Just don’t pass out.

Breathe. Deep breaths.

Why was she here?

Here being in front of the heavy mahogany door that was metal plated with the name


Zakai Hijori

Still she couldn't wait outside forever and with another breath prepared for her free will to disappear and gave a firm knock.

"Come in"

She didn't need multiple choice to know she was going in.

The room was large with a huge bay window behind an obnoxious obony desk. The desk itself was covered in organized papers and the like and there behind it sitting like a king on his throne was Zakai.

She wasn't a fan.

He was good looking that was true. Most of the targets were. But besides that he was cocky. He was someone who clearly felt entitled and it rubbed her all sorts of wrong.

"Nona shiho. Come in. Your standing so far away people might think I bite"

He said coyly

She was unaffected hot or not she was pretty sure he skipped his rabies shot. But ever obedient she moved closer and with the smile of a professional gave a slight bow.

Perhaps her silence would be taken as nervousness she didn't know but for now her lips were forcibly sealed.

"You really are a shabby thing aren't you?"

He rose like a predator and walked around the desk toward her. She kept her smile though there was a part of her that wanted to slug him.

"Yet strangely there's something about you"

She watched the heart float up in inward disinterest,

"Tell me, what's so special about you?"

She tried to focus on the words he was saying but the disappearing space between them was making her seriously uncomfortable.

[im sorry, what?]

[did you need something?]


She was sweating by now and she wished she could disappear at this rate.

[im sorry, what?]

Because that was honestly how she felt. What was he doing? Where was he going with this? WHERE WAS THE PROFESSIONALISM!?

He smiled like a carnivore who had their prey right where they wanted them. And she didn't know where that was because all she wanted to do was get out of there.

"You know…."

Her eyes would surely just pop out of her head and roll with how wide they were watching as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"Maybe you aren't so shabby after all"

Good god someone help her.




The door slammed open and there in the threshold was none other than ….

"Eguchi….. I do recall the proper etiquette is knocking."