosh Ray! Are you okay?!"cried her annoying friends too loudly for my sensitive ears. They were so loud and annoying i wanted to rip out their vocal chords.

Okay maybe I've started developing some anger issues.

Another bully, Trent, dumped water all over me in the middle of the cafeteria last week and for my revenge I tied his two shoe-laces together while he was running down the stairs. He's still in a cast.

Mrs Jefferson that one teacher that hates me gave me a B in my perfectly written essay and I made her coffee spill all over her computer making her work twice as hard to retrieve all her data.

The point is have been getting pretty angry lately and my powers are getting out of control or rather I'm out of control and I have no outlet.

I don't even feel a little bad. In fact, I'd do it all again.

After they stopped making a fuse about her they headed to their sits with Rachael still clutching her now red nose.

Soon, the bell rang and class was afoot.

It was Math. I kinda like my math teacher, Mr Watson, he's cool and most importantly, he likes me or he could just be fascinated by my intellect. Can't blame him though, I knew my stuff.

"Alright Class. Today we'll be going through some simple algebra equations." That was followed by a collective groan from half the class.

Mr Watson went through two questions as examples before asking for volunteers to solve the rest.

"I was expecting someone with a brain to raise up their hand but i got a bimbo instead."

"Yes! Rachael would you like to come up and solve this question." Mr Watson asked.

"Um…Actually, Mr Watson I was hoping little miss dumb dumb at the back would like to solve it for us". Rachael said in a sickly sweet voice.

"Rachael bullying of any kind will not be tolerated in my class. And you do know Miss William-smith can talk right?"

Rachael rolled her eyes at the man. "I seriously doubt that, teach."

"Of course she can. You're just not worth her time."He said with a sweet smile. Rachael's jaw dropped while every other student burst into laughter.

I smiled at Mr Watson and he gestured at me to come up front. "Come show them how it's done."

I grabbed the marker from him and finished scribbling the long workings in a matter of about thirty seconds.

"Brilliant!" Mr Watson praised and started a small round of applause.

I was still a little bitter and so against my better nature I went up to Rachael and held the marker up to her while gesturing with my head towards to board.

She looked at me and back at the board to see the next complex equation waiting for her and continued looking back and forth before scoffing and mumbling a 'whatever' under her breath.

That's what I taught.

The whole class laughed at her reaction and obvious inability to solve while I kept my look passive but was laughing up a storm inside.

"Nice one Prime." Mr Watson whisper-yelled as I walked back to my seat by the window.

"Still a weirdo." One of Rachael's girlfriends said with a snicker.

"Smarter than all of you combined." Mr Watson replied absentmindedly while looking through his notes. The girl gasped but had nothing to say and just kept quiet. Soon the laughter died and that was the end of that. I felt proud of myself for handling the situation with a little grace given my current aggressiveness.

I could have solved the question and openly called her out in front of the whole but instead I just made her look stupid, which wasn't really difficult to do. I call this progress

"Mr Watson, I would like to attempt the next question." A familiar male voice said.

"Oh! You must be the new kid. Perfect! Please introduce yourself to you classmates before solving the equation."

"Sure Mr Watson." he said as he made his made way to the front of the class.

I finally got a full view of the new kid. To say the least, I was shocked. Not because he was the most handsome guy I had ever seen with his wavy hair and cute boyish look but because this guy was huge about 6'5 and easily towering over everyone in our class. He was also pretty lean with a nice but moderate muscular build as well as a cute little dimple on his right cheek.

I couldn't really tell with his colour-based features due to my glasses that turned everything black and white but I guessed dirty blonde or dark hair and blue eyes going by bits of hushed conversations going on between the girls in class.

"Hello Everyone, I'm Kendall Mane."

Something about him didn't sit right with me. For some reason he felt a little familiar and a lot suspicious.

He smiled at the whole class and stopped his gaze on me.

Why do I feel uneasy?