Target Three

There was just no way to get out of there fast enough. And why the heck were all these guys so blindingly handsome? With a relaxing sigh she quickly asked someone for directions and continued on. She had come to learn that good looks didn't mean good people. And she would admit that she was shallow enough that looks were important to her but someone looking so good that there were literal sparkles flying around them was becoming a new phobia.


She got to the desk that clearly said Eguchi Kazushi but it was empty. Everything was frighteningly organized and she couldn't help but look on jealousy look at it.

But where was the desk resident?

She turned to look around and then there just a bit away she saw two guys talking. The handsome one (cause let's face it you can always choose) looked just about done and turned her way.


Her eyes widened as like some movie the walk slowed down and the data came up

•Eguchi Kazushi

•Top salesman - uppity, bossy, hard worker who strives for perfection and wants to raise higher than his station / "I am loyally yours forever"

She felt her lip quiver and the tears form. Was it too much to ask for just a normal person?

He stopped in front of her and looked down on her.

"Do you need something?"


[Are you Eguchi Kazushi?]

So basically she was going to sound like a moron no matter what she chose. Because 'huh' was barely a real word in her book and asking if he was Eguchi was redundant. She had seen his name over his head and he had stopped at the desk that was clearly Eguchi Kazushi! But she had to chose and she wasn't going to make a moron out of…. Well at least a bigger moron out of herself.

[Are you Eguchi Kazushi?]

He looked at her coldly and sighed waving her to the side in a motion that reminded her of shooing a fly. He went for his chair and sat,

"Depends on who's asking but if it wasn't clear enough; yes"


Great a prick.

Were girl's into that these days?...


Okay so it was a turn on for her but she shoved that BACK INTO THE KINKY BOX WHERE IT BELONGED DAGNABBIT!

[Hello, my name is Nona Shiho]

[i have some documents for you]

There was no need to extend this conversation more than necessary.

[I have some documents for you]

He raised a brow as she handed him the papers with a slight bow. She was trying to be polite. She waited as he reviewed the documents not sure if she was dismissed. And well if he wanted her to leave he certainly would, wouldn't he?

"You did this?"

She waited to the options but nothing came up.


He continued looking and flipping through the papers as she struggled with herself. She only looked up when he slammed the papers on the desk and those cold eyes looked back at her.

"It looks fine, good work"

She couldn't stop the blush because she wasn't as immune to handsome men as she wished she was.

[Thank you]

[I was just doing my job]


But this was easy because she never took compliments well,

[I was just doing my job]

She said with a bow trying to secretly calm her heart and breathing but when she looked up her eye twitched as a heart rose
