Super Shenron

In the blink of an eye, it had been a week since the end of the Battle of Planet Namek.

During this time, although Lin Chen had many things to handle, he had been staying with Tights and Hanasia as Hanasia's due date was approaching. Meanwhile, he also introduced Lazuli to them.

Regarding Lazuli, Lin Chen hadn't really figured out what his relationship with her was.

Although Lazuli said she wanted to explore the unknown universe, Lin Chen is not a fool. When a girl travels to another world to follow him back, the implication is clear, does it still need to be spelled out?

But Lazuli didn't make it clear, and Lin Chen didn't want to hurt his two wives, so their relationship remained as special friends for the time being.

However, Tights and Hanasia were more tolerant than Lin Chen had imagined, and they did not express any dissatisfaction.

Especially Tights, who was very interested in Lazuli's past and often chatted with her.

One thing led to another, and their relationship had become like sisters.

Soon it was time for the child to be born.

When Tights gave birth, Lin Chen was not there, but this time he didn't want to miss it.

Being a Saiyan, Hanasia's delivery was very smooth, and soon a healthy boy was born.

Compared to Tights' child, Hanasia's child, named Taro by Lin Chen, was a standard Saiyan boy. His hair color was not as unique as Lin Luo's, but a standard black.

However, compared to the older brother Lin Luo's Power Level of 1000 at birth, Hanasia was disappointed with Taro's Power Level.

"What's going on? This kid's Power Level is only 5?" Hanasia grabbed the little guy's leg and held him up in front of her unhappily.

On the contrary, Tights felt a bit sorry and spoke up for Taro, saying, "Hannah, come on now, Power Level at birth doesn't mean everything. This child could have great potential in the future, who knows?"

Lazuli poked Taro's little brother and said curiously, "That's right, Lin Chen will definitely teach him well."

"That's right," Lin Chen smiled as he looked at his child.

But obviously, Hanasia was still a little disappointed. "Sigh! So annoying. Tights, you can take care of this little brat. I haven't trained for almost a year, my body is getting rusty, I'm going out to train!"

With that, she swung her arm and left.

Lin Chen smiled and shook his head. "Don't worry about her. Lazuli is right, my child won't be trash with just 5 Power Level."

Even if he is a trash with just 5 Power Level, with him here, his child will never be in any danger.

The safe birth of the child finally put Lin Chen's mind at ease, and the things that he had delayed previously, he could now finally resume.

The first thing to do, of course, was to summon Super Shenron.

For Super Shenron, Lin Chen had been intermittently busy for two years, and now it was finally time for the harvest.

Because Super Shenron would cause too much commotion, Lin Chen did not rashly summon it on Planet Vegeta.

Although the Divine Dragons could grant wishes, they could also attract the attention of those with ill intentions, so it was better for fewer people to know about it.

After consulting with the Galactic Patrol, Lin Chen specifically chose an empty star sector to summon the Divine Dragon.

An empty star sector refers to the area between several galaxies.

Unlike most areas of the universe, these star sectors often had no stars or galaxies within tens of thousands of light-years, so almost no one passed through them in normal times.

Using Instant Transmission, Lin Chen arrived at the deepest part of the empty star sector between the North Area and the East Area, took out the seven Super Dragon Balls from the system space, and placed them together.

The seven Dragon Balls, each comparable to an enormous planet, were arranged together, looking particularly magnificent.

Buzz buzz buzz!

When the Dragon Balls of Earth or Planet Namek are gathered together, they would react and create an abnormal phenomenon.

The Super Dragon Balls were no exception. When the seven Dragon Balls gathered together, they began to emit dazzling light in a regular pattern. Each time they flickered, it seemed to cause the surrounding space to tremble.

"Oh my! Such a rare opportunity surely calls for witnessing it with one's own eyes," a somewhat feminine voice suddenly appeared in Lin Chen's ear.

Accompanied by this voice, a seven-colored stream of light flew from a far distance and Whis, holding his scepter, appeared in front of Lin Chen with a smile.

"Mr. Whis?"

"Hello, Lin Chen. Don't mind me, I just came to see Super Shenron. You better act quickly. I sneaked out while Beerus-sama was asleep. If he finds out, I won't be able to explain it."

"Mr. Whis, have you been monitoring me all this time?" Lin Chen frowned.

"Of course not, I just received a reminder when you took out the Super Dragon Balls."


Lin Chen didn't think Whis would do anything harmful to him.

After all, Angels must remain neutral.

He took a deep breath and loudly shouted in the divine language.

"Come forth, Dragon of the Gods! Grant my wish, pretty peas!"

Whis looked a bit surprised at Lin Chen. He didn't expect this Saiyan to know the divine language.

"I made a wish to Porunga," Lin Chen explained.

Whis had a sudden realization.

At that moment, a dragon's roar that sounded like it came from ancient times echoed for tens of thousands of light years around them.

A dazzling golden light burst forth from the seven super dragon balls.

In the midst of this dazzling light, the body of Super Shenron appeared!

An enormous divine dragon with two wings, and emitting a completely different sacred aura compared to Earth's Shenron and Planet Namek's Porunga, descended in front of the two.

However, the enormous divine dragon did not immediately respond to Lin Chen's call. Instead, it suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed Lin Chen and Whis.

"Oh ho ho, this scene is always so shocking to see." Whis couldn't help but sigh.

"Have you seen Super Shenron before, Mr. Whis?" Lin Chen asked curiously.

"Yes, but it was a long time ago."

Seeing that Whis didn't say anything else, Lin Chen once again focused his attention on Super Shenron.

Inside Super Shenron's body was a marvelous space filled with colorful and gorgeous scenery.

Not long after, the manifestation of Super Shenron also descended in this space.

Although it couldn't compare to its outer body, just this manifestation alone was several hundred times larger than Planet Namek's Porunga.

After a dragon's roar, Super Shenron lowered its massive head and stared at Lin Chen with its two crimson eyes, filled with immense pressure.

"Those who have gathered the seven dragon balls, state your wish!"

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