Cell, an overwhelming victory

World 228

Age 767.

May 26th.


A decisive battle that would determine the fate of the Multiverse was currently taking place.

Cell, who has come from the future, has absorbed the Android 17 and 18 of World 228 and become Cell Perfect Form, possessing overwhelming strength.

Even Goku, who has saved Earth numerous times, has fallen in the face of Cell's immense strength and placed his final hope on his son, Gohan.

Only 10 years old, Gohan finally awakened, after the sacrifice of Android 16, unleashing all of his potential and becoming the first Saiyan to transform into a Super Saiyan 2 in this timeline.

However, possessing such immense strength for the first time, Gohan made a naive mistake, leading to an irreversible deadly mistake.

Under pressure from Gohan's powerful strength, Cell suddenly self-destructed in an attempt to take everyone down with him.

Although Goku uses Instant Transmission to take Cell away, he also died during Cell's self-destruction.

But Goku's sacrifice was not enough to save the world.

Amidst the self-destruction, Cell not only didn't die, but instead, he was reborn with an even more powerful form.

With the Saiyan cells within his body, Cell possessed the power to rival a Super Saiyan 2 and became even more powerful than Gohan.

Under the overwhelming and almost despairing power, Gohan and Cell engaged in a final showdown with Kamehameha against Kamehameha.



Two energy beams capable of destroying the world collided.

In an instant, a strong wind blew up and the sky and earth changed color, with sand and stones flying everywhere.

Under the raging winds, the spectators at the Cell Games site were forced to close their eyes, a sense of impending doom filling the air.

"Dad, I, I can't do it!" cried out a wounded Gohan, holding one of his injured hands.

Despite having his father, who had come from the Other World, standing behind him, the injuries on his body were preventing Gohan from using all of his strength.

"Hang in there, Gohan! You haven't even used all of your strength yet!" shouted Goku from the Other World.

But no matter how much he encouraged him, it couldn't change the weakening of Gohan.

Cell, who had been resurrected, already had an advantage over Gohan in terms of strength. As time passed, Gohan found himself unable to fight against him.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I can no longer use my strength..."

"No, Gohan!"

"Farewell, Gohan, go to hell and give my regards to Goku!"

With a maniacal laughter, Cell gave a final push forward.

In an instant, two energy blasts converged together, both rushing towards Gohan.


Gohan was completely consumed by the intense energy, with a feeling of reluctance and regret.

And Earth's last hope…


"After that, Father and the others used their last strength to try and kill Cell while he was still exhausted."

"But the disparity between them was just too large."

"First it was Father, then Piccolo, Krillin, Tien Shinhan, and Yamcha!"

"All the Z-Fighters died that day at the hands of Cell."

"Only I was able to escape because I was still young and was able to run away with my mother."

Recalling those past events, Trunks' body trembled.

Lin Chen took a deep breath, he couldn't believe that something like this happened in this world.

Gohan died at the hands of Cell?

"What happened later? Why is the Earth still fine? I think Cell would have destroyed it."

"According to my mother, after Cell Games, Cell did indeed go on a rampage on Earth, killing almost three-quarters of the population."

"But in the end, he seemed to have grown tired of it and left Earth for the universe. However, Cell left behind a message before he left, saying that he may come back in the future and hoped that there would be interesting opponents for him on Earth."

"That guy always treated everything like a game!" Trunks clenched his fist.

Lin Chen pondered for a moment and asked again, "What happened later? What's going on with Bojack and his gang?"

"They came one year after Cell left. At that time, the remaining people on Earth, knowing that Cell would come back someday, were divided into two groups. One group believed that the end of the world was coming and wanted to enjoy themselves while they still could, while the other group decided to find a way to deal with Cell during this time."

"But, at that time, Bojack suddenly appeared. He was originally a villain sealed by the four Supreme Kais, but he escaped from the seal after the death of the North Kai."

"Bojack seems to have heard about Cell and decided to wait for Cell's return to Earth. He then occupied Earth and enslaved the remaining people, and even built huge palaces."

"Because of Bojack's tyranny, many innocent people died, but some people united and formed a rebel army. My mother and I are members of the rebel army."

"Earlier, a base of the rebel army was discovered by Bojack's subordinate Kogu. I wanted to cover everyone's retreat, so I fought Kogu. But I didn't expect that although I transformed into a Super Saiyan, I was still not his match. If Mr. Lin Chen hadn't appeared today, I'm afraid I would have been sent to Other World to meet my father."

Hearing this, Lin Chen sighed, he didn't expect that this world would go through such a development.

"So, Mr. Lin Chen, I've told you everything I can, now can I ask you to reply to my question? Who are you, and why do you know my father and the others? And the thing you just gave me, were those Senzu Beans? But Korin Tower doesn't exist anymore, where did your Senzu Beans come from?"

Trunks asked a series of questions, his mind full of doubts.

He was both happy and doubtful about Lin Chen's appearance.

He was happy because Lin Chen's appearance might bring a turning point to the world that is heading towards the end.

He was doubtful because Lin Chen's body was full of mystery, and many things were incomprehensible to him.

"As I said before, I am a Saiyan, but I am not a Saiyan from this world, I've come from a parallel universe."

Trunks was stunned: "Mr. Lin Chen, did you just say parallel universe? Is it true what my mother said? Does a parallel universe really exist?"

"Is your mother Bulma? Yes, parallel universes do exist and our two worlds have different timelines. In my world, not only Cell didn't appear, but you have also not been born yet."

Trunks was stupefied.

So Lin Chen was from a parallel universe in the past and he himself had not been born yet in that world.

For a moment, Trunks couldn't react. But even though he was from the past, he could feel that Lin Chen had much more powerful strength than himself.

If, if he had his help, maybe this world could still be saved!

So Trunks urgently said: "Mr. Lin Chen! Please! I beg you, please help me save this world!"