Target Two


The man sighed as he held the papers out,

"You heard me take this to Eguchi Kazushi in the sales department"

At least this guy wasn't a target so she could speak semi freely,

"Ah yes, i heard i just don't understand why exactly I have to give it to him?"

The man's eye twitched and he tried to intimidate her. Daigo laughed looking over,

"If you want sir i can deliver it for her"

He looks her way and winks sending her a heart that she desperately dodges. And succeeds.

"No, this is her work and the least she can do is greet Kazushi-san."

He shoves the papers in her hand and storms off and with a sigh she's on her way. All this paperwork was driving her crazy though. She hated working hard and just wanted to go home and sleep was that too much to ask for…


She could feel her heart leave her body. Heart still pounding she looks over to see in another room a man squatting on the floor. She really doesn't want to get involved but she is curious as to what he is doing and takes a step closer only to end up kicking a bottle laying there. The noise makes the man turn.



•Shinsato Naosuke

•Janitor - Headstrong, rude, aggressive with a sob story that he won't let go of / "Let's be together forever

He gives her a scowl,

"What you want?"

And there without fail the options pop up,

[Nothing, i was just curious]

[Do you need help?]

Dear god who wrote these choices? If she said curious wouldn't that look like she was looking down on him? And didn't she have more important things to do then helping the janitor? Which was the lesser of two evils? Was there even one?

[do you need help?]

He looked at her and she saw the heart rise with dread. Why were guys so easy? She couldn't keep a boyfriend for her life but these target guys were like dogs wagging their tails with the tiniest bit of attention. Still despite the heart he scoffed.

"You know how to get ink out of rugs? You guys just take advantage of cleaners and make whatever messes you want. You think just cause you make more money you don't have to be decent, clean human beings…"

He continued to rant and nona was impressed, how was this guy a target anyway? He was handsome she would admit that but regardless his personality was crap.

"You think i'm just a slave don't you!?"

That got her attention and she quickly shook her head,

[No, i would never think that]

[well you are a janitor…]

Was this even a choice? She wasn't some heartless human!

[no, i wouldn't think that]

He scoffed again a heart forming. She couldn't keep up with this guy. Was he some kind of tsundere

"Sure…ya know, i didn't want to be a janitor. In fact i wanted to be a musician. But everything cost money so i'm doing what i have to. Well you probably don't care anyway…"

Not really… and who just opened up like that on their first meeting?


[Having an ambition is amazing]

She sighed as she looked at the guy trying to scrub the floor. She then reached over to his cart and getting a liquid began to pour it on a cloth. He stopped to watch her as she patted the ground.

[having an ambition is amazing]

She smiled and then lifted the cloth to see the ink lifting. She knew that trick her mother had told her would work. She once spilled ink on her carpet and had cried to her mother like a baby for help and she mentioned this solution. Thank god it worked…..

Bright eyes and flushed cheeks and…


Lots of hearts…

Oh god not again.


How to Remove Permanent Ink Stains from Carpet

1.Moisten the ink stain with either rubbing alcohol or non-oily hairspray.

2.Once you begin to lightly blot the ink stain from the carpet, you should start to see the color transfer onto the towel.

3.Once the area is stain-free, dab the area with a towel dipped in lukewarm water.