Clone Army and 21's true colors (II)

"World Core? What is that?" Android 18 asked with a puzzled expression.

Android 21 smiled slightly and explained, "World Core is your eternal energy reactor, the reason why you and Android 17 are so special."

"Have you ever wondered why you and Android 17 are infinite energy types, while later Androids, even Cell, aren't infinite energy types?"

"Well..." Android 18 was taken aback. This was something she and Android 17 had wondered about in the past, especially after learning from 17 and 18 from Future Trunks' world that even in their world, there were only the two of them with infinite energy models, along with a completely mechanical being, Android 16. Her doubts grew deeper.

Could there really be some secret behind this?

"Of course, there is!" Android 21 laughed. "In this world, there's no such thing as an eternal energy reactor. The so-called infinite energy in your bodies actually comes from a substance called World Core!"

"I found this substance where Majin Buu was sealed, and there are only three of them in total. One of them was only half intact. The two and a half World Cores are the true essence of the eternal energy reactor!"

"It's because of them that you and Android 17 are so special. As Androids, you not only have infinite energy but your strength also has the capability of infinite growth."

Android 18's eyes widened and she took a step back unconsciously.

So, her body concealed such a secret. No wonder Cell's power grew significantly after absorbing her and Android 17. It was all because of this energy reactor called World Core.

So... now that Android 21 had said so much, could her intentions be...

"Judging by your expression, I think you've figured it out, haven't you? That's right! If I can consume you and Android 17, my power might increase significantly, just like Cell's."

"Although it's not necessary, I'm really curious about the taste of the World Core within you."

Android 21 licked her lips and then gave a glare to the nearby Android 16.

"In fact, my initial target was you and Android 17 from the future world. That's why I sent 16 there specifically. Unfortunately, this guy is too dumb and came back empty-handed, so I had to shift my focus to you."

"Android 16? Were you... you in cahoots with her all along?"

Hearing that Android 21 had ordered Android 16 to go to the future world, Android 18 found it hard to believe.

But in response to her question, Android 16 nodded, "That's right, my mission was to monitor you as Android 21's spy. Don't forget, I can't betray Android 21."

Android 18 paused, then understood what Android 16 meant.

Indeed, in this world, Android 16 was the one and only who couldn't betray Android 21's commands.

Because Android 16 is a prototype of none other than the son of Dr. Gero and Dr. Vomi, who is the predecessor of Android 21!

Back when they were still in the Red Ribbon Army, Dr. Gero and Dr. Vomi had a son.

He was a soldier in the Red Ribbon Army, but he unexpectedly died in battle.

Since then, Dr. Gero and Dr. Vomi had intensified their research on Androids, attempting to resurrect their son.

And Android 16 was the embodiment of their son.

So, although he was a purely mechanical Android, in a way, Android 16 was Android 21's son, and he couldn't betray his own mother.

"Enough!" Android 21 bypassed Android 16 and approached Android 18.

"I've said what needed to be said. Now, are you going to satisfy my appetite? My stomach is growling!"

"No way! I won't let anyone absorb me again!" Android 18 clenched her teeth and assumed a fighting stance.

Trunks and Goten also came to Android 18's side.

"Aunt 18, we're here to help you!"

With that, both of them transformed into Super Saiyan.

"You are interesting, kids…..You look quite delicious too," Android 21 narrowed her eyes and a faint pink light appeared on her fingertip.

However, just as she was about to attack, she suddenly sensed danger and involuntarily moved away from the arena, quickly retreating to Android 16's side.

"16!" Android 21 called out.

Android 16 immediately responded, "Yes, he's back! The energy wave pattern is confirmed; it's Lin Chen! He's currently 1,200 kilometers north of this location."

"Did he go to look for Goku and the others?" Android 21's face displayed a cunning smile. "I'm still not a match for Lin Chen right now, and even activating the device won't help. Let's retreat!"

"I understand."

Almost as soon as they finished their conversation, a group of figures suddenly appeared in the arena.

These figures were none other than Goku and the others who had just fought against Android 21. However, this time, there was an additional person among them, and it was none other than Lin Chen, who had just returned to Earth!

Because he suspected that Goku and the others might have encountered Android 21, Lin Chen immediately locked on to their positions as soon as he returned to Earth.

As expected, he found them gathered together, looking like they had just been through a battle.

After a brief exchange, Lin Chen learned that Goku and the others were pursuing Android 21, so he joined them.


Just as Lin Chen and the others appeared, Android 16 suddenly shouted, and immediately, the cloned people present the scene began to move.

The clones rushed onto the arena and began to attack Lin Chen and the others without hesitation.

The sudden attack didn't frighten Goku and his group, but when they saw the faces of the attackers, everyone, including Lin Chen, was stunned.

"What's going on?"

"Are they us?"

"Wow, Brother Gohan, this person looks exactly like you!"

"What's happening here?"

The identity of the attackers left Goku and his group in a state of confusion.

In the crowd, Lin Chen's gaze locked onto Android 21 in the distance.

"Are you Android 21?"

"Lin Chen!" Android 21 coldly waved to Lin Chen, "While I'd love to have a chat with you, I have a dinner appointment to attend to right now. Let's talk next time!"

With that, Android 21 grabbed Android 16 and immediately used Instant Transmission to leave the scene.

"21!" Lin Chen didn't deliberately chase after her because he had just learned from Goku and the others that Majin Buu, who was supposed to have revived, seemed to be dead!

Instead, Android 21 had appeared in his place!

What the heck was going on?

If Buu was already dead, how was he supposed to complete his mission?

Did he have to travel through time again?

But the system had already warned him that he had to deal with this world's Buu.

All of this would have to be figured out once everything at the scene was resolved.

With these thoughts in mind, Lin Chen withdrew his gaze and began to take on the clones around him.

Speaking of which, these clones were quite troublesome.

Not only did they look almost identical to Goku and the other Z Fighters, but their strength and techniques were nearly identical as well.

Apart from their gray-colored clothing, their appearances were indistinguishable from the originals, and even their auras were the same.

Fortunately, the strongest among these clones were Goku and Vegeta's, and their clones only had power level equivalent to Super Saiyan 2. It seemed that these clones couldn't transform into Super Saiyan 3.

Therefore, with Goku and Vegeta giving it their all, along with Lin Chen's help, the clones were quickly suppressed.

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