Chapter VI : Trouble

Chapter Five: Trouble.

"I'm not doing it." I take another bite of my burger. "I hate these things and you know that." I said with a mouthful.

"Come on, Sis, you have to help me out." Issy begged. Her green eyes shimmered under the bright cafeteria florescence and she jutted her bottom lip out and gaze me the most hopeful look she could muster. A look that could have changed anyone's 'no' to a 'yes' but for someone like me who could literally compel people with her mind: it was an epic flop.

I snorted and turned my full attention back to my cheese burger.

"Aww, come on prime."

"I don't 'have' to do anything.

She groaned. "Yeah, but you should want to."

I gave her an incredulous look. "And why the hell would I want to do that?"

"Prime, you know how hard I've been working for this Friday. If you don't help, that's literally It for me and the finals."

I shrugged. "Not my fault Leila twisted her ankle."

"Prime..." she whined.

I sighed. "Issy, you know I don't compete." I finished up my burger and started sipping my smoothie.

"There's a first time for everything." She grinned.

"Not for this." I paused my sipping to say and her smile died. "Anyway, why don't you have a sub?"

"We did but Carla has a fever." I choked on my drink and burst into a fit of coughs mixed with laughter.

Isabella rolled her eyes as I tried to calm myself.

"So you guys were actually going to put Carla on as a sub?" I laughed.

"Okay, that's not the poi-"

"Everyone knows there's almost always something wrong with Carla." I laughed again. "So basically, you never actually had a sub."

Issy groaned and buried her face in her palms.

"Wish I could help you, sweetie."

She uncovered her face and placed her hand on mine. "But you can." She said. "Prime, this is important to me. You know it is otherwise I wouldn't dare ask you for this."

I loved gymnastics but performing and competing were risks I couldn't afford. It wasn't safe for me to put myself out there. I had played it off as social anxiety and introversion but the truth is I just couldn't risk being seen by the wrong person.

"Prime." Isabella's dejected voice brought me back to earth.


I sighed. "What is it?" I asked referring to the exercise.

I can't believe I was seriously considering this.

She scrunched up her face at that. "It's the beam."

Now it was my turn to groan. "You do know I prefer bars right?"

"Yup. I also know you're great at everything."

I rubbed my temples.

"So?" she smiled hopefully.

Rule number five: Stay hidden.

Rule number five: Stay hidden.

Rule number five: Stay hidden. My eight-year-old voice continued to chant in my head till it felt like the sound was splitting my brain.

Stay hidden. Stay hidden. Stay hi-

Shut up! I screamed internally.

"I'll do it."

This was a bad idea. Every fiber of my being was screaming against it but I ignored them anyway. It's for Issy.

First anger issues and now ignoring my very own gut feeling?

What's happening to me?

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!" Issy's shrieks only worsened my headache and I groaned in pain as she showered me with kisses. "I love you so much!!! You are the best sister in the world!" I smiled at that.

"See you at practice?" she asked and I raised an eyebrow at her. She snorted a laugh. "I'm messing with you." She said knowing I didn't need any practice.

"I'm going to get things ready, Okay?" I managed to nod. "You're the best." She said before running off. My smile slowly faded as I wondered if she'd still think that had I said no.

The day seemed to drag slowly after that. My migraine seemed to slow down each second and I had to endure this head-splitting headache with a straight face throughout the rest of the day. The nurse would have probably just given me ice like she does to everyone so I didn't waste my time with that. I just needed some sleep.

I headed down to the school ballet studio after school hours but couldn't really achieve much so I basically just stretched until Issy came to pick me up. I really should learn how to drive.

She dropped me outside the gates and headed right back into town to hang with her friends. I really didn't want to trek the small journey from the gate to the mansion but I didn't want to be a bother so I did it anyways.

John, as rich as he was, had always been moderate and the smaller house we lived in before this suited his and Lillian's taste more but after Issy's small car incident five years ago, he decided to buy a whole estate so we could 'play around as much as we like'.

I couldn't complain though, I liked how secluded it was and I loved the forest around the house. I liked to run around and work on my powers deep inside it. I even discovered that if you walk deep enough there's a beautiful stream and some harmless wild life around it.

Instead of going into the mansion, I headed towards the forest thinking a small dip in the water would calm my nerves and relieve me of this headache.

As I walked deep into the forest I stopped a few times to look behind me as I couldn't shake off the feeling of being followed.

When I reached the river, I dumped my bag on the grass and stripped off my clothes before diving in.

At dinner, Issy invited John and Lily for the competition on Friday and they enthusiastically agreed to come after they found out that I would be performing.

"Sweetie, I'm so glad you're finally coming out of your shell." Lily said with watery eyes. I smiled and took her hand under the table. She was always very emotional.

Same here. John said from the head of the table. I'm proud of you kiddo.

I rolled my eyes at the both of them. "This is just a one-time thing."

"Doesn't make us any less proud." Lillian said.

"Well, is anyone proud of me?" Issy asked with a small smile.

"Always." John kissed her on the forehead as Lillian let out a small chuckle.

Dinner went on with minimal chatter. Isabella barely touched her food and more than once I caught her staring at me but when I'd look back she'd shoot me a fake smile and look away.

After dinner, I went straight to my room, took a shower and changed into pajamas. I was wrapping Aunt Ophelia's scarf around my neck when I heard a knock on my door.

"Hey." Issy said as I unlocked and opened my door.

"What's up?"

"Just wanted to thank you again for agreeing to this. I know it's way out of your comfort zone but I just hope you know that-" She paused and sighed. "It means a lot to me." She wrapped her arms around my neck.

This was a terrible idea but it was far too late for me to back out now. I couldn't help but think of all the people that would be disappointed. I pushed all my negative thoughts aside and returned the hug. There was something off. With me, with Issy, with Kendall Mane, with the atmosphere itself and just everything. Something was wrong, I could feel it but I chose to suppress that feeling and enjoy this moment.

"What are sisters for?"

That night I shut my eyes and fell into the same horrific dream I had almost every night for the past nine years. Being partially conscious and always knowing its a dream didn't make it less terrifying. There I was again, standing in between their corpses feeling just as terrified as the first time.

They're in a better place now. I can't guarantee that but I know it in my heart and I hoped they were praying for me wherever they were.

Trouble is coming.