Clone Army and 21's true colors

Shin wore a dumbfounded expression, feeling as though he had fallen from heaven to hell.

The mission to defeat Majin Buu has taken unexpected twists and turns.

First, the expected Majin Buu became the even more powerful Android 21.

Then, they discovered that there wasn't just one expert on Earth who could defeat Android 21.

But most unexpectedly, just when victory seemed close, Android 21 managed to escape!

"Not go! We can't let Android 21 escape like this. She has absorbed Majin Buu's cells and is filled with the evil influence of a demon! If she escapes like this, not just Earth, but the entire universe would be in danger!"

"Mr. Goku, Mr. Vegeta, please, you must find Android 21!"

"But, even if you say that, we don't know where she is right now. That 21 seems to be able to hide her aura..." Goku said helplessly.

However, at this moment, Lin Luo suggested, "Uncle Goku, before she left, didn't that Android mention that she was going to find something to eat? Could she be going to absorb other powerful fighters?"

"Other powerful fighters? But all the powerful fighters on Earth are... Oh no!"

Goku suddenly realized where Android 21 might be headed.

Not just him, Vegeta had the same realization.

"Damn it! World Martial Arts Tournament!"

"Everyone, we will use Instant Transmission to get there!"

"Not good, Hannah and the others are still at the tournament venue!"

Shin shouted and grabbed Lin Luo and Taro, while Kibito grabbed Gohan and Lazuli. Goku also pulled Vegeta along. They immediately used Instant Transmission and headed to the World Martial Arts Tournament venue.


Let's rewind to a moment earlier. World Martial Arts Tournament's venue.

The appearance of Android 16 surprised Android 18.

"16? How are you here? Did you come back from the future world?"

"Yes, 18, I came for you."

Upon hearing this, 18 raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about, you fool?"

"Cough, cough!"

Before Android 16 could respond, the tournament's host intervened, standing in front of Android 16. "Sir, I don't care what your relationship with Miss 18 is, but could you please step aside? We are about to proceed with the tournament's award ceremony. Please..."

The host's words were cut short as he was stunned to see Android 16 suddenly turn his gaze towards him, with a hint of crimson light in his eyes.

In the next moment, Android 16 threw a powerful punch towards the host. With just one blow, he actually created a large hole in the arena.

Luckily, just before Android 16's fist could strike the host, two figures descended from the sky. One of them grabbed the host and moved him out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the attack.

"Hey! Uncle! Were you trying to kill him?" Trunks glared at Android 16, his anger evident.

On the other side, Goten handed the host over to Mr. Satan, who was in the arena, and told them to leave quickly.

"You are... Trunks?" 16's gaze fell on Trunks, and his eyes softened for a moment.

However, this tenderness did not last long. Soon, coldness returned to his eyes.

18 also approached, questioning, "16, what's going on? You almost killed someone just now!"

"For her, even if I have to eliminate everyone, I wouldn't care," 16 suddenly raised his hand. Following this, Krillin and others who had been standing nearby, seemingly indifferent, surrounded them.

Seeing their father among the crowd, Trunks and Goten were puzzled. "Dad, why are you here? Has Majin Buu been defeated?"

"Dad, what are you guys doing? Are you with this Uncle?"

As Trunks and Goten spoke, Android 18's gaze swept across the crowd, particularly focusing on Krillin.

Suddenly, her gaze froze, and she shouted at Trunks and Goten, "Be careful, both of you! They are impostors!"


Almost at that moment, Goku and Vegeta each moved to attack Trunks and Goten.

Fortunately, thanks to Android 18's warning, the two boys managed to dodge in time.

"What's going on? Dad, why did you just attack me?"

"Yeah, Dad, you're acting really strange!"

"You idiots, didn't you hear? They're impostors! They're not Goku and Vegeta!"


Trunks and Goten were shocked and couldn't believe it.

However, at this time, Android 16 spoke up, "She's right. These aren't the people you know. They are just clones!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

Suddenly, several more figures landed near the arena. Surprisingly, these people were also Goku and the others!

When numerous Goku and others appeared on the scene, everyone was left dumbfounded.

"16, what's going on? What's your true purpose?" Android 18 asked.

"My true purpose? I..."

Just as Android 16 was about to answer, another figure suddenly appeared in the arena, cackling loudly.

"Hahaha, his purpose is to help me capture you, 18!" Android 21, looking at Android 18, stuck out her tongue and greedily licked her lips.

"Who are you?"

18 looked at Android 21, puzzled. She didn't know who this person was, but for some reason, upon seeing Android 21, she sensed a familiarity deep within her heart, as if she had known this person before.

It was as if she had a vague memory of her.

"Hello, I'm Android 21. It seems like you might have some impression of me? It's not surprising, after all, it was me who transformed you all into an Android back then. In your human memories, it seems that a trace of that remains."


Upon hearing Android 21's words, 18 finally remembered everything.

"You're Dr. Vomi?"

"Ah! Have you finally remembered? That's right, it's me, your dear Aunt Vomi!" Android 21's face revealed an evil grin.

Dr. Vomi, in this world, was the creator of Android 16, 17, and 18. While their blueprints came from Dr. Gero, it was Vomi who turned the blueprints into reality.

Furthermore, she used Dr. Gero's blueprints to create Android Cell!

With Android 18 recognizing Dr. Vomi, everything finally came back to her.


"Dr. Vomi, why did you modify yourself into an Android?"

"What's the problem with being an Android? You gain eternal life, a youthful appearance, and absolute power. Didn't Gero do the same? He was just foolish, leaving you with infinite energy while transforming himself into an energy-absorbing type. That design, like Android 20, has absolutely no purpose."

"I'm different. I directly used Cell's blueprint to make myself a perfect Android! Plus, I unexpectedly obtained the cells of Majin Buu. Now, I'm even stronger than Cell. I am the true Ultimate Android..."

"Oh, by the way, I can't yet be considered... I need to obtain your and Android 17's eternal energy source, the World Core, to become a true Ultimate Android!"

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