The destruction of Planet Namek

Finally, Vegeta couldn't bear it any longer.

He had always been someone who didn't want to rely on anyone else, thinking that his own power was enough to help him grow and become stronger.

Now, it seemed that this thinking was too naive.

So he asked, "Your Majesty, how can I become as strong as you? No matter how hard I try, I can't cross the threshold to become a Super Saiyan!"

"Even Kakarot can transform into a Super Saiyan, while I can only transform into Pseudo Super Saiyan!"

"You can transform into Pseudo Super Saiyan?" Lin Chen was a bit surprised.

But after a second thought, Lin Chen felt relieved.

Vegeta's Power Level was already over one million, which exceeded the requirements to become a Super Saiyan. So, it makes perfect sense that he could transform into a Pseudo Super Saiyan.

As for why he couldn't become a Super Saiyan, Lin Chen also understood that it must be because Vegeta's body doesn't have enough S-cells.

This guy was a fighting maniac, a typical Saiyan from the olden times, who rarely put himself in a peaceful environment.

If it weren't for his life on Earth the year before, maybe Vegeta's S-cells wouldn't have been enough for him to even become a Pseudo Super Saiyan.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen smiled slightly and said, "You want to become a Super Saiyan? It's simple. When we leave Planet Namek, you should live on Earth for a year. After a year, you'll definitely become a Super Saiyan."

"What? Your Majesty, are you joking?" Vegeta looked incredulous.

Just living on Earth for a year would make him become a Super Saiyan? How could it be so simple?

But Lin Chen didn't say more. Instead, he looked up at Goku in the sky.

Now, because of his battle with Ginyu, the Planet Namek was almost on the verge of complete collapse, leaving them little time to waste.

"Kakarot! Finish the fight quickly! We have to leave!"

"Got it!" Goku agreed.

As they were speaking, Aka was inwardly shocked.

He didn't expect that two helpers of the other would arrive, and it seemed that both of them were quite strong.

Dealing with just the Saiyan in front of him was already becoming difficult. Was he really going to die here?

"Damn it! What's wrong with King Cold? Why isn't he coming over?"

"Cold? He's already dead," Lin Chen said suddenly.

"What?" Aka was shocked. "How could that be? His Majesty is so powerful, how could he die?"

"Because I'm stronger than him."

At that moment, Aka's breath stopped, and he was stunned for a second.

But, being distracted in battle, especially when facing an evenly matched opponent, is a major taboo.

Goku didn't miss the opportunity. He seized the moment and hit Aka repeatedly with heavy punches, targeting his weakest spots.


One of the punches even pierced Aka's battle armor and penetrated his internal organs.

Taking out his fist, Goku kicked Aka into the sky, watching him become a tiny dot, and then clasped his hands together.


A blue light beam rose into the sky, completely obliterating Aka, not even leaving a single cell behind.

However, at the same time, the final battle between the two had given Planet Namek, which was on the brink of destruction, a final kick.

The moment Aka died, magma representing destruction erupted out everywhere on the planet, and the free energy in the atmosphere transformed into lightning, splitting the ground apart.

"Grab onto me, all of you!"

Lin Chen shouted, letting Krillin and the others grab onto his shoulders. After confirming, he teleported and arrived next to Goku, reaching out to grab him.

Immediately after, he used Instant Transmission, and left this planet on the brink of destruction with everyone.

Just after their figures disappeared, a tiny dot that was almost impossible to detect with the naked eye rushed out of the atmosphere and flew into outer space.

After a few minutes, terrifying loud noises suddenly sounded throughout Planet Namek.

These sounds spread to every corner of the planet, and then suddenly stopped...

Soon after, Planet Namek suddenly exploded.

Afterwards, things became relatively simple.

After returning to Earth, everyone first met Namekians who were sent to Earth by Porunga, and informed them about the final outcome of their homeland.

Learning that Slug and Piccolo had merged, and Piccolo had killed the evil Ginyu for them, all the remaining Namekians expressed their highest respect for Piccolo.

But Piccolo knew that the one they should really be grateful to was Lin Chen. He had only dealt the final blow to Ginyu, so he felt embarrassed by their gratitude.

As for the destruction of their homeland, although they were sad, they also knew that this was inevitable. In order to eliminate evil, their planet could not escape its fate of destruction.

Next, just like in the original work, Bulma invited these Namekians to live in her home, waiting for the Planet Namek's Dragon Balls to recover so they could wish for the resurrection of their people, while also searching for a new home.

This time, because both the Earth and Planet Namek's Dragon Balls were in a cooldown period, they would have to live on Earth for at least three months.

Actually, Lin Chen had also extended an invitation, but after learning that Planet Vegeta's gravity was twelve times that of Earth, the Namekians declined politely. Compared to Planet Vegeta, Planet Namek's gravity was similar to that of Earth and was more suitable for the remaining elderly and the weak among the Namekians.

After arranging the Namekians, everyone began to go their separate ways.

Lin Chen teleported away first. He was eager to see Tights and then take her back to Planet Vegeta.

Then it was Goku and Gohan.

As they were parting ways, Goku glanced at Piccolo and said, "Piccolo, who would have thought that our trip to Planet Namek to rescue you would actually end up making you so strong. When you have time, we should definitely have a good fight."

Piccolo sneered, "Goku, if you want to embarrass yourself, I'm always willing to oblige!"

Goku laughed and then left with Gohan.

Afterwards, Krillin said farewell to Piccolo, and then when he looked towards Vegeta, he didn't know what to say and could only let out an awkward laugh before leaving.

Then Piccolo silently departed, leaving behind only Namekians and Vegeta on the scene.

Bulma pulled out a Hoi-Poi capsule and transformed it into a large airplane before inviting everyone aboard.

However, at that moment, she was surprised to see Vegeta boarding the plane with the Namekians.


"What is it?" Vegeta turned around impatiently.

"Why aren't you returning to Planet Vegeta with Lin Chen?"

"Hmph! I, Vegeta, will go wherever I please! Mind your own business, woman!"

Bulma chuckled and refrained from exposing this tsundere any further.

You can read all three of my novels (TSLDB, APJ, DBSKS) on the same patreon.

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