The choice to save the world

Just as Trunks' voice fell, Lin Chen heard a familiar system prompt.

"Ding! Detecting Trunks' request, triggering the strongest choices!"

"Choice one: Refuse Trunks' request and kill him! Reward: Technique: Evil Spirit Bomb."

"Choice two: Eliminate Bojack and his gang with your own hands! Reward: Technique: Duration of Time-Skip increases by 0.1 second."

"Choice three: Train Trunks and let him eliminate Bojack and his gang, restoring the peace on Earth! Reward: Technique: 2x Kaio-ken without side effects."

Choices with techniques?

Lin Chen did not hesitate and made his choice.

He didn't even consider the choice of killing Trunks for Evil Spirit Bomb technique. The duration of Time-Skip skill increasing by 0.1 second is decent, but it still falls short compared to the last one- 2x Kaio-ken without side effect.

"System, I choose option three!"

"Beep! Confirming host's choice, please complete the task as soon as possible."


On the other side, Earth.

An island surrounded by sea. The island is not large, but it is surrounded by a tumultuous sea for a ten kilometer radius. Giant sharks, measuring up to several meters in length, also lurk beneath the sea. It has been a secluded place in the past.

In the past, this island was used as a secret base by Central City to research space-time technology. However, after an accident, the base was abandoned and only an old person was left living on the island.

But now, this island has become a secret base that nurtures the last hope of humans.

On the island, one can see many human soldiers training.

In addition, there were also a group of young teenagers with turtle shells on their backs, who were sweating profusely in the sun under the guidance of an old man.

The old man was wearing a pair of sunglasses, and no expression could be made out from his face.

At this time, a good-looking female instructor with short hair arrived behind the old man.

"Master Roshi, Aunt Bulma has calmed down and she has started researching again. Aunt Chichi is taking care of her now," said Videl.

"Hmm," nodded Turtle Hermit. "Thank you, Videl. It's been hard on Bulma, losing Vegeta and now Trunks too... I can understand her feelings."

"Master Roshi, do we still have a chance? Trunks was our strongest warrior and now even he is... Even if we defeat Bojack and his gang, Cell will come back one day. Who will be able to defeat Cell then? Do we humans still have a chance?"

"Child, never give up hope!" replied Master Roshi.

"But...," Videl bit her lip, "Master Roshi, is Trunks really dead? Is there still a chance for him to come back?"

Turtle Hermit let out a sigh and shook his head. "The chances are slim, because Trunks' aura has already disappeared..."

Just as Turtle Hermit finished speaking, he suddenly looked up. He took off his sunglasses, and his small eyes widened like copper bells.

"Master Roshi, what's wrong?"

"Don't speak!" Turtle Hermit raised his hand and stared in the distance. "I can feel Trunks' aura again! And there's also another powerful aura near him!"

At that moment, Turtle Hermit's gaze turned back towards the research facility on the island.

"Master Roshi?"

"Let's go! Let's see! Trunks' aura has actually appeared in the research facility!"

After saying that, Turtle Hermit ran towards the research facility with an excited look on his face.

When they arrived, they saw Bulma embracing Trunks while loudly crying.

By the side of the emotional mother and son, there was an unfamiliar man they had never seen before, but the tail behind him made Turtle Hermit excited.

"Saiyan? Is there another Saiyan in this world?"

"Hey! Master Roshi!"

Lin Chen greeted Turtle Hermit and looked at the girl next to him with some surprise, because her appearance reminded him of Satan's daughter, Videl.

"Mom, Master Roshi, everyone... This is Mr. Lin Chen, he is also a Saiyan. If it wasn't for Mr. Lin Chen appearing in time, I fear I would not have been able to return."

After Trunks briefly recounted what had happened, everyone was shocked.

Bulma rushed towards Lin Chen, tightly gripping his hand: "Mr. Lin Chen, thank you for saving Trunks."

Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar Bulma, Lin Chen smiled slightly: "No need to thank me, after all, in my world, we are all friends."

"Is Mr. Lin Chen really from another world?" Videl asked.

"That's right." Lin Chen nodded.

Upon hearing this, Videl immediately looked at Bulma with surprise: "Aunt Bulma, since Mr. Lin Chen can come here, maybe your research can also be successful!"

"Research?" Lin Chen raised an eyebrow.

Trunks said, "Mr. Lin Chen, my mom has been researching time machines on the island. We want to go back in time and change the outcome of the Cell Games."

Lin Chen laughed. He knew that in this world, there should be two Trunks, one who traveled from the future and one who was born in this world. Bulma should also have a time machine, the same one that Cell used to travel through time.

So, it wasn't strange that they had this idea.

But now that Lin Chen has come, it's not necessary to go through so much trouble.

"Bulma, you should know that the time machine can't really manipulate time, it's just a parallel universe jumping machine. Even if you go back in time and change history, this world will not change."

"What?" Trunks turned back, it was the first time he had heard of this.

But what shocked him was that Bulma did not deny it.

"I know, but this is our only hope. Mr. Lin Chen, Goku and the others are all dead, and only Trunks is left. Humans have no means to survive."

Lin Chen shook his head: "Maybe, but don't worry, now that I am here, humans will not perish. I will help you eliminate Bojack and his gang."

"Really, Mr. Lin Chen? Bojack and his gang are very powerful!" Videl and the others heard this and immediately became excited.

Turtle Hermit had a serious look on his face: "Mr. Lin Chen, I don't know how strong you are, but Bojack's strength should not be inferior to Cell during the Cell Games!"

"Don't worry, my strength should be above theirs. In fact, you don't even need me, Trunks has a lot of potential. With proper guidance, he alone can deal with Bojack and his gang."

"I... I can?" Trunks said with some disbelief.

After all, he couldn't even defeat Bojack's henchmen before, and Lin Chen is saying he could defeat Bojack?

This was hard to believe.

"Of course, you are a half-Saiyan and half-Earthling hybrid, you have a very good potential. You just needed the guidance of a good teacher. If you train well, defeating Bojack and his gang will be a very simple thing." Lin Chen patted Trunks on the shoulder.